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About Cohzaku

  • Birthday 04/26/1990

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  1. Update on the Laptop: Turned out it was indeed the CMOS battery. Unfortunately, it's a gateway, so I had to order a proprietary one. Still, it works! And works pretty good; might just keep this and fix it up. Only $37 to upgrade the RAM to the full 4GB.

    1. karrere


      That is wonderful news. Glad it worked out for you. The extra RAM can really make a big difference in gaming.

  2. Working on a big project. 20x30 gas station Not too fancy, but I'm doing multiple versions of it as different types of lots. It'll come in a run-down style and a shiny and new style. :)

    1. Rosewin


      Looking forward to seeing them both.

  3. Had an old laptop that wouldn't work. I put it on ebay and it sold as is for the horrendous price of $3.86, but the winner didn't pay (I have a 12 hour rule on payment) so I cancelled the order. I randomly decided to plug it in just now.and randomness be damned, it's charging! :o I'll see if the charge holds and try to set up an OS on it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cohzaku


      Well, back to the drawing board. It turns on but nothing comes on the screen. Not even a BIOS.

    3. karrere


      CMOS Battery? When the battery is dead, it cannot keep the BIOS settings and may result in not booting up. Just a thought.

    4. Cohzaku


      That could be it. I have a bunch of those in the house so I'll rip her apart again and see if that can be replaced.

  4. I feel like remodeling some towns. If I posted some custom lots for Sunlit Tides (Is that the name.the Superstar world)would anyone like them?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cohzaku


      Worst case, I was thinking I'll just make the lots as best as I can and apologetically let people CASt them as they like.

    3. Jenn


      FYI: Showtime World is Starlight Shores. Sunlit Tides is the more of a tropical island world. Both are in desperate need of lots though. I'd be interested and also willing to CASt them myself. I like coloring, I don't like building and decorating. Haha

    4. Cohzaku


      Dangit, Yes, I met Starlight Shores. I get those confused too often. XD

      Well, in that case, I can at least start on the buildings. I'm still going to try to repair the CASt issue.

  5. dangit, too many CC sites I loved no longer are up.

  6. I'm horrified.it's taken me 4 days to remember to download Decensor. XD Of course, since I'm taking that out, It's only right to get "the bits" :P

  7. Kraven Labinos managed to scoop up Madeline, the professor from the University, as his wife. Well done, soldier. Now make babies for this legacy!

  8. I think I'm getting better.I managed to log about 4 hours of game play without any CC.I'm actually going to play it risky and see how much CC I can jam in before the SSD starts loading the game slower

    1. Rosewin


      Will we see the explosion from space?

      *munches on popcorn*

  9. New Graphics card, big-fat new SSD, installing the Sims, and getting ready for fun! :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RedMallie


      Congratulations! :D

    3. MadameButterfly
    4. Cohzaku


      Yep, I've installed 2 (Ultimate collection that was a free thing on Origin a while ago), and I'm working on Sims 3. I want to buy the few expansion packs I'm missing, but.might find them on sale in town.

      I noticed Sims 4 is pretty reasonable on Origin right now, but I'm still not sure I want to go for it.

  10. Hello, I'm not dead or anything, all. Just not simming too much due to computer limitations. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Firestaar1


      Cohzaku! *tackle hug* So good to see you!

    3. RedMallie


      Hope it gets better soon!!! :D

    4. Wolfenblu


      Nice to see you, and I understand not simming much mine is due to time limitations.

  11. Just as a general heads up, some troll (or trolls) from a Doctor Who website have become really petty and started digging up my personal information. I don't use this screen name there, but just in case, if anything odd or bad happens related to me here, just giving a heads up so the Ban hammer can be enforced.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cohzaku


      -figures out 30 evil things to do with the ostrich feather aND the handle-

    3. RedMallie


      Poor pool boys! Be gentle, please, we still need them! --and they may like it. ;)

    4. Rosewin


      I don't know. Those pool boys have to be pretty tough to survive around here, I am sure they will manage. >.<

  12. :O getting a 4' 50 Gallon aquarium for $65 with all accesories. Awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nyxie


      Wow that's a great find!

    3. Cohzaku


      it fell through. Condition was too poor to justify cost. By the time I'd repaired it properly I may as well have bought a new one.

    4. Cohzaku


      we're checking on two of the big petstore chains in the States, Petco and Petsmart. they frequently have $1 per gallon sales, which means I could get the same size or bigger PLUS some fish and animals for a little more than this tank, and way less than the tank would be at Walmart (149)

  13. took some hair pulling, blackmail, murder, and Ebay madness, but.I've finally got a note 3! Not as cheap as I wanted, but still 300 less than normal, and I can pay it off in payments thanks to BillMeLater. -is giddy-

  14. If there is ONE thing I like about ten.subracting all his errors as the Doctor.it's how in love he was with the aliens. "Oh you are lovely".even though RTD ruined many things.he always allowed the Doctor his moments of utter.appreciation over his fellow non-earthlings.

  15. "You think hatred is beautiful?"

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