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About Chicken0895

  • Birthday August 15

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    An Alternate Dimension

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  1. Don't you hate it when you pick someone out for your sim and they turn out to be married?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Elisabetta


      You can't ask them to break up in Sims 2 either can you? I haven't played in so long, I forgot.

    3. Orilon


      You're welcome Chicken. Elisabetta, there is no "ask to break up" option in Sims 2. (As far as I know) Sims can Break up if the relationship is bad enough or they get caught cheating.

    4. Elisabetta


      Yeah, I couldn't remember, thanks Orilon. I like having that option in Sims 3. It usually makes an enemy for my sim but that's fine :P

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