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Posts posted by spidergirl79

  1. Crazy. And I had a g-dam mod that 'accidentally' *grr* gave every man, woman and child, toddler, dog and cat in my game level 1 fame. got annoyed by that and deleted a bunch.of useless townies, but removed fame from everyone else. Yup. LE's all over the place. 


    Even when I tried as an experiment, to save a family to my library and install them into a new, fresh game save, I still got the LE! Unreal!

  2. I use Littlemisssam's no fans/paparazzi lot trait mods for places I want to keep peaceful!


    My issues with the game/restaurants was lazy ass idiot waiters not delivering food, and patrons leaving without eating. I think I discovered why. Apparently if something is 'above' your chef's station, the waiter cannot deliver it (ugh!). (Same with washing dishes in the sink or dishwasher at home, if something is above or on it, the sims won't do it!). I'm going to download a vanilla version of Chez Llama and try it with your mod (and LMS) and see how it goes. Wish me luck!

  3. So my sims can be invited to outdoor parties and be able to dance even when it's not raining?! Nifty!! Coolspear. once again you save the game from itself!


    ETA: I just went to a party and the DJ booth still won't work (it's snowing).despite using your mod. :(


    Actually let me clarify. The DJ booth that generates by a party at the Chalet doesn't work, however if I place one myself on the lot, it does. Weird! (Sorry for the double post)

  4. This is awesome. I've had this thing happen, where if my parents left the lot and the baby was sent to daycare, the game would think my baby was being neglected and take it away while my sims were out. when I returned to the lot, the baby's icon would still be there, but when I click on the baby, the game would zoom out to a remote location to a baby that wasn't there. the only way to save the baby was to disrupt everyone's lives by moving household, whereby the baby would be returned to me and I'd be forced to age up. This was a nightmare for sims in the active career. Daycare wasn't caring for the baby at all and I'd get a game error notification as well. :/ This should help.I hope! :) Thanks as usual.

  5. So I have MC Command Center, but I don't have population or pregnancy modules, I don't have Wicked Whims installed either. My game is a lot like Jurassic Park, no unauthorized breeding is allowed! I have autonomous try for baby selected off.


    At first it was just townies having babies with each other.


    But then a townie had a baby with a husband and father who is (unplayed, game generated, housed) in my game. Then a townie male (housed) had a baby with Miko Ojo (premade, housed, roommate to Darling Walsh, city living). I am living in fear that some of my beloved families (although flagged for no affairs) will still end up fathering babies. I may just pause playing this household for a while (to see if babies keep popping up).

  6. Ummm stupid question but do any of the doctor career mods affect population. I don't know if this is coincidence or not but ever since installing it, I've had babies generating between townies and premades and I'm a little worried some of my sims I specifically don't want having "affairs" will become parents. I did not install any population mods recently.

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