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Posts posted by coolspear

  1. At this stage the game is beyond saving. Eight years, 1000 bucks worth of dlc from a gazillion packs, a gazillion more patches jammed into the mix, - that are infamously known to break as much as they fix - and Maxis' half-arsed spaghetti coding all the while, nope, it was never going to be good by this stage. Sims 3 all over again.

    In yesterday's patch notes it seems Maxis were referring to fixing a terrible lag issue that's been in the game for a couple of years now. When going from build mode to live mode, or vice versa, the game can undergo some terrible lag similar to a massive frame rate drop, and it can linger for a good while. One trick to clear it instantly is to open the Options panel and close it again. A habit I've developed in my game for this last couple of years. It works almost 100 per cent of the time. If you don't do that trick, you could be waiting up to ten minutes or more for the game to clear it up by itself. And here's the rub, Maxis say they've addressed it? Knowing their track record it's one step forward two steps back. I have not patched myself to see if this particular lag issue is finally resolved. but either way, it is not the same simulation lag my mods helps to reduce. The game suffers a few forms of lag not connected to each other and one fix does not cover all. And one of those unsolvable forms is related to everything I opened this response with and my mod cannot do a thing about that inevitable crippling of the game unfortunately.

    Won't be long now before TS4 gets yet another infamous treatment, a "1.69 patch." Referring to the final patch of TS3 that breaks up the game so it only loads base game and not all other 1000 bucks of dlc unless you tell it to load more packs every damn session. (As if to suggest you've only got yourself to blame if it lags for loading all the packs you bought in good faith.) Yay, Maxis knows how to fix the lag eventually, before they finally abandon yet another game. Fixing it by blaming you for it. Coming soon to TS4.

  2. Hi @justme2I wish you well with your health improvements.

    Thanks @RedMallieto the link for Bienchen's mod. I just patched tonight to latest version, as I have been stuck on game version 1.80 since last year. I can't imagine too much mod disruption as the last three or four patches have been pretty minor, especially as there have been no new packs. Wedding stuff coming soon, though I'm not really a fan as romance is something I can't be bothered with in TS4. It's all too blooming simple and samey. The game is far less annoying when sims aren't all romantically doting over each other. So I can't see a Weddings expansion making that any better over long term play. Best just stay friends, TS4 - with the help of Wicked Whims - is ideal for the buckfuddy lifestyle, don't need weddings to mess that up. (This, of course, coming from someone whose own real life marriage ended in bitter divorce many, many moons ago, any wonder I have no faith in it. :titter:)

    But, speaking of patching and having faith, one thing I am is a huge Star Wars fan, and only last September I got the Batuu pack, despite knowing it was crap. And only very recently sent my sim to Batuu for first time, despite knowing it was crap. Well, you know me, doing my World Sim Control mods - (Most of the older ones still pending updates.) and being a massive Star Wars fanboy, I could not rest with Batuu being crap, despite knowing for nearly two years it would be crap. Nope, been reworking it like a nutty ninja for over a week now. I'll pull Batuu into shape if it's the last thing I do. No more will you hear Batuu is crap when I'm done bending it to my will. Oga's Cantina much improved, with the Black Spire Penthouse apartment directly above for your visiting sims to make a second home, Boba's Backdoor Basement Bowling underneath (adult version complete with Twi'lek strippers courtesy of Wicked Whims) and all those eight-year-old Star Wars costumes dusted down and brushed up, finally coming into play as many familiar characters drop by for some new shenanigans and lightsabre duelling. It's all coming along for sure. Hence the need to patch up-to-date as I hope to upload the Batuu WSC files somewhere in the near future, so everyone else can finally get their money's worth out of it and actually have some Star Wars fun. Inspired all the more by today's episode of Boba Fett on Disney plus. I mean ,fuck me, an hour episode of tv was better, far, far better, than three billion dollar movies. My faith is definitely restoring. (In Star Wars, that is, not in marriage... :titter:)         

  3. The turbines could certainly seem "at home" on a roof if using the game's own resize cheats and height placement cheats - if the object doesn't sit on rooftops naturally.

