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Status Replies posted by Trif

  1. Want to play my sims, but told myself I wouldn't until I finished their new house, but I can change my mind right? X)

  2. I got bored and decided to try and update Sunset Valley. Because of that, I'm now contemplating CAW. Very slowly.

  3. XD Do not ask me questions if you are not ready for the FULL fangirl answer, I don't have a 'normal response' setting!

  4. Still no water

  5. See you on Friday!

  6. Still no water

  7. Still no water

  8. Still no water

  9. Such a Monday, just broke my coffee pot.

  10. Such a Monday, just broke my coffee pot.

  11. Can't write, can't write.omg stand back, all the words at once avalanche!

  12. 2.5 hour dinner with the inlaws, my ears are bleeding. How can one person talk THAT much for THAT long?!?!

  13. Can't write, can't write.omg stand back, all the words at once avalanche!

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