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Status Updates posted by nixicole

  1. Hope everyone had a great weekend! (Can I come visit your house for the next one?) :) Have an awesome Monday!

  2. Thank medicine for chiropractors.

  3. *sets computer on fire* Getting the new ssd to at least register should not be this hard! *vows not to start thread for at least a day* Grr.

  4. I like my new doctor. :)

  5. Sinuses suck. Who wants to cut off my nose?

  6. Going shopping, will be broke by end of day. :)

  7. FINALLY!!! Got a referral for an ear/nose/throat specialist from my new doctor. I'm so excited - or would be if the extreme humidity wasn't trying to kill me! Hope everybody had a good Memorial Day!

  8. Hope everybody (myself included!) gets to enjoy their weekend!

  9. Finally Friday! The sucky shift, but I get the next 3 days off - and I have cookies - so it's all good!

  10. Empty house = getting to play without getting yelled at (yet) :)

  11. I think it might be waaay too easy for a sim to make money consigning stuff.

  12. Of course, the Grand Juror Summons would be fore during my vacation. Lol! Oh, well. It's definitely something new!

  13. Drat! Finally an appt with ear, nose, & throat specialist, & I have to reschedule. I have my doubts about needing a nose, anyway.

  14. Procrastinating chores and reading.

  15. Seriously considering taking an inventory of my TS2 disks to see if any are damaged beyond use.

  16. Simming the anger away.

  17. 5-hour energy shot and an apple for breakfast. At least I'm trying to balance my diet! :-)

  18. Definitely sleeping hard tonight! G'night, everyone, and have an awesome weekend! (Feel free to come visit me at work!)

  19. TS2 UC installed. Downloading to commence Saturday night or Sunday.

  20. Oops. I now understand all too well the value of the Otter Box I hadn't yet put on my replacement phone after I drowned my Samsung Galaxy 4 last month. I really need to find out how soon I can upgrade.

  21. Gah! Triton is glitched, and I want to recolor his scales! :'( [Maybe the babies won't be glitched] Off to try some mermadic kelp.

  22. Yay! Naya has almost hit her current LTW! I can't wait to be able to age her up from teen and start the mermaid baby-making!

  23. Cleaning and flea-bombing today. :( IHOP tonight! :)

  24. I have to load up 3 tonight. 2 is just going to take more patience to re-learn than I have today, and I wanna get Naya aged up (stupid ltw).

  25. Gonna give TS2 building another whirl. I'll flip to TS3 if I'm not feeling it.

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