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About Jenn

  • Birthday 09/27/1973

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    Donated To Sims Asylum
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    The Challenge Whore

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  1. The worst part of patch day is always going to be not being able to play with mods for several days. bah.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jenn


      Yes, but you can't play Sims 4 without updating.

    3. Jenn


      I just went and tried, just in case. The play button was still greyed out. I'll try click on Sims 4 on the desktop and see if that goes differently.

    4. KayBee


      I've played in offline mode to avoid patching before. I wonder if there's another setting you need to do? I also have TS4 disabled in the Origin settings. I disabled "Origin in game" in that menu. I updated mine, it took less time than I thought. Modless sucks indeed, but at least I know the issue I was having with weddings before was mod related. Now to figure out which one it is that caused it, ha!

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