    Though as for adding solar panel versions, a rooftop solar panel certainly defeats the primary ideal of it being a shared, neighborhood off-lot object. As for a ground-based version, I dunno. I did consider the idea a while back when doing other versions, (As in if I'm going to do a job lot of these things, then it's now or never.) but decided against it. Visually speaking, it'd take a hard and wide stretch of the imagination to see it as an object that also collects and pumps water. Magic alien crystals notwithstanding, already stretching the boundaries of credulity, even in a game with magic and aliens. :hehehe: 

    Also the ground solar panels are rather large, (Even if shrunk with cheats, objects return to normal default size after being carried in an inventory.) and at least half the regions in the game don't really have suitably large off-lot areas. Hence the inclusion of the smaller crystals.

  4. Hi @arieslena, it's okay, no need to apologize. In fact it's me who should apologize as the install description and method to make All-in-Ones is now completely different and I need to find the time to rewrite the messy and long-winded main post and upload the most recent updated mods to this thread.

    The old version of this mod - and original setup method - are both very, very outdated and should not be used.

    The most recent version can be found here -  https://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/topic/15991-all-updated-mods-180/ - It's a rar bundle folder, with many of my mods in it all recently updated. I just have not found the time as yet to upload them all individually to each their home threads, so I released the bundle rar to tide folks over till I can tidy up the threads one by one. (Probably in the New Year.)

    In the bundle rar, find the General Mods folder, inside that folder is the World Sim Control folder. The updated All-in-One mods are in there.

    The new rules and method for creating All-In-Ones is right at the bottom of the main page here titled -  "Personal update - April 2020"

    So scrap everything else written before that. I really do need to edit this thread, delete all the original stuff. I know it's far too much info and all now wrong info, so I'm sorry for making you trawl through all that, sending you on a wild goose chase. Just follow the info under the last personal update note. The mod is much easier to use now and the player has much more control setting up and selecting who they want to be All-in-Ones. You'll like it it better than the old redundant method.

    Happy simming.    

  5. Oh dear, oh dear. Neighborhood Stories seems a total farce. For pity's sake, Maxis. Just fuck off and leave the game for modders to tidy up. Another reason to delay patching. I can barely tolerate the Sentiments stuff, - repeat messages of friendly affection popping up every other day. But compared to this new attempt at Story Progression, Sentiments is an utter delight. And no options to turn off this idiotic Neighborhood Story Regression. Maxis make the sim phone a continuous pain in the ass yet again. Toddlers your sim barley knows - if at all - regularly calling them up to give life advice? Maxis, just fuck off already!!! At this late stage, any shit you do to this dragged-out game is just like a bored kid kicking a can around. A lot of noise and it never works out well for the can. Just fuck off and go work on a shiny new football and leave the bashed-up old can for us modders to mend.  

    That's another job editing a hundred odd different node xmls all over again. Just like my mods to end the original phone call insanity and every unknown sim calling your sim ten times a day for utter bullshit nonsense. Here we go a-frikken-gain. And I said my return to modding would be slow? It just got a whole lot slower. I'm in no rush to experience this Neighborhood Regression shit in my game. No sooner will I patch, than I'll be extracting all the gazillion node xmls to cut this crap out before I even dare play the game. I'll probably kill off the Sentiments shite while I'm at it. "Oh, I'm so glad we remained friends all this time. You really get me." Yeah, well, I can't imagine much has changed between us since you told me that same sickly-sweet BS thing the other day. Yep, Sentiments has to go, too.

  6. I suppose it would not be much of a bother to clone a version of the EL Industrial Water Collector and give it the same object id as the new Turbine/Crystal. My only concern is there are hidden animations/SFX to do with a tall wind turbine being struck by lightning, that would not suit the shape or function of a water collector. I did mess about with the lightning SFX for the crystal, for that once in a blue moon it might get hit in a storm while outside. (Even though I use a mod I made to stop objects getting hit by lightning, not everyone will use that mod.) Then again, there's not much chance of a water collector being hit by lightning when in a basement. :hehehe: (We hope...)

    Edit - Actually, just remembered I can deactivate lightning strike in the cloned object files, so that would never be an issue even if water collector is left outside in a storm.

    I do intend to add the crystal to this thread very soon, (I've got some free time next weekend I wanted to use fixing up mods and threads.) so I'll get the water collector sorted then too.

  7. Thanks, glad you like it. In the rar bundle I included an alternate version not yet added to this thread. A green crystal, the one from Sixam, that works the same way. For those "magical" neighborhoods where a bunch of whacking great wind turbines would seem out of character, or where there just isn't enough room for multiple wind turbines. Inspired when I was playing the Goth household and discovered there just isn't enough space in that section of the map for the original wind turbines. But a few green alien crystals placed down, - a nice crystal garden behind the Goth residence - for that same Super green effect.

