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Posts posted by Yepperz

  1. very much appreciate these!  so sick of how much time sims are forced to give to pets. they are more needy than toddlers. adding a pet has become a whim for me (a moments lapse in judgement that turns into a huge pain in the butt) and has since been put into the category of, "do i really wanna be bothered in this household?"

    added:  any chance there is a mod that causes a pet to drop whatever autonomous animation they may be doing IMMEDIATELY the moment they are called by your sim?  again a time thing: waiting hours for a pet to stretch several times in row is maddening! i usually just end up resetting the pet to stop whatever stupid thing they are doing and wipe their que.

  2. @coolspearLmao , yes there is a bar drink for pets its called Minty Fresh Pet Confection - L2 mixology. 

    Im not a big fan of pets and rarely have them in my households, except for a white cat i call Mr. Black, he's awesome - Lazy, Aloof, and Clever.  He's smart so i don't have to discipline him for anything more than once. Aloof - he cant be bothered to care what my sim is up to and lazy, so that when he gets the notion to come find a sim, after the LONG SLOW walk he decides he'd rather have a nap.  The PERFECT cat. lololol

  3. Hey! Thank you very much for this! Ur awesome as always! :62:

    Two questions; 

    1.  Would it be too much to ask if the cake plate could hold cakes and pastries with the same shelf-life they would have if they were inside the fridge?

    2. Any chance the cake plate could be given the "get left overs" option?

    :Ashamed: I apologize in advance if these are wayyyyyy over the top requests because i am very most grateful for your work.  U make the game so much more playable already.

  4. I did that too, lol, also when seasons first came out, and got tired of him just as quickly.  So, I mod'd him in CAS and gave him a real body cuz i got tired of watching pumkin head swimming in my pool. I don't use Patchy any more for a few of reasons.

    1st - I hated he was all over my house and wouldnt simply stay in the garden.

    2nd - At some point (don't remember when) he simply stopped coming to life and being of any use at all.

    3rd - I started using Cool's super sprinkler which made Patchy completely obsolete.  (this reminds me! Why did EA make the sprinkles unable to be placed inside of green houses? So freakin annoying!! the garden work isn't lessened for being indoors and what RL green house doesnt use a sprinkler system? Grrrr!)

  5. You think water is a bad/silly fav drink?

    In one of my households, my sim was a real party animal, except he wouldnt drink from the bar. :1:I'd que him up to order his a fav but he'd never drink it. :noooo:  One night, i forced him to drink it, after he had sat it down -- *sighz* it made him sick. :bad: His favorite drink turned out to be a drink for real party animals (pets)! :stupidme:

    Why do pets have bar drinks?!?! When has a  pet ever ordered a drink?!?!

    So thank you, Cool, for this one.  Maybe none of my other sims will get sick ordering their, "favorite drink".

  6. Hi, I saw that you hadn't gotten any response to your request here for testers so i gave it a shot. 

    Ive only had it installed a few days and have since installed Strangerville.  Sorry to report this mod never worked for me and i was forced to flavorize after every couple of meals. I haven't installed any mods since my update (1.50), and I came to see if any of my old favorites had been updated.  So ill give this another shot.

  7. :graphics-3d-smileys-290149:THIS IS *BLEEPING* AWESOME!!!!  YOU ARE MY MOFO HERO!!! OMFG! :125::love-heart-hand-smiley-emoticon::62:
    I have always wanted to stop these dagblasted texts, especially the ones that congradulates me on a new friend! OMG I always want to respond, "Mind your own dang business and get out of mine!" or "Brown-nosing is NOT a lifestyle." or simply yell, "STOP STALKING ME!"


    I don't come looking for mods often and only came looking for a faster eating one but stayed to read your threads. No lie ive been just reading for nearly 2 hours. lol. Your side-notes, antidotes, story lines, and reasons for creating various mods are freakin funny as heck! But this one takes the cake! Still LMAO! Mostly because, this morning, the male sim in my household just became the very thing you described here, made even worse because he didn't stop at one kiss, MANY over and over again until i was finally forced to reset him so his wife could finish eating. Later i had to lock him out of the office so she could read a book!

    :questionmark: I think, I should also look for something that will stop him from talking to the toliet so much, he may be crushing on Ole John and by the looks of it. John isn't happy with all the attention he's been recieving. Lots of negative reactions. lol


    Thank you for the fabu mods you create and a SPEACIAL THANKS for these wonderful extras!!

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