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Status Updates posted by nixicole

  1. Saving issue fixed, check. A bunch of new naughty animations to try, check. A day off to play, errr, not til Sunday. Desire to play, ummm, currently competing with desire to build. *sigh* Everybody have a great week!

  2. I know better than to click a link when I need to be going to bed soon. Yup, up all night on a dl spree. Not sorry.

  3. CC purge might be necessary. :(

  4. My next day off can't come soon enough - and it isn't until Sunday! Hope you have a great rest of your week!

  5. Is tomorrow (Friday) over yet? I need a different job. :( Hope everyone has a fantabulous Friday!

  6. I think I'm going to like my new story better - and I'm off work tomorrow!

  7. Gonna launch TS3 and see how this goes. Maybe it won

  8. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I shall endeavor to get my Monday off to the right start with a bubble bath now. :)

  9. Hope everyone survived their Monday okay! I was excited to get a couple to-dos checked off - not so much about having to go gluten-free. :9

  10. 7 days til vacation!

  11. Bye-bye weekend. :( Maybe this week will go better than this year so far? (For sure needs to be better than this weekend.) Everybody have a good one!

  12. I survived. I think. Is it next year yet?

  13. Tried to start a new story. Didn't get far, since the game crashed by the time I got the town loaded, the apartment halfway remodelled, the household created and placed, the game actually started, the mod setting all imported adjusted,etc. Whew, that took forever. Maybe I'll get some play time in on my day off tomorrow.

  14. *chants under breath* 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days. Don't kill anyone, Nicole. Mom won't buy the right cat food if you're in jail. /endchant I hate retail this time of year, and feel extra bad for the cashiers in all the stores.

  15. And the year managed to sneak a worse in on me just when I thought things were turning around. Gah!

  16. Hope everyone's year has gotten off to a fantabulous start! *hugs*

  17. Back to building. New version of Legacy house manages to include a bowling alley in the basement. Too bad I have to work tonight. :(

  18. Halfway there! Everyone have a wonderful Wednesday!

  19. Alright, Bodyshop, let's try this again!

  20. When you yawn so big it hurts - and you

  21. Finally Friday!!! House furnished, most sims already in the sim bin, almost ready to roll!

  22. Monday down, the rest of the week to go!

  23. 'Nother week done gone. I hope everyone has, as always, a fantabulous Friday and a wacky weekend!

  24. I hope everyone's June is off to a magnificent start! And that the pollen counts drop and stay that way - asap, please, Mother Nature. *hugs* to all!

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