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Status Replies posted by michalien

  1. Yust came from the doctor. She said that my illness is definetely withdrawing and that my helth is improving. Nobody happier then me. Thank you all for being supportive and kind to me all this time of me being burden to you.

  2. Should I buy the Skyrim DLC? And if yes, when should I play them? I'm starting a new game. :)

  3. Argh. I just got back from the dentist and I need to have my crown re-done. Of course over 1,000 to do it. I've been having pain in the area, and I thought it was the teeth around it.

  4. No going to beach today. it is cloudy, rainny and cold. But I'm happy that neew therapy is starting to show some concrete results. My sickness is withdrawing. I have a health control tommorow and i believe that the will not keep me in the hospital. YAY!

  5. My sister in law came in visit last night. She'll stay with us for month. I'm so happy because she is fun and very smart. looking forward to have a nice conversations with her. Today. we are going to the beach. The sea is 25 C and outside temperature is already 28 C.

  6. Very, very lazy Sunday.

  7. Rite of passage. Daughter is shopping for her first car. Oy.

  8. Very, very lazy Sunday.

  9. I often look in my simbin and think, "who the heck is that, and how'd they get in my bin?"

  10. Finally back, haven't played my game for over a month and way behind on all the stories :(

  11. Hmmm, sims or work. Probably should work, seeing I played all weekend.

  12. If anyone sees my sleep, can you please send it back to me?

  13. Remembered my password on first try, woohoo!

  14. Thunders+lightnings+rain= 2 days without playing Sims and Internet access. *sight*

  15. Good news! Came from the hospial 2 hours ago. After many painful treatments docotrs decided to change my therapy for another two weeks. If my illness will not withdraw during that period, they will keep me for longer times. Glad that they didn't keep me. Thank you for your support my Sim family! Hugs to you.

  16. Always wear clean underwear. When you have a heart condition you never know where you'll end up each day. Just back from more emergency tests.

  17. Good news! Came from the hospial 2 hours ago. After many painful treatments docotrs decided to change my therapy for another two weeks. If my illness will not withdraw during that period, they will keep me for longer times. Glad that they didn't keep me. Thank you for your support my Sim family! Hugs to you.

  18. Good news! Came from the hospial 2 hours ago. After many painful treatments docotrs decided to change my therapy for another two weeks. If my illness will not withdraw during that period, they will keep me for longer times. Glad that they didn't keep me. Thank you for your support my Sim family! Hugs to you.

  19. Good news! Came from the hospial 2 hours ago. After many painful treatments docotrs decided to change my therapy for another two weeks. If my illness will not withdraw during that period, they will keep me for longer times. Glad that they didn't keep me. Thank you for your support my Sim family! Hugs to you.

  20. Deleted some things from my iPhone between games at a weekend soccer tournament. Forgot when I deleted all those bookmarks that it would delete it on all my electronics. Now I have no bookmarks for Sims 3 sites. :(

  21. Good news! Came from the hospial 2 hours ago. After many painful treatments docotrs decided to change my therapy for another two weeks. If my illness will not withdraw during that period, they will keep me for longer times. Glad that they didn't keep me. Thank you for your support my Sim family! Hugs to you.

  22. Good news! Came from the hospial 2 hours ago. After many painful treatments docotrs decided to change my therapy for another two weeks. If my illness will not withdraw during that period, they will keep me for longer times. Glad that they didn't keep me. Thank you for your support my Sim family! Hugs to you.

  23. my dear friends, Simtopia 3 story just began. Although I have to go to hospital tomorrow, I will have a time for one more story and hope that I will not stay there for long. Thank you for all of your support, nice wishes and comfort. You, guys are awesome!

  24. Using Dad comp because I still don't have a replacement adapter for my lappy, and Dad decided to do a custom cable sleeving job on my new rig. I wonder if I'll be able to use my new rig by July? :(

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