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About Wolfenblu

  • Birthday 07/30/1978

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Family, writting, dogs, horses, invironment, reading, wolves, and Forge of Empire (For now looking for good browser games)
  • Location
    Planet Lupine
  • ~
    Donated To Sims Asylum

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Excitable (4/9)

  1. Hello we are still alive and doing well I can't believe how time flies.

    I have Sims2 still LOL on Win7 poor old thing is going along still.

    I really miss this forum but its impossible to package anything but wallpaper and so I would be bored I might get Sims4 one of these days

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sleepycat
    3. instantmagic


      Hello! Again! Great to hear you are still doing well.  Well, Sims 4 is better in some ways, I got mine when Origin had a sale for half price, not too long ago. Glad to hear from you.

    4. Wolfenblu


      Thanks Everyone its nice to know we aren't forgotten

      I will say hi to the pack. Akeem is in college this year

  2. Still alive, just really busy, working on some non Sims stories I been missing Mick and want to finish Born By The River too.

    I got a dumb question, I call it dumb because I haven't had time to do more then glance at the forum and the answer is probably there. What happened to Kivak, he is white. He has been crazy busy too. we are hoping things will settle down soon. maybe we have to redo his pic is all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. arathea



      Do you mean Kivak's name at his profile page? Everybody's name is white there. He's still listed as forum owner and in the forum his name is green.

      Ah, I see you mean his avatar. The pic might have been incompatible with the new dimension requirements. Several people had problems after the forum update.

    3. Wolfenblu


      I thought that might be the problem, yes his avatar.

      Hi you two glad to see people still remember me.


    4. TwistedSister


      :wavehi:Hey, nice to see you around! 

  3. Type in "This Video Excites almost all the inhabitants of the land" its an amazing video and its kid safe. It is just so beautiful but scary for some at first. You won't be disappointed.

    1. arathea
    2. Sleepycat


      lovely (beautiful wolves)

  4. Sadly, David Bowie has passed, no details yet. I remember hearing him a long time before I knew who he was.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Firestaar1


      Such a bummer, I really loved his voice! :(

    3. mamacat0076


      My first exposure to him was as the Goblin King. We may have lost him but his magic will live on.

    4. Wolfenblu


      I loved that movie mamacat.

  5. Well I found out something my son was doing in Pleasantview lol I will share later in my story. Akeem very naughty LOL

    1. Nellas


      Can't wait to hear!!

  6. Having a brain fart. What is Brandi's oldest son's name I am at work no way to look it up, working on my story its slow today.

    1. Wolfenblu


      This is Sims2 don't know if she is in the other games or not.

    2. Rosewin


      Dustin. I had to actually look it up. >.<

    3. Wolfenblu


      Thanks, see I never played premades. I have no idea where Dustin is since Akeem rearranged the hood.

  7. My horse decided to come in the house, I have a day off, its sunny for once so I have the back door open clomp clomp. There is Athena standing in the kitchen eating celery from the sink lol.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      Well she goes in the horse trailer much smaller then my kitchen. She is a smallish Quarter horse 15 hands. which is about 5 foot at the shoulder.

    3. RedMallie


      I'm just thinking Athena is a cute, celery happy horse, hahahaha!!! :D And Veiledstar is right, it does sound so much like a Sims moment, hee hee!!

    4. Wolfenblu


      I thought so too that's why I thought I would share it

  8. Shared Mick's alien spawn in "Show us you sim kids"

  9. OMG Mick got abducted by aliens, then my game crashed. I am almost scared to see what happens now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rosewin


      Mick maybe pregnant but I would worry about the aliens too. They may be dropping extra bundles at his door. :P

    3. Firestaar1


      Oh this should be fun!

    4. Kivak


      LOL he is pregnant and he is NOT happy. Wolfie is not peeking she wants to be surprised by the baby.

  10. Kivak's computer RIP but he saved all our data

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      I was so thrilled I found Margo! I never shared her because her clothes and stuff were not shareable.

    3. Firestaar1


      So sorry that his computer died! :(

    4. Kivak


      Well it was 8 years old. I was in the mood to get another one. It was an awesome computer.

  11. I haven't forgot about "Born By The River" Story its 75% done, just haven't got pics and rewrite done.

    1. RedMallie


      :D Just in time for my story reading season!!!

    2. WolfMoon


      Oh are you working on grands story too?

    3. Wolfenblu


      Yes! That is why BBTR is taking so long I got caught up reading the diary and jotting ideas

  12. Today is Kivak and my anniversary as well as Winnie and Rose's hope we last as long as they do

  13. I fell into a tub of busy, I will try to check in here, not sure when my next chapter will be.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MadameButterfly
    3. Wolfenblu


      Thanks everyone is it Friday yet?

    4. RedMallie


      Hold on in there, girl! Almost there! :)

  14. I have Signy and Red Malle almost done, see What are you doing now thread for pics.

    1. RedMallie


      THANK YOU, Wolfie!!

  15. Completed Moonlighters walls, and Akeem has some of his up in the Wolfden section of our section. Have a good day off to work!

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