    And if anyone asks to explain the logic of it, just tap the side of your nose three times while saying the Goths do indeed seem to have a mysterious history with the Sixam aliens.

  8. Okay, where do I start explaining? As a newcomer to this site, there's lots you need to catch up on.

    Firstly, most importantly, almost all mods in individual threads, like the one here, are severely out of date by nearly two years, as I retired from modding quite a while back.

    Only in the last few weeks have I returned to modding TS4. I have written a new thread to explain what I'll be doing with mods in the coming weeks ahead, and I have also uploaded a bundle rar folder in that thread with all the mods I've updated so far to patch level 1.80. That thread is found here -   https://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/topic/15991-all-updated-mods-180/

    Check in regularly with that thread as all the news for mod updates and all my plans will be written there first. And you'll be happy to know that the No Auto Make Bar Drinks mod has been updated and can be found in the bundle rar folder.

  9. More the opposite. Thankful sentiments.  They all appreciate each other, with similar messages popping up how they're so glad of each others company and friendships. I wouldn't say the frequency of the messages is annoying - I'm not yet compelled with a need to mod it. Which is saying something, seeing as there are currently 24 (non blood-related) sims living in that family with all friendships maxed (no romances), one llama, one cow, three chickens, various fish and rodents, lost count on the bunnies, and one cat - actually kitten. (Because I quickly get annoyed with adult cats and especially dogs, I thought I'd see how a kitten does. So far I have not wanted to push the nuke button on it. Tiny little thing, every time I see it I'm scared one of those 48 busy feet shuffling about the house are going to step on it and crush the thing.)

    Looking at the patch notes yesterday, I am surprised to hear this patch is breaking any mods. The stuff related to fixing older issues wasn't much, and nothing that I was aware of. The numerous issues I am aware of were not mentioned. Mostly talk of this Season of Selves (Sounds as contrived and confusing as a James Bond movie title, James Bond in the multiverse. No thanks.) and the new Scenarios. If you can call it a new idea. They are just age old challenges so many players have been doing since the get go. Now just with prompted UI messages to help a player keep track of their challenge. Big deal. 20 years of playing I never did try any challenges, so don't really need Maxis trying to push any on me either. The whole point I enjoy the franchise is because it can be so open ended, not stuck on rails as you doggedly stick to the confines and restrictions of a challenge. There are other games that do that to a fine art if that's what I'm in the mood for. A rags to riches challenge? (Yawn!!!) Just befriend a bust the dust bunny and it'll soon give you ancient relics to sell off. A rags to riches speed challenge without using cheats? I dunno, half a sim day and a couple of dust bunnies and your dreams of avarice are met. And finding romance after a break up? Isn't that just, like, part of normal play for twenty odd years? Just throw in some extra UI interactions and text messages and now it's a Scenario challenge. WTF? Maxis messing with the romance interaction system, many hundreds of interaction XMLs, just to add extra text prompts if a player has decided to try a Scenario romance rather than normal romance. All just to see a bunch of extra messages popping up when doing otherwise normal romance interactions. Messages reminding you of a past romantic failure as this new one is succeeding. Somewhere between a Barbara Cartland novelette love story unfolding courtesy of the endless Maxis popup messages with every cuddle and kiss, or a little devil on your shoulder pushing you onward, "now hold them, now caress them, now kiss them, now fuck, sorry, woo hoo them, yay! You win the Scenario!!! No, that won't become annoying at all, of course not.

    Any modder who's worked on romance mods will have stuff to do. New Scenario text prompts to add to interactions I should imagine. I'm not a fan of TS4 romance as is, (24 sims living together and not one romance. Nope.) Maybe interactions to do with crafting, creating and selling crafted stuff, might have a few rags to riches Scenario text prompts added. Seeing as I have not yet got round to updating all my old crafting mods, painting, writing, whatever, then no skin off my nose. Those mods are nearly two years worth of broken, breaking them a bit more in this latest patch isn't really a concern. I'm only glad now I didn't work on them yet.

