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Posts posted by coolspear

  1. Deliver a baby?! With any of these mod pairs that cannot happen. Pregnancy Emergencies are not included, I removed them - the coding - completely because the default rules are so rotten. (I'm currently working on re-coding them to be... not like the Maxis crap where sims I do not want to be used for pregnancies are forced to come and have a baby then KEEP IT afterwards.) But that's a ways off till I include the re-coding - if ever.)  If you're seeing that at your hospital, - (Pregnancy Emergencies or Collapsed Patient Emergencies.) - I don't know what to tell you. A conflict of mods from other creators, perhaps?

    With my mods alone you should not be seeing this. You should only be seeing what I see in my game, meaning no emergencies whatsoever.

    I'm almost done reworking the Collapsed Patients. Meaning they will come into hospital like regular patients, and your doc will deal with them, no big, annoying emergency about it. I'll be adding that to these mods after some thorough testing. Then I'll try same for pregnancies. But until I add them, you should not be seeing any of it. If you are seeing broken versions of emergencies, with broken staff at hospital all day, you should look in your mods folder for conflicting mods.

    BTW, thought I'd better ask while on this subject, you are extracting the package files from the rar folder, yes? Because your description of what goes on at your hospital sounds very much like the Maxis way of it, (if not due to a conflicting mod.) So I also wonder if the mods are installed properly?

  2. Thank you, that's exactly what I needed to know and easily fixed. All the older coworkers who predate the mods, you need to remove them from the hospital careers, thus allowing those new 8 sims you got from here, with the much needed new traits to do all the new tasks, to replace them and turn up for work.

    I understand if you have formed an attachment to those older sims, if you like them and want them to stay in their jobs, so there is a way to keep them and then see them properly get to work at the hospital, but you will have to know how to use cheats and give those older sims the needed hidden traits. See my mod here to make this fiddly process a lot more user friendly -  https://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/topic/14572-sim-cheats-available-on-sims-no-debug-required-updated-july-2024/  - If you go that route then you don't need the new 8 coworkers, who won't even come to hospital anyway seeing as the jobs are already covered by older, preexisting coworkers.

    It's all about the hidden traits that gets them working at the new tasks, thus why the older coworkers who don't have those traits are doing nothing. (To be honest, I coded the sim filter files for each of those jobs to only send sims with my cc traits, so I am baffled as to how older sims with no traits were allowed to even come to the hospital and the game did not auto replace them with the 8 sims who do have the needed traits. I'm glad I've now learnt it doesn't, even though it should. I'll have to look into that, but that's a whole other thing.)

    But if you're okay with decommissioning, retiring or even deleting those older sims, so that the new 8 coworkers can fully replace them at the hospital, then that's the quickest way to get it on track and working right.

  3. Hi @NikkibabiWhich pair from this set are you using?

    I have only used the V1A pair in my game, and even playing earlier today, a whole week had passed and a new day at hospital, and the coworkers were as busy as can be with their new tasks.

    All other pairs I have not tested directly, but as they are just copies of original V1A pair with simple edits to removing CC patient types and reducing staff and default patient numbers, I cannot see them, the coworkers, not working at all. Just less sims than the original pair, just as they're coded. But even so, it would be helpful to know which pair of mods you are using.

    You say they are all just standing around doing nothing? Does this include the receptionist and orderly? I would need to know exactly who is failing at doing their jobs, and to what degree. Are they not ever doing a single thing all day? Doing some of the Maxis default jobs but nothing else? Occasionally doing an x-ray, treadmill or surgery, but standing around for far too long in between work?

    If using pair V1A it is designed for the more powerful gaming computers. But even then the game is, has been, long since afflicted by the infamous Simulation Lag that pretty much has sims standing around doing nothing for very long periods of time. Even on powerful computers. Is there a chance this could be what you are experiencing? If so, I do have a very popular mod you might be interested in to help alleviate some of that Simulation Lag.  Here -  https://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/topic/14126-quicker-sim-autonomy-simulation-lag-improvements-march-2023-196-update/

    Either way, I'm going to need to know what mod pair you're using and more accurate details regarding every coworker's behavior - or lack thereof - to get to the bottom of what you're reporting. 

