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    Don't just embrace the crazy, sidle up next to it and lick its ear. Maximum effort!
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    Resident Grouch Potato

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  1. Is there a way to get a list of the expansion packs and stuff packs required in the Richdre's World's thread?  I've never downloaded from him before so how about showing the requirements for those of us who don't own all the TS3 games?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RavenKay


      Dry Gulch, Mesa Flats and Middleburg have the pets school/gym combo along with the pets courthouse. Ir would be a shame to pass up the others. They are really well made and run very smoothly.

    3. Abraxas


      There's no point in installing them since I DON'T HAVE PETS.  My last expansion is University.

    4. Kimi


      @Abraxas, RavenKay was telling you which ones have the Pets EP. I'm guess that the rest do no. She's being helpful. ;)

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