    Not forgetting the mention of SDX. So they're giving away more gnomes, or gnome tee-shirts. From the beginning they've been giving us "free stuff" in patch updates. The fact they're making a big-to-do about this SDX, separating it from normal free stuff in patches, now a standalone thing to bring more attention to how generous they are and we must not forget this, we were taking it for granted when it's lost in among a game patch, now it will come whenever, outside of patches, as it's own thing. I smell EA ThinkTank Marketing Strategies at work here, just re-branding a same-old, same-old thing in a shiny, new "Look At Me" coating. Okay then. SDX Free Stuff. When you consider just how much money you've spent on TS4 thus far, there ain't no such thing as free stuff.

    In regards to mods, it'll be a while yet before S4S is ready to extract the latest game files for me the check all the mods in the October bundle, so I'm in no rush to patch my game.

  10. I have expressed my thoughts on using Better Exceptions in the past, due to its mechanics. And I have not changed my thoughts, meaning I would not ever use it. Nor would I examine mods after reports by players, if potential LE problems were based on predictive reports from Better Exceptions. My stance being, to help keep my sanity, show me an actual LE report due to an actual broken mod, not Better Exceptions' predictions - most of which never come to pass. If you take BE reports at face value without questioning them, you'd delete three quarters of your mods for no good reason - just based on guesses and LE scaremongering - not what I'd call "Better" just because it gives you more to potentially fear. Is the boy who cries wolf too often "better" than the boy who never cries wolf at all, just because he'll get it right every once in a while? No thanks. I need more solid information than guesses and predictions before I go burn down the forests chasing off wolves or foxes. Need the boy that cries wolf when there's an actual wolf. That's MC, don't need anything more elaborate than that.

  11. That is what an un-hidden Fox looks like in homeless bin. When shift clicking on coop or on ground, many debug options appear. The debug cheats for Cottage Living allow to spawn a fox. Soon after it appears, it very quickly runs off lot never to be see again. But when going through the families, the homeless bin, there it will be, looking all stretched. Normally it should be in the hidden bin with the likes of Grim Reaper, should not see it ever.  I deleted it when I saw this in my game, as I knew it was due to spawning it with a debug cheat option and it would never appear in my game because my farm lot is in Sulani and I doubt foxes are allowed to be in that region? Don't know if that's true, as the bunnies are all over my beaches enjoying the tropical life. It's a beach bunny invasion in Sulani. Perhaps if I remove the security fence around the chicken coop, "proper" foxes may start spawning which I could try to befriend. Don't know if I can be bothered, though, what with the beach bunny invasion.

    If it's a fox that spawned naturally in your game, then it would have been hidden. The fact you found it in the sim bins means something misfired. I am curious to know, what would happen if a bin fox were moved into a played household. Please don't try this, I was only thinking what if I spawn another debug fox then try moving it in. How broken is that going to get?

    Do you have MC? Check the names of the foxes, or rename them yourself in Cas, and see if they are the same ones that turn up on your farm lots during normal play. If so, then the game just put them in the wrong bin, and you can use MC, clicking on mailbox, to move them to the hidden bin where they should've went in the first place. If different foxes turn up and you never see these two in game, then just delete them as the game spawned them wrong. Let's hope it's not another bug like Father Winter one, and we'll have a million unusable foxes breaking the game.

  12. Cheers Chaavik.

    After pulling my hair out, and every last mod, only to find the game kept crashing, I realized it had to be due to some Cas CC. Yep, some old makeup package file that wasn't up to date with the recent changes to all that type of stuff. And the crash so seemingly random, as it all depended if the sim wearing the faulty makeup, was wearing that particular outfit. If no, then I could get away with a few hours of play, till the sim changed clothes, then bam, crash. My own damn fault for not using S4S to do a batch fix and get all that type of CC stuff up to date. Which I have since done, and so far no more crashes.

    @SailorEffinMoonThanks for link to mod. The mod is similar to what I was attempting for those sunrays and aurora, but I was also trying to be funky and have an On/Off switch for those VFX, so player can turn them on or off whenever. I might get round to working on that again, but for now bienchen's mod does the job. I also made two little gizmos where the effects can be activated/deactivated on non-green lots that do not have the VFX - and of course much milder than the Maxis mayhem. So perhaps I'll leave it at that, not try anything more funky, considering "more funky" tends to get "more broken" with patches.  