  4. All No Autonomous Mods are found in here now. No longer 30-odd individual threads making up three pages on this General Mods forum. Just one thread now and the one rar folder below has them all.













































    cool1_sim_NoAutoUseGrill&Microwave&Tea&Coffee&IceCream&GrabSnackFromFridge - Sims won't auto use Barbeque, Ice Cream Maker, Microwave or make coffee or tea, but they will auto drink and eat if any have been made. They will no longer auto Grab Snack from Maxis fridges. All in all to make sims eat the main meal that is prepared, and not do other stupid things instead.



    Download -

    Interactions No Auto.rar


    Happy simming, folks.



    The Admiral's Wreckage - Pirates and the Plantsims




    This lot is a rework of the Off the Grid lot in Sulani, The Admiral's Wreckage. Somewhat inspired by the classic movie The Goonies. So much so, the lady pirate with the eye patch is Captain Wilhelmena Stearn, more commonly known throughout the Sulani seas and islands nearly three hundred years ago as One-Eyed Wilma. How she is still alive in these modern times and living with plantsims is indeed a tale to tell.

    But first let us look into where they all live, before we go on any grand adventure stories about how they all live.

    Open the spoiler tab below to see screenshots of the lot.  













    A pirate ship trapped in a cave. Just like in the Goonies. But how did it get in there? I mean a ship in a bottle is one trick, but a ship in a cave? Next thing we know, you'll be telling us this ship actually floats on water. Pffft, you can't do that in TS4. I mean, how the heck did it get in there?


















    Hold on... I mean it looks like it's floating on water? But, but, but... Nah, this can't be TS4. TS3, Island Paradise, that's it. Gotta be. Ships float there. But not TS4.

    The glass flooring is nice though, real pretty. And all those little fishies underneath, I could look at them all day. Not exactly safe though, glass floors on a ship. Then again, it's not as if a 300 year old pirate ship trapped in a cave is going on any seafaring high adventures where a glass floor would be ridiculous and deadly.  Because it can't float. Not in TS4, it just can't.









    Okay, it's floating. It's definitely blooming floating. But... but... akk, whatever floats your boat. That One-Eyed Wilma is a very powerful spellcaster, so maybe it's a kind of magic.

    Very pretty magic at that.

    And you can actually swim in there with all those fishies nibbling on your toes? Nice one. I'm sure I'll take a dip later.




    Okay, one last look at the little fish, now can we go look at the rest of this crazy cave.





    Ah, a bit of Precision Fishing. Nice.






    That must be how the ship first got in here. A massive portal entrance, now overgrown with jungle foliage, looking out to an endless black infinity beyond, I wonder what you see when looking through that telescope. 











    A stash of old, undiscovered pirate booty. They'll be happy when they find that. If they ever do.





    And an undiscovered ladder hidden in the jungle overgrowth. Where could that possibly lead? So there's hidden gold, hidden ladders, all these magic portals leading to who knows where. Any wonder ships can float down here. You can feel the magic in the air.


    07-04-24_8-19-41 AM.jpg

    07-04-24_8-28-01 AM.jpg


    All that mess of pretty flowers up top actually conceals three double beds for the three planstims. Flowerbeds, indeed. Mods will be needed to remove the blocking footprints of those flowers otherwise the sims will never get in there to the beds with all the route fails. A link for those mods will be provided at bottom of page, not in this spoiler tab.   


    07-04-24_7-26-19 AM.jpg


    Well, thanks for the tour. Now I'm off to have a swim with the fish. See you later.




    Any of my CC objects used in this build, such as the FX Stones for all the different fish, can be found here - 


    A link to download the mods that Remove Blocking Footprint from things like flowers will be added here shortly. I need to upload the bundle rar folder that will contain them all.  


    If you also want the sim family, just let me know and I'll add it here. But the reason I'm hesitant to upload, is that a lot of Cas CC is used on them, and I cannot share that as it's not mine. Nor will I take a day to list it all here one by one with download links, because life is too short. But other than that, I'm happy to share the sims. If you're an avid collector of Cas CC like me, you may have a lot of it anyway. Just let me know.



    Download -

    AdmiralsWreckage -Pirates and the Plantsims.rar - Place contents of rar folder into Tray Folder. Make sure to activate CC in your Library to see this lot.


    Okay, coolspear, now that it's all wrapped up and you're about to leave this thread, just tell us, how did you get that pirate ship to float?


    What? What do you mean it's a mystery? What kind of answer is that? Some pal you are. You're gonna make us tear that lot apart just to find out, aren't you? 


