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About RedMallie

  • Birthday 10/26/1970

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    TS3 and TS4 building and playing.
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    Donated To Sims Asylum
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    Unofficial reader of old news

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  1. Heya, I am missing you in my story thread. Is there anything, that angers you? If so, then I am very sorry. :unknw:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. carlfatal


      Oh my gosh, that is really bad! I would die without internet connection! But good to hear, that you are back online. :hug3:

      And you wouldn´t believe but I now own nearly all packs for Sims 4, only missing 3 stuff packs and this crazy SW-pack. I am completely addicted to that crappy game now. That is so embarassing but makes so much fun to build with. I know, why I am an inmate. I never will be allowed to leave the asylum anymore. :titter:



    3. RedMallie


      Kimi keeps the beds fluffy and the jackets are very comfy, I don't know why anyone would want to leave the Asylum. :19:

    4. carlfatal


      Yes, Kimi does so but I always thought, if we were healed, and not longer addicted to this game, then we would have to leave and enter the real world behind the secure walls of the asylum. :unsure2:

      But now I see, that we all seem to suffer from a desease, that can´t be cured but become worse eventually. I can imagine the day, when I´ll buy Sims 5 at the release day. My goodness, the only medication for people like us, is to give us even more of the drug, we´re used to. :40:

      But yeah, the restraints feel comfy and adequate. "They" will never let us go, and we will never feel the will to resist or run. The sims is digital heroin, that´s for sure. :pardon:

      And so we are here, and we will stay here until the last day breaks, on wich a human will play the Sims. :dzaka2:

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