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About Rosewin

  • Birthday 07/20/1968

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    South Australia
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    Donated To Sims Asylum
  • CustomTitle
    Officially Crazy

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Officially Crazy

Officially Crazy (9/9)

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  1. Melting.MELTING. I am getting sick of the hot weather here, last three days have been in the 100s. Sending you all very warm thoughts to thaw out your winter.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Klinn


      So long as you are safely away from any cyclones battering Aus!

    3. Rosewin


      Other side of Aus from us, did mess up big time with the weather all over though. Cool change has finally come in. Thanks for all the snowy thoughts.

    4. Wolfenblu


      You can have our snow and ice.

      Stay cool Rose.

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