     Happy simming, folks.





  6. They like to use most gym equipment on arrival, and then relax on spa stuff about half way into their three hour shift. (The timing of the hidden buffs and pushes is set up that way.) The Steam room is a favorite of theirs. and also now the Japanese hot springs (onsen) as I've added the auto push for that into their coding. Soaking in the honey-type bath treatments they can be found doing, (as you mentioned) rock climbing treadmill occasionally. Not forgetting coffee and food at the barista station, they like a bit of that. TV watching, but no longer in a big way. I've curbed their enthusiasm for that, but not removed it. 

    The default hot tub is a waste of time anywhere in the world. But I did mod that years ago to be more useful, and for sims to use it more logically, then I let that mod lapse, but finally updated it last week also giving it the On/Off switching as seen with my on/off mod set. With that mod installed, the Physiotherapy Patients will most definitely find their way to the hot tub regularly enough to make it a worthwhile object at the hospital - or anywhere else for that matter. The same goes for the default steam room. Without my on/off mod for that, they're probably ignoring it mostly, right? By next week you'll have a bundle rar full of mods that makes a world of difference improving all this.

    Any day now I will be uploading a large bundle rar folder with all these mods and many more never before seen on this site. It is on my list to do next after doc career mods, and so will be next as the doc career mods are pretty much done.

    And funnily enough, I have seen the Physiotherapy Patients in my game sitting at check-in area, too. They never used to do that. It is odd, as it's not set up in the coding for them to do that at all. It's like they have a mind of their own, become self aware, and decided if you're gonna call me a patient then I'm gonna act like one and sit in the patient waiting area.

    I'll be looking into that for sure. Perhaps something to do with the front desk "badge-in" mechanic that most others have to do when going to hospital. Maybe they're jealous and want to badge-in like everyone else. 😁      

    Although you say they sit in the assistants chair? The actual front desk seat for a receptionist to normally sit in? I've never seen the Physiotherapist Patients do that. They have plenty of opportunity to do that at my Heartbeat Hospital, as the front desk area has two receptionist desks, but I only allow one assistant/receptionist to come to work, so one desk seat is always empty. But the patients never sit in it. That'd be far too bold of them. But sitting in the check-in seats, yep, I've definitely seen them do that. But only one or two of them, then they eventually move on to use spa equipment of get a drink or food from barista. To be honest I actually find it cute, even somewhat fitting, patients and hospitals and all, even though it's not supposed to happen at all. That's been my recent experience of it.

    It's just dawned on me that the odd one or two who now choose to sit in check-in area, might actually be sims with a dislike for gym workout stuff. Last time I played the hospital properly, regularly, two years ago, the game did not have any likes and dislikes mechanics. And as said at top, when first arriving, the role is setup specifically to push using gym equipment. The spa stuff push after ninety minutes, which is why they do then leave check-in area to do spa stuff. It's beginning to make a whole lotta sense to me now. I will probably have to ban sims with newfangled hidden hates fitness trait from coming as Physiotherapy Patients. I think that's the nail hit squarely on the head.

  7. Yeah, of course I cheated with my Degree mod. Though the mod has not needed any updates since I first made it and uploaded here about a year ago, was it? Time flies. The mod still works perfectly fine. Seven of the eight sims here are evidence to that.

    Though I did have to faff about in Cas giving most of them the uni hat for their graduation photos. Well, gotta be done, right? No use doing a job unless you're gonna do it right. And they all look proper smart in their photos.

    The closest thing to a medical degree at uni is the Biology Degree, which the coworkers here, except for one, all have. Under normal circumstances, once a sim has achieved that degree, then is given the Doctor Career job, they naturally start at career level 8 with a nice bonus to their wage and a couple of extra job perks. so I guess that's the one Maxis intended as the Medical Degree. A rose by any other name...  

  8. Here is the household of 8 sims who are the Hospital Coworkers in my game. I've uploaded them, not just because they're all so gorgeous 😁, but because they have already been given the job levels, skills, normal traits, hidden Maxis traits and, most importantly, the hidden CC job traits they will need to be able to work at the hospital.


