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Posts posted by omowatcher

  1. I just wanted to post that I, too, am getting excessive autonomous "feed" actions for the cowplant when it isn't hungry. Almost worse than that, they will keep trying if I cancel it - they won't stop, they will still go out and try to feed it half the time, and once they start to feed it, they don't give up after one time, they will stand there and continue trying to feed it over and over and over again. And if I do manage to interrupt them before they start trying to feed it, then they will usually just try again within minutes (game minutes, seconds real-time). I'm actually going to have to move it to an inaccessible area to keep them from spending so much time repeatedly trying to feed a non-hungry plant (and it's definitely not playing/petting). I love your buff, it makes me feel much safer with the cowplant (and not needing to constantly worry that it will die or eat my sims). I'm just not so keen on them continuously trying to force-feed it!  Thanks, as always, for your wonderful work - my games would be so much less pleasant and actual fun without your mods.

  2. Hi Coolspear. 

    This was my thought as well - and yet, it's definitely a something between this mod and the disease-causing one. and even when I put just that mod plus this one, the medicine fails to work. However, I'll definitely go and chase it up with the other modder. I would have understood if it was just the juice at fault but as you said, I could not figure out for the life of me why your mod would make medicine stop working. 


    Thanks anyway for getting back to me so fast anyway (and thanks for running through and fixing up the mods needed with the latest patch - if you choose to go for good, I'm going to miss you, and your work - your mods alone have made my game a million times more fun to play but I totally understand the burnout).

  3. This is just anecdotal, but when I slowed down play time, I was finding all kinds of weird issues with going to gigs at the wrong time compared to what was indicated on the job itself. And a friend of mine had all manner of issues with altered game time and acting, such as not attending auditions, not going to work, getting stuck on the lot, not being able to cancel auditions etc - which could only be fixed by changing career, then changing back and using cheats to return to the previous career level - but it would only work for so long before bugging out again. Now I don't know for sure it's the altered times that were at fault or the fact that the acting career is buggy as all heck.

  4. I. obviously am very late to this party. but from my perspective, MTS is SADLY lacking in content for Sims 4 compared to Sims 3 and much of what is on there hasn't been updated in years. I don't understand what's so hard to find - just Google Coolspear or Cool1 and oh look - all the links pop up. *smh*


    I, personally, was very happy to find all the good stuff here (and elsewhere like various blogs and Tumblrs). I object to TSR deliberately slowing down browsing,  even with an account, even if you don't block the swathes of invasive adverts if you can't afford to pay to access the free mods. I'm happy to wait ten seconds before it downloads. That's fine. But the site itself is almost unbearable for browsing as it is. Compared to that, plentiful, regularly updated mods and with decent interaction from the modders? Even as someone who has zero idea about what happened way back when I hardly find that creating an account is a big deal. 

    I'm grateful to EVERYONE who mods - I've started doing some custom CC now and it takes me forever, learning to use blender is like banging my head against a brick wall, I have no idea where to even start with XML and despite my programming experience, I'm utterly at a loss when it comes to Python. so honestly I have nothing but respect for people who churn oout soo many helpful mods - regardless of where they host them.

  5. I have witnessed the evidence with my own eyes. Believe me, there will scandal in the courtroom! 

    I have no idea how MamaLlamaBerry does it, but you can guarantee that if some kind of funky bug or conflict is gonna turn up, it's on her game. I think she's gonna try again tomorrow with all other CC removed for now to see what happens but it's bedtime in her part of the world.

    (I also laughed like a hyena when I saw it - it's epic.)

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