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Posts posted by nynvieealmere

  1. Much love @coolspear it's been over a decade since my mom passed and I miss her everyday but I know she will always be with me in my heart.  I started then to tell my kids about my memories of our family and that helps a lot now to remember the good times and share them with the kids who were so young when she passed and never got to meet so many of them.

    As far as the community well when the world is on fire you find comfort where you can my friend.  I can't tell you the world is going to be less insane but I can tell you we will all be waiting for the next grump from you.

    Love you man really glad to see you back.

  2. Thanks coolspear and just so you know your cornucopia fridges and buffet tables all work great use them in every house along with your teleporters, personal storage items and the buy all stuff (flowervase, fishbowl etc), your many cheats on click, and seriously your noisey neighbors rework is they only reason I can live in an apartment so really God bless you.


    And yea DU can be crazy but LittleMsSam, McCmd, MTS, Scarlet Mod etc have made great mods to pull back on the crazy.  And you don't have to live in dorms you can live in your own place that helps with the wacky dancing roommates who blast the radio while your sleeping and follow you around creepy like.  Its a fun pack though.

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