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Everything posted by nixicole

  1. Thanx, everybody here, for fixing the crappy start I had to the day! Whoot! And twallan made it even better by fixing the SP link to Woohooer! Go update, everybody!

    1. Loralie0512


      Thanks for the head up! I seriously need to update all my mods.

  2. Thanx, everybody here, for fixing the crappy start I had to the day.

  3. Contemplating fleshing out my TS3 Sim Library myself. Having doubts.

  4. keeps trying to think of a custom title to request, but I got nothin'.

    1. Nellas


      I had trouble for the longest with mine as well but someone ended up saying it towards me and it stuck.

  5. keeps learning new things! See how you guys are?

  6. Gets tacos for her birthday tomorrow. Yum!

  7. is currently using anger as an energy source. Probably not healthy.

  8. Peanut butter and crackers. Am I the only one who adds a little extra butter the the peanut butter for this?

  9. "Mermaids cannot be shared or saved to sim bin." Grrrrrrrrrr. And I thought my Triton remake was a vast improvement. *pissed googling*

    1. Nellas


      Just save as a library file instead. That is how I shared my mermaids.

  10. Learning new things. Thank you, Jenn!

  11. Note to self: witches make EXCELLENT collectors! :D

  12. *eyes DL folder worriedly* How you doin' there?

    1. Cloudwalker


      Download folder to Nixicole: Groannnnn

    2. arathea
    3. nixicole
  13. loves having contacts. And purple sparkly eyeshadow. I am, however, verging on downloaded out, and haven't even made it all the way through NYGirl and Lapis. :(

  14. is having trouble keeping up with Sleepy's Cove upgrades!

  15. can no longer take the dearth of cc clothes and hair. *settles in for a spree*

  16. twallan's been updating this week.

  17. *misses default painting replacements mod*

  18. So much for cleaning. But I got back all the littlecat toddler hairs. Again. And will eventually be very, very happy for that tattoos thread I started. *head hurts*

  19. Cleaning up Downloads folder, then real house cleaning. :(

  20. No work tomorrow = Play Time Tonight!

  21. Shrinkifying is hard - especially if you don't know what's normally found in a city/town hall. *is spoiled*

  22. eating Reese's minis and contemplating cleaning.

  23. Might be feeling a building urge coming on.

  24. Looking forward to being off the next 2 days!

  25. One disaster-free day down. One to go. Then off for 2! *snags a margarita * - at least, if the bar's still open.

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