  13. Still slow progress here. Not helped by the fact I'm trying to eliminate "something" that is causing the game to crash. A very recent occurrence, might be mod related, maybe not. Probably is, though. Having to remove most recent mods, then play for a while, seeing if the crash happens. I hate playing the game that way. Not really playing, not doing anything significant with sims, just letting the game roll on autonomously till a crash occurs - if bad mod has still not been removed. And those crash reports are useless, complete jargon, so no help at all in pinpointing a cause.

    I do believe it might have something to do with those poxy eco footpring sunrays and night aurora. Like many players reporting on EA Help, my green footprint lots have become contaminated with too many sunrays and aurora. It's overbearing, far too bright and causes game lag. I made my own mod to remove the effects about a week ago, the crashes started soon after. Tried editing it a few times, but crashes continued. Pulled that mod out, then used a mod found on MTS that also edits the VFX graphics, removing them from the hidden object that generates the rays and aurora. A far more simpler mod than the one I'd made, I was hoping it would work due to its simplicity, as all it does is cut out the VFX graphics. But my game just now crashed again and I'm getting fed up with it all. A longstanding issue Maxis have still not addressed, the lots are just too damn bright and laggy to play when not modding out the VFX. Yet that's two mods I've tried now and game crashes have been the result, whether in the first five minutes of play or after an hour or so, there will be a crash. My patience has been tested and I'm kinda put off even playing the game until Maxis can even acknowledge the frikken problem and at least say they're trying to work on it. Rather than just ignore responding to the growing reports that began back in October 2020. Geez, if I have to switch off the Eco mechanics in Options just to stop the blinding lights, that's another pile of money wasted on a pack that cannot be played. So yeah, don't really want to play at all till I calm down over this typical Maxis BS. Sick of half-playing the game while waiting for a crash to inevitably hit. That's no way to play a game at all.

    Going slow, indeed. After all, I still haven't established if I'm barking up the wrong tree with these sunray/aurora mods as being the cause of the crashes. It seems most likely, but not fully established. Stupid flipping crash reports. No help at all.

  14. I've been tinkering away updating quite a few mods. Hopefully I'll make a start on uploading them over this weekend. Although I said I won't do any more bundle rar folders, I think it will be helpful if when I make the list of updated mods, I attach a bundle rar with said mods. Then I can take my time to update each mod thread individually. Seeing as that is the time-consuming element of the process, folks can just grab the bundle rar instead of waiting while I update threads one by one. Even if you only want one or two of the mods in the bundle rar, it's still quicker than waiting for me to update the individual mod threads.

    Seeing as I haven't updated mod threads in close to two years, there's every chance I may get frustrated doing it soon after starting, so it's probably best to have the bundle rar ready to download in case I throw a strop and go get merrily drunk instead. :laugh2:

    Practice makes perfect, eh? And I'm well out of practice, ergo far, far from perfect.  

  15. Aye, I got everything from Uni onwards very recently. And holy moly, the glitches. Food, the eating of it, even more borked than it was where I left off nearly two years back. Do restaurants work at all anymore? Can't trust Maxis with anything. What a shambles. As modders, we've certainly got our work cut out for us. Why, oh why, do we return to this punishment? :hehehe: Only got ourselves to blame. 

  16. Update - 7th October 2021

    Rare though it is for Maxis to change a basic commodity xml file, - as this mod uses - in my time away they did manage to do a very minor change to the coding structure of this xml. I'd say pointlessly so. (After seven years I should think it entirely pointless! Statute of Limitations and all :hehehe:) It's that Sheldon-like coder they once hired, (a rarity among Maxis staff.) who finally got round to looking at these types of files and dotted the i and crossed the t.

    Of course the mod needs an update after the action, but will make absolutely no difference in game whatsoever - other than a possible LE for outdated xml in outdated mod. Gotta love 'em. Especially that Sheldon-like employee. (Where was this coder at the start?!) TS4- the seven year public release Beta project.

    So yes, this mod now updated to latest compatibility. BTW, it's the same mod that was recently included in the September bundle rar, in the Chefs Kitchen Helper mod thread. So if you recently got it from there, then it's the same one here. If you want to see what else is in that bundle, go to Chefs Kitchen Helper mods, page five of comments, go down comments till you see where I've posted the rar. All those mods in the bundle will eventually be put in their respective mod threads as I work my way through the updates, same as I've done for this mod here today.

