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Posts posted by coolspear

  1. The 4X More Trait Slot mods have now been fixed. The new aging XML introduced in 1.36 has now been included into the mods and adjusted to reflect the higher trait amounts for each age.

    Please remove non-working versions and replace with the fixed ones.

    Haha, speaking of Benny Hill, I could play the ending music of his shows with a fast forward video of me chasing my tail, trying to fix the mods for 1.36.

    Just to let members here know, this will be the last mod I'll be working on, fixing or uploading for 1.36 for a short while. I'll be taking a break until the New Year, so my next mod upload for this or any other section won't be until early 2018. Sorry to anyone waiting for a patch fix for mods in my other sections, but this patch has burned me out and I can't look at another XML for a while. I've gone XML-snow blind, cannot see the woods for the trees, so best to take a short break. 

  2. No, not your fault, Shonie. This patch sent us all in a tail spin. I've just thought of something regarding the conflicting reports of mods that may shed some light. Please read the Patch News post in this General Mods section for November 1.36. Especially the last entry on the opening post I've just written there now, Status Report for 23rd (Today) to see if that might be the root of any issues with mods. Might help. Might not. Hope it does.

  3. So, two XMLs here, and I made absolute minimal changes on both, regarding the default distance sims stand next to DJ booth.

    On the first, the "Dance" XML, there are 750 lines of code. All I changed was line 11 and 12.

    From this -

    <T n="ideal_radius_max">0.5</T>
    <T n="ideal_radius_min">0.2</T>

    To this -

    <T n="ideal_radius_max">3.5</T>
    <T n="ideal_radius_min">1.5</T>

    So it forces sims not to dance too close.

    On the second "Watch" XML, line 9 from this -

    <T n="inner_radius">0</T> (That zero is what puts them right inside the booth with the DJ, stupid, frikking Maxis.)

    To this -

    <T n="inner_radius">1.25</T> (A little further back.)

    And lines 23, 24, and 25 from this -

    <T n="ideal_radius_min">0.25</T>
    <T n="max_radius">3</T>
    <T n="min_radius">1</T>

    To this -

    <T n="ideal_radius_min">1.25</T>
    <T n="max_radius">4</T>
    <T n="min_radius">2</T>


    And that's all. That's it. And now that's causing Last-Frikking-Exceptions?!! I can't take this patch any more. I simply have no interest or desire to enter the game and check any of this patch nonsense. I'd sooner pull my teeth out with a pair of pliers. Because you know what's coming in the next patch? Fixes for all this crap, where I'll just be looking at the same XMLs all over again. As of now, I'm just not touching any of it any further. Don't know if I ever will again. Certainly not another thing till after the New Year at least, in the hopes Maxis get this shit in order by then. Sorry to disappoint anyone, you're all such great folks, but you were right about that thing you said the other day about keeping your sanity. Staying away from all things TS4 for the foreseeable future will definitely help me do that.

    I'll pop in and maybe chat, but I won't be answering anything at all about the game.

  4. That second ageing XML in the mod you are referring to is a new addition to the game with C&D that I did not account for. In 1.35 and older it did not exist in my mod or any other of this type, as the ageing XML did not exist in game as it is now, or perhaps never at all. (Its XML number is one of those extremely long ones, so it's hard to "carbon-date" its age, though a higher starting number than others like it, so may mean it's brand new for C&D. And the Date Created is the day it was created on my pc, so still no good for a reference to its actual age.) Since I have not had time to play the game and encounter issues with mods, I simply cannot account for any new XMLs Maxis have introduced to render mods unworkable.

    The very fact the extra traits mod was working fine for myself and all other users before 1.36 is indication enough, the single traits xml used was fine on its own. Apparently, after 1.36 it is not, as this ageing xml has had default trait numbers included that also needs to be accounted for in a mod such as this. If anything, I'd thank Chingyu1023 for getting to the bottom of that issue before I even knew it existed. That's the benefits of only having a small number of mods to update.

    Perhaps, in future, I should just update mods and test them in my own game before releasing. The hungry, chirping hatchlings in the nest will not like the extreme wait, and some may starve during the process, but at least mama bird will know the survivors are getting the good worms. Eventually.

  5. Thanks, Shonie.

    I'll certainly give feedback when I get in game and give baby boom and baby naming a try to see what's going on. (I can almost hear my sims complaining now, of being treated like lab animals, for the mass of pregnancies I will be forcing on them across the world just to see what happens during the moment of population explosion baby popping. Then delete that test save. At least they won't have any memory of the test and the abuse. Or so goes the hope!!!) 

