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About Jenn

  • Birthday 09/27/1973

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    Donated To Sims Asylum
  • CustomTitle
    The Challenge Whore

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Beyond Crazy

Beyond Crazy (8/9)

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  1. So after a few months of calling and complaining, today I told the internet company to kiss my ass. A guy showed up two hours later and within 10 minutes they called my 25kb/s a "mishap". I am now flying with a new world download at 114 kb/s

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jenn


      So true, Trif. I have been complaining and threatening for months and today I told them I had had it. I would rather pay the cheapest package they offer is the 256 or 512 not sure which. She bent over backwards to not lose that $100 a month. LOL

    3. Kimi


      That's great! Mishap indeed. :P

    4. Firestaar1


      Woot! WTG and congrats! That's what I had to do with my internet provider as well, that weekend they had tech out with upgraded equipment, and a more reliable internet.

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