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Posts posted by brigitte

  1. LOL, my, how long do you plan what you're writing about your mods? Is it a spontaneous thing? I guess it is. So cool!

    I would listen to you till the cows come home, and never ever (not in your house or anywhere else) would I consider to start jogging around. Okay, except some evil relative comes by. But that could be explained while taking off.

    Yeah, there seem to be some serious ADHD issues with the sims :prancing:, and before a certain mod got rid of "death by outdoor exercise" the joggers were at least punished for doing their spontaneous running act. Death penalty in winter or heat wave time :whistling:. Not good, I know. But I really hated that jogging thing, especially in restaurants and in other inappropriate situations.

    Thank you!

  2. Does that mean that Daddy won't get a pile of shit anymore? :60:

    On my first Winter holiday whatever it's called, Dad got a pile of stinky poo, but no one went there doing a prank. I watched like a hawk (but maybe I'm getting older). It was included in the general present heap. Must be Maxis humour again (my, ARE they funny!!!).

    Thank you very much, because it was EVIL. That literal pile of shit under the christmas tree. Ahem, under the father Winter snowpal politically correct plant being. Winter tree. Whatever.

    Same kind of evil was "Flower Bunny" on my first - what's it called? - "eggs party". That sweet looking girl (wtf) "hated children". Without your trait mod I'd have her killed off right away. My poor toddlers. Again Maxis humour, piles of shit and a Flower Bunny that hates children. Some traits should be banned for supposedly benign entities. But that's my personal opinon. - Obviously I still suffer from PTSD of first Winterfest and Egg Hunt Whatever. Don't even mention the gnomes!!! :crying:

  3. Thank you for the puddle choice!!! :love7:

    And for your comments about a modder's dignified puddle management.

    Yesterday I had Grim over for a visit (nothing serious, I just like him), but HE also gets on my nerves with his endless moaning about his OWN puddles beneath him! My, what shit. He puddles along and then complains about his own black oil soup, and he isn't even neat. - That was again such an instant when I'm yelling at the screen: "Grim, man, you wet MY floor with your black shit, so just don't complain about it! Or wear a mop on your invisible feet." I think we need a weapon for Grim himself to evaporate his black pee. But he wouldn't do that unless having complained about it for an hour.

    Thanks so much to help us getting rid of. ahem. all that wetness. :hehehe:

  4. LOL, now WE have to wet our undies (your words) because of the announced "CoolSpear's Street Life Mod" without Leafpiles.  :5206:

    I'm so so happy that you're really back with your fantastic descriptions, with bombastic mods AND even new ones to look forward to.

    Get the new ones out of the closet, pleeeez! Want to see that Street Life Leaf Pile happening thingy.

    All your latest mods are great, and your writing. YEY, you're back!!!! Don't LEAF us again!

    I will have to research the Mandela Effect now, and I must agree with KayBee that I'm happy you're not listening to our own piano practise (I wear headphones for that and use the "normal" piano for "after practise"). 

    Well done for the leaving leaves and piano and appartment shit and the "fuck off nice accessories" in the sauna and the school project for adults. The last one reminds me of "Loriot", a  German comedian, who in a Christmas special featured some "nuclear reactor handicraft set" as  present for the kid, but the adults played with it and loved it how the "poor cows blow up" and the "buildings go down". Great satire.

    So happy you're back with new ideas plus mods and new rant and rage and fun and deep insights. :loveshower:

  5. Wow, Cool, you know, I just LOVE your mods!!!!. couldn't live without them.

    But I ALSO love and adore your - don't have the right words in English - "art of writing", commenting and thus interacting with EA's quirks and all. It's hilarious!!!! You should make some sort of "novel", manual or whatever, put together all your comments about the game issues, your opinion and the way of handling it. "Coolspear chats with EA, sipping English tea" (or rather "juice" to keep your nerves).  Your comments are tremendously entertaining!!!! . I often try to translate them for my family when they find me again giggling along to your latest updates, but that's rather impossible, 'cause the fun is also in your use of language and I just can't get that into the translation. Cool, you ever planned being an author?!  You're really a standup (or sitdown) comedian, to say the least. - I'd like to read your mod descriptions (the more the merrier) all day long, because they really cheer me up like not many things else! You're cool, Coolspear! :-) And thanks for all your work and wit (crawling backwards in admiration)!!!

    P.S. When I read about your thoughts (again) to quit modding (and I already was SO grateful for your motivating mother who saved the pets-patch for all of us), I loudely wailed for the misery ahead. My husband asked grumpely: "NOOO, it's the Sims again?" (like every five days or so) . "Aaaah, it's Coolspear again?. How does he put up with this?" - He remembered my whining, when you first left MTS and I thought you went AWOL for good, until I finally found you here, yet with weeping and gnashing of teeth after every damn patch, because he's right: Your patience IS extraordinary! . However, I told him that YES, it's the Sims and it's also Coolspear, but we'd never wail to Cool directly as this is the last thing he'd need (imagine having hundreds of howling asylum women - and others? - stalking you for updates and whatnot). Only AFTER your descision to keep on, I now allow myself a final shudder of relief. And I'd understand if you'd have enough - for whatever reasons. - Now you're back and I'm very happy PLUS amused thanks to your writing! :wub:

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