  6. Maxis have not changed the number allowed per age or the way traits are applied. After the patch, if you played and then saved your game for even a minute with mods switched off (or the extra trait mod temporarily removed pending the update) the game would have deleted all additional Personality (Cas) traits, so all sims only have the default number allowed for their age. This will happen to all sims in the world who had any more than default, even if you only played the game for a minute and didn't even play their families, the extra traits will be removed without the mod in play to protect them.

    I guess I should make a note of that in the opening post, of the Maxis pitfalls of playing without certain mods after a patch.

  7. Hi @PerditaWhen the sim stops, exactly as KayBee suggests, is there anything else that popped into their queue that forces them to do something else? Or is the action queue empty every time and they just stop and sit at the computer doing nothing? Worst case, does the sim reset and just stand by the computer? Details are important to get to the root.

    As it will be some time yet before I can actually get in game, I won't be able to check on reports as efficiently as I'd like for at least a few more weeks. So now, more than ever, details are key, so I can know what to look for when I do, finally, get in game.

  8. Hi @snthe

    If the sim has the "Neat" trait they will vanish their dish away almost all the time. If no Neat trait then maybe about half the time, because I also made it a Fun thing to do for sims. Visitors never do it, only family sims who live in that house.

    This mod was never set to make everyone do it every single time. Because we all like to buy nice, shiny dishwashers for our sim homes and I did not want to make them totally redundant.

    But with Neat family sims, it is about 95% of the time. That's why the second trick of this mod is all about collecting dishes faster, summoning the dish directly to the sim's hand, because not all dishes will be vanished away by the first trick.

    And a last note, sims will only vanish away a dish if they were sitting and eating/drinking at a surface. If standing or sitting at sofas holding their plates/cups, they will wash dishes the traditional way when finished, or just be lazy and put it on a surface afterwards.

  9. Thanks, Shonie.

    Hi, ElijahWinter. If anything, it sounds most connected to the issue of which game packs traits are present in your game. You say you've removed the traits you don't have. In the name of thoroughness, I suggest you go through that process again from scratch and see if that clears it up. Logically, it really is the only one of these mods that could cause the effects you're experiencing. I hope it works out. If you discover any traits that I have not included in the removal tutorial, please let me know. The tutorial I posted is to the best of my knowledge, but that does not means it's perfect.

  10. Looking at the error report, it seems to be an issue with generating a baby bassinet. And the report on this thread regarding baby issues several months ago, I did at the time go through it all, testing the updated and older versions of the mod in my own game and I could not recreate the issues.

    Of course, this patch is a monster with unknown effects that will take months to fathom. But initially, the issues with alien babies being born and naming them, it baffled me the first time it was reported here months ago, as it still does now, as the Pollinator Trait XML used in this mod has absolutely no coding relating to babies, their names, their births or bassinets.

    Quite a simple XML, this is all the info that's on it -

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <I c="Trait" i="trait" m="traits.traits" n="trait_isAlienPollinator" s="112688">
      <L n="ages">
      <T n="buffs_add_on_spawn_only">False</T>
      <T n="can_die">False</T>
      <V t="immune_to_culling" n="culling_behavior" />
      <V t="enabled" n="disable_aging" />
      <T n="display_name">0x8B895EB4<!--Alien Pollinator--></T>  
      <T p="InGame\UI\Icons\CAS\Traits\RewardTraits\traitReward_ChildMentallyGifted.png" n="icon">2f7d0004:00000000:c49d8dde3dfc4aa9</T>
      <L n="species">
        <E />
      <E n="trait_type">HIDDEN</E>


    And these two lines are all I have amended from the Maxis default -

    <T n="display_name">0x8B895EB4<!--Alien Pollinator--></T>
    <T p="InGame\UI\Icons\CAS\Traits\RewardTraits\traitReward_ChildMentallyGifted.png" n="icon">2f7d0004:00000000:c49d8dde3dfc4aa9</T>

    The top one I added as a name string, the bottom one was already there but I just changed the icon picture to something else. How that can possibly have a knock on effect messing up baby naming and generate LEs for alien babies is utterly beyond me. Not that I have ever experienced the same in my own game. I simply could not recreate the issue when it was first reported. To be thorough, I will try again in game at the next opportunity, but I'm sure I will once again be as baffled as ever. Stranger things...

