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About Nyxie

  • Birthday 01/25/1982

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    Sims, reading, music
  • Location
    Ohio, USA
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    Donated To Sims Asylum

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  1. Chucked a bunch of sliders after my random CAS sims came out like some kind of horror show freaks. One sim didn't even have her feet touching the floor. 0_O

    1. nixicole


      Ouch. I have the same issue with SP immigration. I think my biggest problem is the head size slider I have in there somewhere. Height ones aren't good to have in, either.

    2. Nyxie


      I left ones for the face, boobs, and butt (essentials am I right?) and took out the arm, leg, height, and size scaling ones. Plus the feet ones because they had this wierd like, flashing thing going on.

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