    This is how they look in Everyday Outfits. I have dressed them with a few unique extra things suitable for hospital work that Maxis do not put on coworkers. Eye protection for them all, special clinical gloves for some, the right clinical shoes that came with Get To Work but Maxis fail to put on staff. (Go figure.) And also dress some of them more suited to their personality. The Japanese Goth Girl as the Orderly, in head-to-toe black attire. (Maxis won't let her look like that!) Sofia, she wants to continue respecting her life, faith and culture and wear the hijab to work. (Maxis won't let her do that! You're not so all-inclusive after all then, Maxis, eh?)

    So it is then, as well as the sims, there is also a mod here to send hospital coworkers to work in their Everyday Outfit. And if you've made the effort to make them look anything like this, you do the hospital proud.

    If you are also using the reworked hospital staff mods found here - https://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/topic/12257-doctor-career-reimagined-part-3-npc-staff-massive-rework-for-july-2024/  - then this Everyday Clothing mod must, must, must go into the Overrides Folder.

    If you are unfamiliar with what an Overrides Folder is, and/or need to download it, see my thread on this site all about it - https://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/topic/12798-more-nesting-depth-for-folders/


    In the Everyday Outfit Mod rar folder, there are two versions. V1 and V2.

    V1 is if using hospital staff mods linked above and you have 2 Nurses, 2 Regular Doctors and 2 Diagnosis Doctors, then use V1

    V2 if using hospital staff mods and only have one of each staff member, then use V2


    Downloads -

    8 X Hospital Staff. (Place contents of rar folder into Tray Folder. Make sure the CC checkbox on your Library screen is ticked to see these sims.)

    8 x NPC Hospital Coworkers_TrayFolder.rar


    Everyday Outfit Mod. Two mods in rar folder. Only use one mod. (Place the one of these you want into Overrides Folder.)



    Important Notes

    - Everything the 8 sims are wearing is all Maxis Cas stuff, no CC. However I do have Wicked Whims in my game, so it may have automatically changed some of their body parts and such the like. If you do not use Wicked Whims, then when you have these sims in Cas it may report missing items. No big deal, just WW stuff, no problem if you don't have it. Then again it might not report anything missing. I dunno. Also if you are not patched up to date I don't think the game will allow you to place these sims in your world.

    - I think if you have MCCC with debug cheats switched on, then you can take these sims into Cas and change most things about them. making them completely different. Yet they should still keep the jobs, skills, the Maxis hidden traits and the CC hidden job traits I have given them, so all should be fine.

    - The two Diagnosis Doctor sims, (In the blue doctor coats.) One of them has the special CC Surgery Trait, so that they can perform autonomous surgery at hospital. If only sending one of each coworker to hospital, then make sure it is the Diagnosis Doctor with the Surgery Trait. It is the red-head sim in blue coat who has this needed trait. It would be best, at the very least, to remove the Doctor Career from the other Diagnosis Doc, so that Maxis' random picking does not send the wrong Diagnosis Doc to the hospital. Or, better yet, if you know how to add and remove hidden traits, then give the other Diagnosis Doc the Surgery Trait and remove it from the first. Or just give them both the Surgery Trait and then don't give a flying fig which one Maxis randomly sends. Again, you only need to do any of this if you only have one of each coworker come to hospital.

    (If anyone dares suggest that you could just delete the surplus Diagnosis Doc, then I will make sure that your name never finds its way onto my Christmas Card list. 😪 Even though, ironically, I've just now suggested this very thing myself. Okay, I won't be sending myself a Christmas Card this year. Bad, bad coolspear. Putting evil ideas into peoples heads.)

    Oh, yes. Try not to give both Diagnosis Docs the Surgery Trait if both are coming to hospital. The whole point of the trait is to only allow one to autonomously perform surgery, so that two Diagnosis Docs are not nabbing surgery patients from each other half-way through the procedure. Ouch! That's bad stuff right there. Just the one, for smooth, optimal operations. 


    Happy simming, folks. And take care of these hospital angels, and in turn they'll take great care of the hospital, the patients and your newfound enjoyment in watching them Get To Work like never before.



  9. Hi @rosalegal2005I'm about to upload a household of 8 coworker sims that I use in my hospital who have all the right job levels, skills, normal traits and the important CC traits needed for them to work at hospital and be great at their jobs. I'll be uploading them right after I finish writing this.

    I'll also be uploading the most up to date Heartbeat Hospital lot too, if you're interested. Though it is advisable to only use that lot if you have a powerful enough computer. It's the lot seen in the story screenshots I uploaded to this tread, that are in the Spoiler Tab, if you've seen those pictures showing what a day at the hospital is now like?