    In the meantime, I will release a temp version here with the Pollinator Trait removed completely from the mod, to see if that tidies it up. Worth a shot, I guess.


    Mod removed - outdated by 1.40 patch.



    Edit - And it is now just dawning on me, due to the trait issues seen when not having all game packs, is a similar issue happening here I wonder? That I'm unable to recreate reported issues may be because I have all hidden traits this mod covers. It's a theory, not proven. And more to the point, one that I'll never be able to prove in my own game, short of uninstalling any game packs the hidden traits on this mod come from. Though given this mod has had quite a few downloads since first posted, I would have expected many more issue reports by now if that truly were the case.

  11. Hi, Shonie. I should have been more specific regarding that. What I was attempting to say was it didn't need any further attention after patch, presuming players have done their own editing removing those Traits their game does not have.

    Hi, ElijahWinter. Was I correct in understanding your report, that if you use the free version, all works well. It's just any that require Aspiration Points to buy them remain greyed-out and unavailable for purchase?

  12. Hi @ElijahWinterFor answers to your report, you're going to have to wait until I get in game and see for myself. I cannot play the game until all my mods are in good shape, and I have three more mod sections to check and update. All I can say for now is, the more personality traits mod you mention, is in fact a single XML with the least amount of info on it than the rest in this set. The Maxis change to it for 1.36 was minimal and straightforward, very easy to update and personally, I would have thought it one of the least mods to be concerned about after updating. But if you're certain it's the root of the issue, then you'll have to wait some time before I can check it.

    In the meantime, we'll see if any other users are experiencing the same. If so I hope they report it here also. Or report that it works fine for them, if that's the case. Until I finally get in game, that will be our best source of info.

  13. 1.36 - Currently no longer supported.

    Does not work for 1.36 but known to be fine up to and including 1.35 - if you disregard the growing fighting is does with MCCC. 

    I may revise this mod in time, but right now I can't stand looking at it. Nor do I enjoy that it always wants to put up a fight with MCCC, more and more with each MCCC update - or vice versa. For peace of mind and an end to the suspect Last Exceptions reports, - (which the game did not generate on its own, only after MC updates and its scripted handling/barring of same phone calls while this mod is also installed.) - I may as well just let MCCC do the complete phone barring thing instead. I no longer have the patience nor the will to get to the bottom of it, whatever the true culprit may be. Especially if Maxis are going to keep messing around with it on top of all that.

  14. Updated for Patch Version:

    Only some mods in this set needed updating for 1.36. Check opening post to see which ones. The main mod to put all Personality Traits into the Rewards Store did not need changing for the patch. Considering almost all XMLs for that one I built myself, that mod will only ever "need" changing if Maxis introduce any new Reward Store buyable traits to the game. For the C&D EP, they did not. However, they have given us new Personality (Cas) Traits, which I will build new XMLs and SimData files for and add to this mod soon. And perhaps some Vet Career Aspiration Traits if Maxis have included such things? And, indeed, Personality Traits for the Cats and Dogs themselves? (Then it will need updating once I include them to be buyable in Rewards Store. Though as Pets are non-controllable in default play, I don't see them having access to the Rewards Store.) But until then, it's in good shape.

    In the meantime, any of these new traits can still be applied or removed via the old Debug Add/Remove Trait pie menu options, I'm sure. (Though I have not been able to get in game as yet to confirm this.)

  15. Updated for Patch Version:

    Maxis made the Alien Pollinator trait XML obsolete, but also replaced it with another XML exactly the same (But for the XML number itself, of course.) As to why, I do not have a single clue, but have amended the mod to reflect this XML change and its paired SimData file. Ergo if alien abductions are now having issues getting sims up the duff, we'll know the root of it, at least. (Though I do believe Maxis increased the chance of alien abductions and their pregnancies in 1.36. Which is incredulous, considering a little over a year ago they amended same to be reduced as players were complaining. Polly put the kettle on, Sookie take it off again? Getting the balance right, I suppose?)

    Also I made a personal change for the Grim Reaper trait, where I've change the devilish, Evil Trait pitchfork icon, to the more proper Scythe icon. Old Grimsy will be pleased.

    No new hidden traits added to the mod as yet. But I am jotting down the ones I find, to finally include here. I will add them soon.

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