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About SatansSprite

  • Birthday 03/21/1986

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    Donated To Sims Asylum

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Absent-Minded (3/9)

  1. *Lurks in the background from her Twitch involvement* Hi guys, miss me?!?!

    1. Firestaar1


      YES!! So happy to see you! *hug*

    2. SatansSprite


      *hug* to you Fire!!

    3. RedMallie


      Hello there!!! :)

  2. Just wanted to let everyone know I am still alive. Been a crazy crazy busy last 2 months or so with christmas and appointments. Thought I would pop in to say hi though!

    1. Firestaar1


      So glad to see you SS!! *hugs*

    2. Wolfenblu
  3. Apparently my hand decided to punch a wall today on my way out from my hairdressers. Walked out the door, turned the corner and "smack", my hand found the smallest bit of the wall sticking out. Got a sore ring finger now.

    1. RedMallie


      Ugh!! Something similar happened to me about a couple of months ago. Also hurt my ring finger, and and to this day it's still sore. So, get some ice and put it on your hand, and I wish you the best!!!

  4. So exciting, but also stressful, watching the Blue Jays play in their first trip to the post-season since 1993. Being down in the series the way they are and knowing they NEED to win the rest of the games of this series to move on, I'm gonna go crazy watching this.

    1. Wolfenblu
    2. Chaavik


      We lived down the road from the Royals stadium that we actually heard the fireworks from there. Watched the game last night between the Royals and the Blue Jays. Very close!

  5. It's nice when Karma comes back around and bites people who wronged you in the butt!

  6. One of the worst things of a cold is when you have a stuffed nose, blow your nose to clear it, only to have it plug up again immediately after.

    1. Kimi


      Annoying!! I hope you feel better soon.

    2. RedMallie


      And the ears popping all the time. Arghhh!!! Hope you get better soon!

  7. About 12 hours I had no internet. You have NO idea how bored I got, and I wasn't even wanting it for much, I just wanted to read some fanfiction. Thank heavens its back now

  8. That moment when you decide to start up a blog, get about 3/4 of the way through your first article, then accidentally hit something on your keyboard and lose it all.

    1. Nellas


      *pats* I am so sorry!! That sucks!

    2. SatansSprite


      The worst part is, usually when stuff like this happens I can figure out what I did and figure out how to avoid it, cause im computer smart like that. This is not the first time something like this has happened and I have NO idea what I'm hitting though.

    3. nixicole


      For me, it's usually when I accidentally hit tab, then hit the backspace. It usually happens when I'm almost done writing a post here. Good luck solving the mystery.

  9. Had to break my vow to myself to never get a Win8 machine. Just got a new pc with a major increase in ram from what I'm used to, and my games are GORGEOUS!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      still holding to my vow. But I am so happy for you!

    3. Klinn


      Congrats -- I'm just putting together a replacement for a system that died and I stuck with good old Win7. But I expect to switch to Win10 when it's released.

    4. SatansSprite


      Well switching to Win10 when it comes out is my plan too

  10. Wow, I'm surprised no one made any reference to yesterday being Star Wars day, May 4th - May the Fourth be with you. Yeah, just gonna go back to my corner now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Firestaar1


      My son came home and told me about it, and watched one of the movies with Z last night

    3. Signy


      I actually ended up having to explain it on a work conference call. Sacrilege!

    4. Wolfenblu


      LOL Signy, we were talking about watching it but we couldn't find it, it must be at Grandmothers house.

  11. Desktop decided to stupid on me. Having to rely on the significantly less capable laptop for internet access. I really hope to have my main PC back soon, and with a hopefully cheap repair pricetag

    1. Eliza


      I feel your pain! I'm hoping *fingers crossed* to be able to have the money to fix my desktop after the 1st, 'here's hoping' for both of us!!

    2. RedMallie


      I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of your computers!! Good luck!!! :D

    3. SatansSprite


      Well, it turned out my motherboard was toast. Thankfully they had another system available there for a half decent price, and we had/have family that is willing to help us out. So, hopefully within a few days I should have another system back up and running. I don't think I've ever wanted to play with my simmies more than now, when I can't, haha.

  12. Had an uncomfortable doctor procedure made even more uncomfortable by having to fight back a fart while my doctor was working with my 'lady bits'

  13. Nothing worse than installing a ton of new CC, and I mean a TON, only to discover you broke your game - and forgot to make a backup before doing so.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katelinjens


      So sorry to hear that. I hope you can get it sorted out soon. *hugs*

    3. SatansSprite


      Unless I can find every piece of it to pull it out, it's likely going to mean a complete and full reinstall

    4. RedMallie


      Ouch again!! Biiiiig hug!!!

  14. I could have sworn I had seen somebody post a thread about the site I hinted at the other day, that I snagged free store content from. Although now I'm wondering if it wasn't just a dream, haha.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nellas


      I am hoping that was a dream since we are not supposed to be posting about those types of sites.

    3. RedMallie


      Brain? What is it?

    4. SatansSprite


      I'm definitely sure it was a dream, because the way it had went in my head was that I had seen the thread in the "recent threads" list and made a mental note to check it later. The dates on the actual recent threads though, were much further back though than I had thought, in this dream. So yeah, it was just really strange, haha.

  15. Just found a site with some of the store content for free.my download folder has now disowned me

    1. SatansSprite


      One thing I can say though, is thank heavens for CCMagic

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