    I will be adding download links to the coworkers and the hospital lot to this thread once they are uploaded. Stay tuned.


    Update Edit

    The hospital coworker sims are uploaded. Here's the link - 


  10. Hi @laylayxxboonot sure what you mean when asking about "new mids."

    If you mean new mods, then sure, there's new mods here in this thread and in the other two doctor mod threads. Everything for doctor career mods has now been uploaded to the three threads, so I'm sure you can find what you're looking for when looking in all three threads.

    Happy simming and happy doctor career.

  11. This hospital lot has likewise had a modern overhaul. All latest For Rent boilers, air conditioners and radiators. All Eco Living energy saving stuff to ramp up the Green status of the region and to work alongside the For Rent appliances. I have also used the LMS Elevator mod to better access all floors. I mean a Hospital by law, has to have an elevator system for the patients, right? Now it does thanks to LMS. There's also now Relaxation Pod Wards for the new Pod Session Patients. An onsen hot springs for the Physiotherapy Patients. And loads of other little tweaks here and there.

    I need to go through all the CC objects I've included to make a comprehensive list of what's used in the hospital. I'll probably include a rar folder here too with all those CC objects in it and links to the LMS Elevator mod. And I'll also upload the family of those eight coworkers here too as they do come with CC traits needed to work at hospital and I think some folks would rather just download a ready-made bunch of coworkers than have to add the new traits to sims themselves. Can't say I blame anyone who wants conveniently pre-made NPC workers rather than have to make their own. I mean you can take them into Cas and change everything about them, and they still keep their jobs, skills and unique hidden CC traits, so I think folks would appreciate that. 

    That's what I plan to do tomorrow.    

  12. Hi all, testing the mod set is finally done and I'm very happy with the results. But I need sleep before I do anything else.

    A quick outline of what I hope to be uploading is two versions of the main mod. The first version has two of most co-workers. Two nurses, two normal doctors, two diagnosis docs, one orderly and one receptionist. This is the mod designed to work for my Heartbeat Hospital lot. The nurses, docs and diag docs get to work on taking patients to treadmills, XRay Machines, diagnosis and surgery table. Yes, they pretty much clear out the hospital of most patients in an industrious manner. I do not allow them to give medicine or shots to patients, as we gotta leave something for your main "chief of staff" doctor to do that's unique to them. That's why they're the boss, right? Otherwise the staff would leave no patients for you, you'd be the redundant one and soon out of a job! No, no, no, that'll never do. Nor do I allow the team to do the check ear, eye, body scan and take temperature tests. Because they will just make a balls of that, latching onto one patient all the live long day. It's a very difficult one to fix, if you want them to do it right, to actually help cure patients. They just mostly love to do those ones wrong and get stuck with the patient all day. I'm sure we all still have nightmares of the un-modded default nurse latching onto patients all frikken day. Not on my watch. Maybe one day I'll try to get a better balance on them. But there's plenty for the co-workers to do now anyway. This version of the mod, used with my hospital lot, is for those players with decent computers that can run all this.

    The second version will just be one of every staff type. For those players with smaller hospitals and/or less powerful computers/laptops.

    There are many other tweaks to the full set of mods. But I'll tell you more about that once I have a few hours shut eye. So until tomorrow, then.



  13. Time to build some hype my lovelies. What I said in the original post about changes that are "nothing major" was a bit of a fib. A whole heck of a big lie, actually. What goes on in the hospital now with all your regular co-workers is nothing short of a next gen evolution. I guarantee it will knock your socks off and maybe bring a few tears to your eyes to witness the complete difference after eight years of hospital ho hum. I didn't want to say that last week until I could get some testing done, to see it with my own eyes and know the dream becomes the reality. My own weeping-in-joy-eyes last night. This mod set has been eight years in the making - last two years in neglect - always dreaming to be "this." Now it is this.

    But there are still two little tweaks I have left to do to put the icing on the cake., And one is proving rather stubborn. I think I know a few tricks yet to get it where I want, and I'll definitely know by tomorrow if it's worth pursuing or just abandon the extra finessing.

    But if anyone recalls what I said eight year ago, when first looking at the coding for the hospital and its workers, that it seems Maxis wanted the co-workers to be more when in development. But then shut it all down before release. My comparison back then was saying it's like someone built all the rides for an amusement park, but then shut it all down and locked the gates forever more leaving it to rot.