    I've changed the description of the mod in the opening post, as I'll only be doing the one version from here on. The "No Decay Ever" version. Simply to make this mod fall on line with the Fresh Chef trait which I give to all my important sims. That is to say, make the food spawned on buffet tables fall in line with the trait, and likewise not decay.

    Happy simming folks.   

  17. My Dalek vision of the Sims world is universal, and all new regions will fall in line with older ones. EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! That's to continue exterminating the possibility of walkby sims on the streets. Not exterminate the sims themselves.  :hehehe:  Yes to stop all that idiotic grilling of hamburgers and hotdogs at 3am, but also to exterminate the stupidity of the game generating new, unwanted homeless sims for some equally stupid NPC walkby job that has no other relevance in the game. And, just as importantly, to exterminate the sheer pointless drag on our computer CPUs and any additional simulation lag - like the game doesn't already have enough of that from other sources - having to process and maintain bunches of sims in the far corners of the map that we don't even see most of the time anyway, and to exterminate the cause of certain LEs we would otherwise not have to suffer (Those dang stalls and customers doing stupid things like drinking 50 cups in a row then causing LEs because they freak out trying to get rid of the cups.) So yes, Dalek mode for them all, coming soon.

    Of course I will try to look into preserving some of the more unique NPCs, such old Mrs Crumplebottom. Not exactly sure what her role is, running a market stall from what I've glimpsed in the coding? But does she do more? Get up to her old tricks of visiting community lots and harassing lovers with handbag beatings, who display their affection in public? How important is the market area in Henford-On-Bagley? Because my usual treatment of the xmls would remove all that permanently. I'd have to go out of my way to make special exceptions to keep it running if it is truly important to gameplay. If it's just like the market area in Magic Realm, then I'd happily close it all down and not think twice about it. I'll just rework the stalls so player can buy directly from them without need of NPC workers, as I did for Magic Realm stalls.

    What is it, three regions I have to look at? (I do have all, but not yet played.) Eco, Snowy Japan and Cottage Living. (I won't touch Batuu. Well, not in that "exterminate" way at least. But I will have to do something with it, especially if updating the mod that makes the Forest and Jungle residential areas. Batuu will be part of that system no doubt and will need special exceptions to keep it a destination world.) If there are any special street NPCs for the three "normal" regions, such as old Mrs. Crumpybutt, or any special street events that must remain, let me know. Otherwise it could take me weeks playing each region to find out for myself - no modding getting done in the meantime.

  18. Okay, I'll keep an eye out. But after all the latest mod tinkering I've done, I did - once as noted above - actually order a grocery delivery via the phone. And an NPC did turn up with a bag of ordered items. I found no quarrel there. Just peed-off the game roped in and otherwise innocent homeless sim to be the delivery NPC, which they would then be foreverafter because Maxis rules are quite poo. After seeing that, I cannot express how much I need to get my All-In-One mod back on the go. Hell yes. But I did not otherwise encounter a problem. With all the mods I have installed, I ordered delivery goods on the phone, a sim came with a bag of what I ordered, and that's what it was. Nothing seemed to be wrong in the scheme of things. Other than me wanting to get my All-In-One mod back in charge of this stuff.  Which is why I did not save that game. Because I do not want Maxis dunderhead NPC rules. All-In-One or nothing. I started it ages ago, and I do mean to go on with it, Simply because it works.

  19. You lot are marvelous. Truly.

    Recent times and events have had me in a sad way. Pondering my place in this universe. But as my beloved mother told me, I need to get back to where I can find some happiness. Then she passed, as Fate will have it. So here I am doing what I know brings me happiness - with equally as much griping before the happiness can be met, as you all know. Seems the whinging and the happiness go hand in hand, so goes the trail of perfecting TS4 - if such a thing is possible.

    I'm glad to be back modding. But moreover, I'm glad to be back hearing your voices. We're alive, aren't we. A living, conjoined entity, spending some of our valued time over this funny, insignificant-yet-important game. That's a cockamamie notion at best, yet here we all congregate, together, over this shared interest.

    I love you all for it. I love you all because I'm not wrong for doing same. We're just fine here. We're just dandy. It's marvelous. You're marvelous. We're marvelous.      

