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Status Updates posted by nixicole

  1. New default skins and a "cleaned up" Pleasantview - time to go try to make Brandi have twins!

  2. Hunting for a cute cottage w/ 2 large bedrooms and a(n expandable) basement for my vampire good/evil twins. Wish me luck!

  3. Possibly fixing to get Triton killed. Against my will. Stupid game.

  4. Bah! Boy is a mermaid, girl a genie. Neither got witch at all. Time to check hybrid settings.

  5. Between my TS2 and TS3 Documents folders, I have over 30,000 files. No wonder my small SSD as my primary didn't work out like I expected. May have finally found the magic solution!

  6. August seems to be making up for a crappy July!

  7. Oh, crap, I should probably go to bed at some point. Hope everybody's having a good week!

  8. Just moved hot werewolf/witch "roomie" in with my fairy/witch. Hehehe. And it's WHAT time!? Oops. :)

  9. My nose needs to die. Die, I tell you!

  10. 2 more days until the weekend! I can do it!

  11. I wonder how many of the customers think I'm a druggie, and how many think I came to work with pinkeye. *sigh*

  12. Work survived. Check.

  13. Fixing to start a new game in Bridgeport with one good vampire identical twin and one evil. Debating another attempt at a story.

  14. Monday goals: survive work, drop off paperwork, come home, post Zev and the Senka twins, and start a new story!

  15. New story semi-started! (Introductions have been made, at least.) :P Looking forward to posting more soon!

  16. Eating M&Ms, trying to convince myself that I might have a good day at work.

  17. I broke CCM. Again. :-(

  18. Oh, so that's how I uninstall graphics drivers and re-install them. Learning new things! (And hoping this fixes CCM!)

  19. Fixing to try to learn to use Porter, methinks. Could be interesting.

  20. Off to see the new Hercules movie at my friend's house. Everybody stay warm!

  21. I. Hate. Cold. Thank progress for heavy blankets, warm clothes, and short drives to work.

  22. Whoot! Been getting to play, and Zev and Nedra haz BABIES! (And one's even a fairy/werewolf!)

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