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    2 Clicks 2 the Right of the Morning Star
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    Donated To Sims Asylum

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Absent-Minded (3/9)

  1. Happy Father's Day to the papas out there!

  2. Thankful that the drama that I was in is over and that it didn't drag on.



    1. arathea


      I didn't even reach for the popcorn to watch the final. :fnorky:

    2. MadameButterfly


      It was a record! You wouldn't have been able to pop the popcorn fast enough. :titter:

    3. RedMallie
  3. My surgery went A-okay! :hi-1:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. aparkison


      That's great news!


    3. MadameButterfly


      Today I learned that I might have to get the 'big' one in about 3 months time, but we'll see! :hug:

    4. aparkison


      Oh no! That's not great at all! :needahug:

  4. Currently stalking the internet for my new Swapdoodle addiction.


    FC: 2122-6191-3323

  5. My previous mouse had an accident. So now I have a new gaming mouse. I would like to say what the mouse feels like, but everything sounds so R rated.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MadameButterfly


      Lol! Explicit is a very good word for it. XD

    3. Klinn


      Careful, the new mouse might have an "accident" too. ;-)

    4. MadameButterfly


      Lol! You almost made me choke on my dinner!

  6. I've had a migraine for 2 days, but today I finally got to take off the dark sunglasses. I feel so free!

  7. Hangs a sign around my neck that says: I'm a serial bedding-downloader for TS2.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MadameButterfly


      I keep thinking no! I can't possibly use all of this bedding ever in one life time, and yet I keep downloading it.

    3. RedMallie


      Totally understandable. I try to see anything that would make me say "I've already got something like this, don't need it." I usually always fail, miserably. ;D

    4. Firestaar1


      My sign would be the same for all games- Hair!!

  8. I feel so silly. I thought one of my mods I made was broke, when really I just forgot to put it back into my game. XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Katelinjens


      I hope the new EP plays well. Have fun!

    3. tessalion13


      Definitely sounds like something I would do!

    4. MadameButterfly


      Thank-you Kate!

      Lol Tess! :D

  9. I have been nursing a very sick bunny for the past two days. I only sleep one hour at a time using a timer.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RedMallie


      Awww!! At least she "knows" it's all for her own good. She must feel really bad right now. Hope you two get to rest a bit tonight.

    3. MadameButterfly


      Thank-you, Red! She is definitely improving now. Phew!

    4. RedMallie


      Good to hear that, MB!!! :D

  10. Ugh. Cooties. I have them. ~drinks more juice~

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RedMallie


      Well, as long as they take back their fair share when they leave, hehehee!!! ;D

    3. Firestaar1


      So glad you're feeling better. *passes vitamin C tablets* You know, just in case. :D

    4. MadameButterfly


      Lol! Thank-you Fire! I've been pretty much hugging Hi-C since the weekend. So far so good!

  11. When "assembly required" projects come into this house, I find myself being drafted as Al-Capone-Butterfly every time.

  12. Thanks to Christmas, I have a bad case of Nintendo 3DS thumb.

    1. nixicole
    2. Tapioca


      Heh, heh. You take care of yourself, you butterfly, you! :)

    3. MadameButterfly
  13. It's fire safety sunday in my mods section. Smokey the Sim says, "Only you can prevent sim fires!"

    1. Kivak


      LOL If we were playing 3 I would get that.

    2. MadameButterfly
  14. Made a new mod this morning. Now going to do some spinning on the spinning wheel, yo.

  15. A couple of my mods needed updates, but overall not too bad. Love the holiday stuff.

    1. RedMallie


      Thank you for your effort in keeping them up to date! :)

    2. MadameButterfly


      You're welcome, Red! :D

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