  20. In what way? I've only tried that grocery delivery service once, as I was trying to see if delivered groceries have a proper description and quality tooltip for things like eggs and meat. The ones I added to Fruit Bowls do not have a tooltip after buying, nothing when hovering over the purchased eggs and meat. Since uploading the  mods of this bundle, I have actually removed those groceries from the Fruit Bowls that don't display tooltips because of this. (I also won't order deliveries again until I get my All-In-One NPC mods sorted, I can't stand the Maxis rules for picking new NPC workers. But that's another story.)

    I'm currently looking into other ways of getting groceries, so they do have the proper tooltip after purchasing. Such as the very recent update to Cornucopia Fridge for all milk types from Cottage Living and Batuu. Proper tooltips there now for milk. And I think it may be possible to add eggs to the Six of the Best drink trays - as I did for bee honey a while back. Six of the variant eggs on a tray with permanent tooltips. I think that's doable and will work on it soon. Though it is not a fault of the mod for the missing tooltips. It's been a problem since base game. In the way that if your sim makes a drink at the bar, the tooltip info for quality, creator and such the like instantly shows on the drink. But if ordering a drink at a bar from a worker NPC, no tooltip for the drink shows. This has bothered me from the start, over seven years ago. You have to save, quit, load, for the tooltip to finally show for an NPC made drink. Akkk... But this same trick does not apply to groceries. No tooltip ever if purchased via the Fruit Bowls, period. That's why I took out all the ones that refuse to display a tooltip. (I'll upload that mod update soon.) I also upgraded the ones that are happy to show a tooltip, to be excellent quality. So the recent update does have some positive notes. Like Excellent quality buyable Flour and Sugar. So there's that to look forward to on my next update upload for these mods.  

    Meat is my current concern. Where I've also made meat Excellent quality, it does not ring true till you see a tooltip confirming this. I also want a way to easily get hold of meat/poultry (Beef & Chicken) without having to send my beloved animals to the abattoir, and have the tooltip display properly once I do get the meat. That's proving tricky at the moment, if not willing to kill off current livestock or order from delivery service I don't want to do till I get my All-In-One worker NPCs back in play.

    I'm toying with the idea of either making meat a thing that can be copied on the Scientist's cloning device, or just straight up add the copy functionality to the meat object, and certainly make the tooltip properly display afterwards. That way I may have to kill off one beloved cow and chicken, but thereafter just copy or clone the meat. It's a farmers lot, killing of cherished animals, but this way only do it once, and that animal's sacrifice lives on in copying and/or cloning. No more slaughter. Just for the sake of goddam visual tooltips showing.

    Sorry to hark on about tooltips. Your issue might have been something different altogether. Obviously my own current issue is with tooltips showing or not showing. :hehehe: Love you, dude.     

  21. Personal Update 27th September 2021

    I have to say, this fridge has fared rather well since I last officially patch checked it two years ago, back for 1.62. Still works great for 1.79, probably because every last xml - hundreds of them - were made by me, so Maxis have not done enough changes to thier own similar recipe xmls to break anything here, mercy be.

    I never did include the original Off the Grid power coding when Island Living first came out, so the change in power and Off the Grid that came with Eco Living would not have crippled this fridge. (No Last Exceptions for "broken coding" that does not even exist. That's a bonus.)

    Though I did change a few things for recent times. Edited some text strings for a drink name that was far too long, messing up the view when buying stuff. Much better, smaller, now. Also added all the new milk types from Cottage Living and Batuu. Star Wars fans might appreciate the descriptions in Cold Drinks options menus for Batuu milk. "Luke's Tatooine Blue Milk," because in original movie at Uncle Owen's dinner table, the young Luke drank blue milk, and "Luke's Irish Isle Green Milk," as we all know the infamous scene of older Luke getting himself some freshly squeezed green tiddy milk, filmed on an Irish Isle, and the color green and the Irish are inseparable - I should know, I'm Irish, and my blood just as green as old Mr Spock's. This name change won't effect the names of the buyable milk when visiting Batuu food stalls, they're only seen on this Cornucopia Fridge Dispenser.

    In time I will certainly add any other new meals and drinks that have been added to game since University pack.

  22. Hi all. My first mod thread upload in two years, good to be back, though I am a bit rusty at making new mod threads.

    Got a new shiny for all you folks with Eco Living, think you might like it. I've only had the EP for over a week now but it wasn't long before I wanted to make this beauty. I know there are instant cheat codes for instantly ramping up the green footprint, but I wanted something a little more tangible, and something that worked well for the community ethos of Eco Living.

