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Status Updates posted by nixicole

  1. I really wish Dad would stop deciding my room needed arranged differently. My computer was "unplugged" for 2 days. Don't get me wrong, I'm spoiled - especially for an adult my age to be living with my parents, but grrr.

  2. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season! (Or just enjoying their season, if you don't celebrate the holiday.)

  3. I don't like this month so far. Hope everyone is having a good week!

  4. So, in between meager cleaning attempts, I decided to start a new TS3 game today. I might even start a thread to go with it, and eventually I might even share this sim. (She's one of my faves!)

  5. Bah! Banging my head against a wall trying to figure out the cemetery tomb in Jericho. :sigh:

  6. First step: Googled popular Victorian Era names on my phone at the laundromat! Lol! Of course, my faves are very, err, generic, you might say, and not too outstanding from modern trends. Time to look at those lists again

  7. Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! (At least I'm working early shifts!)

  8. Been in a simming mood, and OMG! Skilling is sooo boring! I almost can't wait til she's almost an adult! (Well, I know what I have in store for her. *mwahahahaha*)

  9. I'm working this weekend, so you girls and guys need to have lots of fun to make up for it!

  10. Ending the day not feeling well, and work comes early Monday. Yay. Hope everyone's week gets off to a good start!

  11. Awww! Game crash when I'd spent hours this afternoon skilling them! Thank twallan for Saver, but I'm so, so close to being able to start the story! Oh, well. I don't watch the Super Bowl, so I know what I'll be doing Sunday while it snows!

  12. My dad just took off to Tennessee for 5 days. Peace

  13. Hope everyone is having a good weekend - and Happy Daytona 500 day if your family is as into it as my mom.

  14. Aaaand simfest over! My dad will be home tonight (Wednesday), so there will be much less computer time. :( Hope everyone is having a great week!

  15. No maternity leave mod, here I come!

  16. Hope I didn't piss the boss off too much when I refused to come in to work on my day off. My laundromat isn't 24 hours, though, and I was out of clean jeans!!! Hope everyone is having a good week!

  17. I. Think. I. Survived? Hope Tuesday goes better, though.

  18. Nothing like people to ruin a good day that was making a bad week get better. Hope everyone else is having a good week! (We're halfway there!)

  19. I like the direction these temps are headed lately!

  20. Really, IDFPA website? You couldn't let me log in, then have it tell me that? Guys, please feel pity for anyone who has to work with me tonight. I've been up since before 7 AM. Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!

  21. I would like to sim again someday soon. Why does real life have to be so mean? Hump Day! We're halfway there!

  22. Roofing that house was a nightmare! That's what I get for wanting skylights. Hope everyone has a good one! (WARNING: Expect more pix soon!)

  23. Ok, so a couple of updates to my Digest thread later, because talking about it here spoils. :sigh: Too bad I have to go cook supper right now.

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