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Status Replies posted by Trif

  1. Today been a very bad day for me. Just lost my job today.

  2. It is now Spring.

  3. It is now Spring.

  4. Geez, potato salad takes forever to make! Everybody have a good one!

  5. Geez, potato salad takes forever to make! Everybody have a good one!

  6. It's been years since it's been clear

  7. Ice Age anyone?

  8. Aion, build, or Sims. Sims, build, or Aion- hmm decisions decisions!

  9. Tripped a breaker last night and now I can't use the plugs in half the house.

  10. hundreds of sims pictures and stories for them in my head, someone give me the oompf to post them!

  11. Son of a bitch. Bad news I did not need.

  12. I don't know what happened to the last week, I seem to have missplaced it.

  13. Sets out snacks

  14. Its only forever-not long at all.

  15. Sets out beverage pitchers

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