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About KayBee

  • Birthday 11/23/1974

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    Litterbox Archaeologist

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Almost Crazy

Almost Crazy (7/9)

  1. Nobody likes paying for car repairs, but it's always a relief when you find out the problem is not as bad as you thought and the bill only whacks you for a couple hundred bucks. I shouldn't feel happy at all about paying for car repairs, but I am.I honestly thought I would end up paying double, at the bare minimum. Yay and not yay at the same time, haha!

  2. Screw you, EA "customer support" and your lying fool mouths. My "5 minute" wait time never came last night and tonight I'm getting the same. I can't wait to not be helped by the next rep who becomes available. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KayBee


      I never got through to them today either. It kept saying "5 minutes" and then there were no reps available. Yes, I'm so very happy that they took my money and I can't play what I purchased because it won't install.

    3. Kimi


      Ugh! I would NOT want to be the rep who finally answers. Good luck!

    4. KayBee


      I bet when I do get through I'll get a total idiot. I've saved them some work by trying all the suggestions first. It's only a problem specific to DAO content.

  3. So just today I was scolding myself for my TS4 spending habits and how guilty I felt about buying the Dine Out 3-in-1 bundle last week. I said to myself "No more stuff for a while, it's burning a hole in my pocket!" and sure enough when I logged into Origin I was presented with another sale for packs I don't have. Spa Day and Perfect Patio and I clicked purchase before I even had time to talk myself out of it. **sigh**

    1. Zaleth


      At least you can wait till they go on sale, not me.

  4. Got new glasses today! I can see things again! WOOOOOO!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewin


      Yay. always nice to be able to see. Unless the house is a mess, then not so much. >.<

    3. KayBee


      Haha, it's true! First thing I thought when I got back home was "Geez, how did the kitchen floor get so dirty? It was clean when I left the house!"

    4. RedMallie


      ROFL!!!! The saying goes "see no evil,.", so, hehehe!!!

  5. Happy New Year! I'm getting ready to go out. I'm actually going to wear a fancy dress, with leggings and all!. Nobody's going to recognize me! :P

    1. RedMallie


      Phew, phew!!!! :D Have a great time!!!! :D

    2. Katelinjens


      I hope that you had a fabulous time!

  6. Picking up my new computer today! WOOOOHOO!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RedMallie


      Take your time, enjoy the process, heheheheeh!!!! :D

    3. Katelinjens


      Enjoy having your new computer! I am sure your simmies will love it too. :)

    4. Firestaar1


      So very exciting!

  7. Am having a serious FML kind of week. 2 sick cats, a dead car, and now perhaps a fried hard drive.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kimi


      I'm sorry that's all happening to you. Good luck with everything!!

    3. Firestaar1


      *hug* Hope it gets better for you!

    4. KayBee


      Thanks guys! Hopefully my luck will turn around soon!

  8. One of my cats got outside this evening. After 3 hours of searching in the dark, I finally found him. I think a giant glass of wine and some sims is in order. That was stressful!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MadameButterfly
    3. Firestaar1


      Glad you found him safe!

    4. bluegenjutsu


      I'm glad you found him, safe and sound! I know how stressful it can be, if this happens.

  9. Happy New Year!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Signy


      Same to you! May it be a happy and blessed one.

    3. MadameButterfly


      Happy New Year everybody! ~hugs~

    4. Wolfenblu
  10. I'm thinking about playing my self-sim once and for all, just for a bit of fun and a break from my main save. I'm trying to decide which of my sims I should include in the house with me! I won't be starting until later on tomorrow :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KayBee


      I'm not sure I could up with Bob in my house, haha.

    3. RedMallie


      Hmm, no, I think Bob in the house would make a stressing environment, hee hee. Maybe Roland? Let me check out your posts to give you better informed suggestions (or any of The Crew would make a lovely game for you, I think)

    4. KayBee


      Roland will most likely stalker-flirt me the whole time, lol.

  11. Just gave one of my cats a bath. If only it was easy as it is in TS3.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Orilon


      I don't have Sims 3 Pets so I don't know how easy/hard it is to bathe a cat in Sims, but I know in real life its extremely difficult. I only do it when really needed.

    3. Jenn


      I will never even try. My cat will not even stand within 10 feet of the sink when I do dishes. If she is in the window, she is gone as soon as she sees a hand reach for the faucet.

    4. KayBee


      Sim cats will mostly let you bathe them if they are BFFs with each other. The cat I gave a bath to really did need it. His hair felt really dirty. I don't know what he got into! I kept telling him he looks very handsome and he smells nice, but he was in a huff at me for most of the evening. He's on my lap now, so he's finally forgiven me, lol

  12. Just opened a bottle of wine so I apologize to my sims in advance for anything I might happen to do them over the course of the evening :P

    1. veiledstar


      I do that every now and then. My choice is vodka though with some mio. I always make a back up save before I do so. :)

  13. I would like to wish the jerk who hit my parked car a Merry Freakin' Christmas. May your stocking be filled with 1000 fire ants.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cohzaku


      And a thousand mosquito eggs down his urethra.

    3. KayBee



      The driver's side bumper got a few scrapes and the trim above the bumper was popped out, so I suppose it could have been worse. I was able to snap the trim back in to place myself but I don't think the scrapes are major enough to do anything about, it's more annoying than anything else. I don't remember the last time I got so angry.

    4. Wolfenblu


      Kivak said a detailer might buff them out.

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