    Eight year later, my fellow simmers, the amusement park is now open and all rides available. I think this is ample redemption for my two years abandoning this mod set.

    Just a couple more days and you'll see it all for yourself.

    Back to work...  


  14. Hello my fellow Asylum Loons, simmers and sinners.

    Finally some long awaited news regarding the career mods. Forgotten and languishing in neglect for far, far too long, I have finally got to work on updating them.

    Hallelujah!!! Miracles can and do happen... occasionally.

    I have been tending to the Doctor Career set of mods this week, and much of the code updating work is done. However it still remains for me to test them all and that's going to take me well into next week at the very least. There's been a few tweaks to them, so not quite the same as the older versions. Plus a few more QoL additions. Though nothing major. I'll give more details on that when I upload the sets.

    For the first time in over two years, I'm going to be playing a doctor again, probably starting (testing) that tomorrow. Wow! Part of me is excited, but equally a sense of trepidation of the mod hell that may unfold. I'm confident I did the coding updates correctly, but the proof of the pudding is in the playing. Tomorrow it is then.  

    The Scientist Career, well, that's a strange one. I did actually update that set about four months ago, but never got round to testing it in my game. You see, a while back I made another set of mods for the Science Labs that are counter, conflicting, to those original mods. My main sim family, where one has always been a Scientist and another always a Doctor, (Even though she has not been a doctor for two years now, but will finally be tomorrow!) I reworked the Labs so that my Scientist now owns them. He no longer "works" there as an employee, but is the owner. He goes there as the boss whenever he (I) likes, and all the funky, specialized staff both live and work at the Labs. So the whole vibe is a lot different from the default Maxis career, which I'll probably never go back to as I just love the new system and just how much better it feels and plays when going to the Labs, HIS Labs., the big boss man. As such I cannot have both sets of conflicting Science mods in my game.

    However, after I've completed the tests for the doctor career mods and uploaded them, (ETA late next week) I will go over the science mods again. I cannot imagine much has changed since I updated them four months ago. And when they are done and ready for upload, I will also upload the other science labs mods for your main science sim to own the labs. I'll also upload the new science labs venue I made as there is some very special and unique build work and trickery going on there that is sure to baffle and delight you. - especially if your main scientist is also a spellcaster.

    So then, plenty to come and soon. Yay!!! 



    Update 26th June 2024.

    Time to build some hype my lovelies. What I said in this original post about changes that are "nothing major" was a bit of a fib. A whole heck of a big lie, actually. What goes on in the hospital now with all your regular co-workers is nothing short of a next gen evolution. I guarantee it will knock your socks off and maybe bring a few tears to your eyes to witness the complete difference after eight years of hospital ho hum. I didn't want to say that last week until I could get some testing done, to see it with my own eyes and know the dream becomes the reality. My own weeping-in-joy-eyes last night. This mod set has been eight years in the making - last two years in neglect - always dreaming to be "this." Now it is this.

    But there are still two little tweaks I have left to do to put the icing on the cake., And one is proving rather stubborn. I think I know a few tricks yet to get it where I want, and I'll definitely know by tomorrow if it's worth pursuing or just abandon the extra finessing.

    But if anyone recalls what I said eight year ago, when first looking at the coding for the hospital and its workers, that it seems Maxis wanted the co-workers to be more when in development. But then shut it all down before release. My comparison back then was saying it's like someone built all the rides for an amusement park, but then shut it all down and locked the gates forevermore leaving it to rust and rot.

    Eight year later, my fellow simmers, the amusement park is now open and all rides available. I think this is ample redemption for my two years abandoning this mod set.

    Just a couple more days and you'll see it all for yourself.

    Back to work...  




  15. With EA recently announcing "a promise" to do more repairs on the game, and latest Maxis patch notes confirming that they've fixed longstanding issues, like frame rate dropping and better memory use, then they may have tinkered with simulation lag somewhat. To be honest, I highly doubt it, as simulation lag needs more than a long, long, long overdue "fix" to set it right. A massive reworking of the engine and extensive coding to put sim animation queuing on its own thread, not on the same thread as all other animations going on. Or at the very least, give a massive boost to sim animation queuing to take supreme precedence in the animation queue processing order. Because I can't imagine most players giving a flying fig if trees and curtains stopped swaying in the breeze if it means giving sims animation priority. But no, we have to put up with sims taking forever to engage in their next animations because god forbid the trees, flowers and butterflies on the far end of the map intermittently freeze on the spot. Yeah, major reworking of the game needed. But if they intend to drag out the game for another ten years, then I don't see why not.

