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Status Updates posted by nixicole

  1. I need to clean out my library and saved sims folders and figure out who everybody is, and who needs to go in the same households for the library files. That is going to be a painful project. Meh, maybe next month.

  2. Damn. Gonna have to turn on NRaas SP.

  3. What. A. Day. And not the good kind. Time for some simtherapy!

  4. Ok, so it's going to be an awesome weekend - well, even the part where I have to work won't be that bad, I hope.

  5. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  6. Oh, geez, my library files are a mess! Over 200 that aren't properly named. This is gonna bug me.

  7. Having a wtf moment while I wonder why not all my library families are showing up. Meh, that's tomorrow's headache.

  8. I hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend!

  9. Oh, Manic Monday.

  10. Hope everyone has a fantabulous Friday!

  11. What? My days off are already over? :( Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend - have some fun for me!

  12. I had the awesomest dream last night! There was a female Sidhe and everything! Too bad I don't remember most of it now. :(

  13. Hope everyone survived Monday and has a terrific Tuesday!

  14. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, and has a marvelous Monday!

  15. Played all day :) , and now there's an update in my digest thread for the Steels.

  16. Hope everyone's summer is off to a good start!

  17. Vacation: 2 weeks!

  18. Vacation in 2 weeks!

  19. Survived another work week! Yay for the week- Spoke too soon. Now have to hope that the BSOD was a one off. Doubt it.

  20. ONE more shift! I don't anticipate having a good day, but I have a new haircut and the nine days after off!

  21. Feeling better and it's sunny out! Whoo! Time to go pick up some new bedding. (3 day!!!)

  22. For someone with no life, I feel awfully busy lately. Hopefully my glasses are in soon. Sometimes it's nice to be able to leave the contacts out. Still poking my nose in occasionally.

  23. Fervently hoping next month turns out to be better than these last few - and that everyone else's is awesome!

  24. I think a building mood just struck.

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