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About michalien

  • Birthday 10/01/1964

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    Movies, playing guitar, playing sims, reading
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  1. Hate firecrackers. It is unbelievable how people can be senseless. Tgrowing mega stong ones that sonds like a bomb expolsionunder somebody's window is idiotic. Somebody needs to bring those morons to common sense.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. michalien


      people have babies. There a lot of old people too. So can you imagine what they been through when those explode?! If someone missing war sounds, let him/her go to the war zone. it will be a paradise for them.

    3. MadameButterfly


      Ugh! We get a lot of that at random times, and sometimes I think someone is shooting up the neighborhood. Although, there have been a couple of times it sounded like guns that was then covered up with fireworks after.

    4. Katelinjens


      I used to try to report people but it never did any good. The police could never get here in time to catch them. I don't buy fireworks myself. They do scare my cat which I don't like.

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