    And yeah, they fixed that frame rate tanking issue before. But that didn't last long. How long do you give it this time?  

  16. It's always good to confirm suspicions when in doubt. There's no such thing as a stupid question, that's exactly how anyone acquires knowledge at all. And a final word on the cfg file. The only negative outcome of the cfg file being made obsolete because Maxis reworked the mod loading system, would be that no mods get loaded into game using an outdated cfg file. But still there would be no in game LE reports regarding this as that's all outside of the playable elements of the game.

  17. The Lottery Numbers when in Hell, perhaps?

    Or the telephone number for the new "5 Demon Guys" restaurants? Though that would be 15x6 (5 devils) rater than 16x6. Although, there is compelling data that suggests the "number of the beast," when properly translated from New Testament, should in fact be 616, and not the actual triple six made famous by Hollywood horror stories. The triple six is just more catchy, perhaps? Which makes me shudder when I think of the Marvel universe, multiverse, and when our home dimension is known as Dimension 616. What are you getting at Marvel?!

    Anywho. 16x6? Is that like bad luck in Chinese? 8 is lucky in Chinese and isn't 6 bad luck? Is there any culture that doesn't give poor, old six a bad rep? 🙃

    @WakahisaDManamiI haven't had time to check yet.


  18. I can't imagine how this cfg file would cause a Last Exception. If Maxis were to ever change the way mods are injected into the game, such that this cfg would be obsolete, it would be such a big change to the game that the world and his wife would know about it via the army of youtrubers reporting such a big change to game, and all using this outdated, erroneous file, including myself, would also get same inexplicable "mystery" errors you're currently experiencing.

    Maxis haven't reworked the mod loading system and I'm not currently getting any LEs for anything. (Although I have yet to play game and test mods since latatest 1.07 patch.)

    The "resource" mentioned in LE report is just a general term for any mod resource, not specific to any files being named resource such as a cfg.

    And finally, the most important part. Any LE report is only relevant to a broken mod (or bad Maxis coding) that's been injected into game after the game and all mods are loaded and playable. The cfg file, whether the original or an edited one, is not a mod per se, and does not get loaded into game. It just directs the traffic of mods being loaded. Such that after game start and mod errors getting reported, the cfg file could never be indicated as it is not in the loaded game and remains outside the identifying capabilities of the mechanisms used by Maxis (extended upon by mods such as MCCC) to report issues. In short, no LE report could ever be about the cfg file as the loaded game is oblivious to its existence as it is not loaded into the game.

    That's like saying the rookie beat cop directing the traffic down on the busy traffic junction is directly responsible for the terrible, corrupt and broken Town Mayor when the poor cop isn't even allowed into City Hall. 😉


  19. Update May 2024 - Nothing needed regarding patches, but I did give it some long overdue love and and attention. Almost all large meals and desserts since Cottage Living right up to For Rent are now added. Almost a year ago, last June, I tried this but completely messed it up, then went on to blame Maxis. But no, it was my own fault for messing up the mod. I was referencing the wrong recipe files, and could not see what I'd done wrong. (The file types that are needed for the Cornucopia Fridge mod to work, but not this buffet table mod. And I just couldn't see what I'd done wrong back then. I'd gone file-blind, so blamed Maxis, as you do. Sorry Maxis, my bad.)  It's all good now, fully tested and works a treat. With close to 120 new large meals and desserts added!  With so many new meals added, on top of the large variety that was already there, I have also done a major reworking of the pie menu options to help find food groups/styles/world regions much more easily. Also new Vegetarian/Tofu and Lactose-Free pie menu options to find those meals faster, too. There are also now two separate versions of the Alpha mod, V1 and V2, and you must only use one. V1 is all the Maxis meals. And V2 - my favorite - now has all the Large Experimental Meals made by the wonderful LMS. You will need to download the LMS mod here - https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/experimental-food-servings - and you will need Dine Out pack for the actual meals. I do not edit the LMS mod in any way, just reference to all the Large Experiment meals LMS has made so they can now all be spawned on the Buffet Table, adding yet another 20-odd meals to the vast selection. Wow!

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