    What we have here is a deluxe portable wind turbine/water pump. The reason for it to be portable in a sim inventory, is that it can be taken off lot and placed in an open world area, and it will then service every lot in that area, be it four or five homes. The beauty being that all homes can contribute, the community ethos thingy, and each can buy and place a turbine, building something of a community wind farm. Each one added will stack, and increasingly boost the power to all homes, the ground water pump extracting from the water table also supplying water to all homes. Also stacks - massively - in increasing the green footprint for each lot and eventually the neighborhood. A true community endeavor that beats any of those silly N.A.P initiatives, and more than just whacking in a cheat code, as a tangible, physical wind farm is supplying the area.

    I do think you have to play each household in the area for each of them to pick up the green eco footprint so it displays properly in town view. I've seen just two of these turbines turn every house green in a neighborhood very quickly after a bit of rotational play of the houses, very, very quickly. Perhaps even one turbine will work just as quickly. Changing the neighborhood itself green takes a few more turbines, even with every lot green, the neighborhood needs a bigger push. So if the community has plonked about five of these turbines down, then that green neighborhood footprint wont take too long to amass. In fact, just as quick as the houses change green with just two turbines, five will make the neighborhood change green just as fast. Anything less than five though, it's slow going. And I'm too impatient to find out just how long it will take the neighborhood to finally turn green - if ever - with less than five turbines.



    (Super-Powered Sulani! My main sim added a sixth turbine, that being two contributed from his household - and a travel portal just for quick passage off the island. Over-egging the cake, to be sure. But what a lovely super green, super Sulani cake it is.) 


    The deluxe ground turbine is a standalone clone, with its own unique xml coding, so should not interfere with the Maxis default version.  It comes fully upgraded so no need to mess around with any of that, it's found in the same place in build mode as the other Eco ground turbine, but is twice the price. Just get all in the area to contribute to the growing wind farm in the chosen world area and all will reap the benefits. So much so you don't have to put a single power generator and such the like on the home lots. Or be a total meanie and keep it on their own lot just for that family.

    Not sure how this might effect the career that involves inspecting homes and evaluating them for their compliance to ecological policies. I don't generally play those types of careers, so not really a concern for me. But I can imagine with these turbines being off lot, despite all homes and the neighborhood itself being "powerfully" green, with a rich supply of electricity and water, without any other green items on a lot, the inspector might give a poor rating. Maybe someone who cares to play those careers can let us know the outcome after a home inspection, while using nothing but these deluxe turbines to supply the neighborhood.

    New Additions


    As requested, to add more variety and make this a set, the Water Collector and Power Generator have been given the same treatment as the Wind Turbine. Also a bonus Alien Crystal. They do exactly the same thing as the original modded Wind Turbine here. Just plonk them down wherever, off lot for whole area, or on lot for just that residence, and they'll start doing their thing. I added some visual effects to the Alien Nitelite Crystal, just because. Turning the visual effects on or off for the crystal has no bearing on the water, power and green footprint output. It'll do that regardless.

    Eco Living is needed for the cloned objects and Get To Work is needed for the cloned Sixam crystal.

    Also the Lot Trait for Green Footprint has been tweaked, so giving the lot that trait will massively boost the green footprint. Green, green, green. If only it were that easy in the real world.

    Temporary Note - The Wind Turbine and Green Alien Crystal have been tweaked, so that they display more relevant stats when seen in build mode. So replace the older mods with these latest versions. The objects in game should pick up the change with no need to replace them. Seeing it's a purely cosmetic change for the displayed stats in build mode. Also the Water Collector does not have the effect of water filling in the glass tank, nor the Power Generator with the constant hum of the engine running. I do want to add those, but it's fiddly, so it's on the back burner.


    Update June 2023 - No patch related stuff needed. But I did get round to giving two objects, the water collector object and power generator, their correct sfx and animations. So they don't all sound like the wind turbine which they were copied from. Now see the water tank fill up, the computer screen come alive with graphics and the cooling fan turn when switched on, and the power generator make the correct motor-humming noise. (Actually I did these corrections a while ago but forgot to upload until today.)     


    All Objects      

     cool1_PortablePowerfulEcoFootprintObjectSet.rar - Update June 2023

    Lot Trait

     cool1_trait_EcoLotTraitMassiveBoostToTurnGreen.rar - No Update Required

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