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Posts posted by SailorEffinMoon

  1. Oh ouch, all that crashing over such mynute details?!  That's crazy.  Well I'm glad you figured it out, I was getting a lil worried you were gonna go off and rage quit :lolhuh:Did ya see the SimGurus announcing another FREE update soon?  I'm sure it's gonna be perfect.  Absolutely no bugs whatsoever LOL   

  2. Ikr, I started using the Sims Tray Importer in hopes of it helping me weed out pesky conflicts that cause the game to shoot out errors at me:scared:. Tbh I find the Tray importer far more helpful then the error reports most of the time, sad to say.  I guess what Coolspear is talking about is whole other ball of wax but. as a person who knows nothing about modding, pulling out files that conflict w one another is generally easier than the 50/50 method, UGG.  Too many mods? Maybe, but without them Simlife is unbearable. 

    As far as the aurora shits go, I've have been using Bienchens 'novisibleecoeffets' mod too.  I wondered wtf those debug items were in my inventory?! Now I know, LOL that's too funny :P  I'll just plop a link to the mod here if your interested in taking a look at the mod @coolspear https://deichschafblog.de/bienchen/nachhaltig-leben-eco-lifestyle/ . Not sure if it's okay to link to other sites here but I figured I'd skip you the step of having to look it up for yourself 😉 

  3. Actually after reading your posts (I've kind of been stalking your threads for a year now, lol) I've slowed my game down 3x as well.  At first it was out of curiosity and now I quite enjoy it.  I've tried the TS4 one and I dunno, it doesn't feel quite right on my pc.  Probably cuz it's old and I abuse my pc w multitasking on a seperate monitor whilst playing the game or it could just be all the mods I use to cut out stupid crap I don't like from the game?  I'm not sure.  I hate guesstimating and potentially looking like an absolute twat *blushes* .  I'll toss it in again now that I have a bigger household and see how she holds up. Also, I'm the one who edited the resource, cuz it hurt my brain to read and I saw no reason for the spacing.  Thank-you for your feedback, it's much appreciated 🙂

  4. You need to create a folder and name it "Overrides" and then put that folder inside your mods folder.  Then you need to add ONE version (not all) of Coolspears "QuickerAutonomy&SimulationLagImprovements" packages into that Overrides folder.  Which one?  It depends on your PC and playstyle.  I've got a 5 yr old PC and like to have a lot of sims around in my gameplay.  I've believe (Coolspear may correct me) that TS4 is the fastest.  I've tried up to TS16 and have found that, that one seems to work best for me. 

    Also, your gonna need a new Resource.cfg file, I've attached it to this post.  It basically tells the game to read anything in the "Overrides" folder BEFORE all your other mods.  Put the Resource.cfg text file into your mods folder, it'll ask to overwrite the original one, say "yes".  

    One final note, as with most mods you install, you should go into your "The Sims 4" folder and delete your "localthumbcache.package" file.  

    I believe that's everything *phew*. Good luck and happy gaming 😄


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