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About Sindocat

  • Birthday 10/20/1968

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    Literature, history, philosophy, art, LGBT&c. advocacy, erotica, esoterica, fantasy and sci-fi, tabletop and online roleplaying games
  • Location
    south-western Ohio, USA

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  1. Momentarily distracted from my sims by The Sandman, on Netflix. Gaiman has been very, very vocal in defending this adaptation, and I can see why. Where departures have been made from the plotting of the graphic novels, it has so far only been to tighten and enhance narrative continuity. The casting is brilliant.  Everyone is bringing their A-game! 

    My Sims take-away? I really need to take another run at a Jacobethan manor house for HoB. 

    Will I be back on with Jaime & Johan, soon, though? You betcha.


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