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About SatansSprite

  • Birthday 03/21/1986

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    Donated To Sims Asylum

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  1. That moment when you decide to start up a blog, get about 3/4 of the way through your first article, then accidentally hit something on your keyboard and lose it all.

    1. Nellas


      *pats* I am so sorry!! That sucks!

    2. SatansSprite


      The worst part is, usually when stuff like this happens I can figure out what I did and figure out how to avoid it, cause im computer smart like that. This is not the first time something like this has happened and I have NO idea what I'm hitting though.

    3. nixicole


      For me, it's usually when I accidentally hit tab, then hit the backspace. It usually happens when I'm almost done writing a post here. Good luck solving the mystery.

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