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Everything posted by Kimi

  1. Email validation should work for most email providers. There are a few exceptions that TFM is working on sorting out. MEANWHILE! We have a solution. The Asylum has a Discord. If you join our server you'll be able to post in the registration-validation channel and ask that your account be validated. All you need to provide is your email address and user name that you used to create the account. Here is the link! https://discord.gg/dh6UprC I made it so that link doesn't expire but if by some chance it does, the server's name is Naughty Sims Asylum.
  2. I hope that you're all safe and happy. This is a weird time that we are living in but I know we will get through it. :heart:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RedMallie


      I am adding my wishes for health and well being to our community and your families. Isolation is necessary and good in these crazy times, but to have our Asylum to come online and check your posts is also good for the soul and the mind. Stay well!!

    3. Kimi


      Exactly @RedMallie! It's still a bit of normalcy in this uncertain time.

    4. tgdry6


      And we all need a bit of that these days!:loveshower:

  3. Most of these have now been fixed! There might be a few that aren't working and TFM is trying to find out why. MEANWHILE! We have a solution. The Asylum has a Discord. If you join our server you'll be able to post in the registration-validation channel and ask that your account be validated. All you need to provide is your email address and user name that you used to create the account. Here is the link! https://discord.gg/dh6UprC I made it so that link doesn't expire but if by some chance it does, the server's name is Naughty Sims Asylum.
  4. Hey guys! I've started a discord for us with TFM's blessing. See my post!

  5. We are back!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kimi


      But now I do! Thank goodness we are still kicking.

      Now, on to looking stuff over to make sure y'all are behaving!

    3. zembee


      I was getting the jitters. :40:

    4. Kimi
  6. Please do not as any of the creators when and if a mod will be updated or saying "it's working in my game". Because just because it works in yours doesn't mean it's gonna work in someone else's. Please, for the love of Mike, WAIT FOR THE MOD TO BE UPDATED OR FOR THE ALL CLEAR.

  7. Dang, I am so bad at making avatars haha!

    1. tgdry6


      LOL I don't know I think it's pretty accurate for your position here! :whipping:Blow that horn and keep everyone in line! :cheese:

    2. Kimi


      Haha! Well, the first one was so off-center so I tried again. 

    3. tgdry6
  8. It's the weekend! I hope everyone has a great one. 

    1. RedMallie


      Thank you, Kimi!!! It has been a great time. Lots of chances to play and relax from everyday life chores.

  9. As a reminder to everyone. Please don't ask the modders if a mod is updated/will be updated. Don't tell them that it's broken (they know this), don't tell us that it works for you. And for the love of Pete, please read the rules and check the modders updates/posts.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kimi


      Agreed! To brutalize a saying, what is good for the goose may fuck up the ganders game. 

    3. aparkison


      Sadly, the goose is probably just clueless and is breaking their own game too.

    4. Rosewin


      :gimmiehug: For all the crap you have to deal with every time a patch comes out.

  10. If they say the 20th, then it should be the 20th, not the 20th or the 21st, depending. Boo EA. Just boo.

  11. For all of us who have a long weekend, I hope that you're having a great one. Happy Memorial Day!

  12. I thought I would say hi. So, HI!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Klinn


      Well, after a busy day doing spring things like yard work and cleaning up the summer sports car and riding the bike in the glorious sunshine, it's time to relax with the Cat Channel and have a nap.


    3. Kimi


      That is the cutest little kitty!

    4. RedMallie
  13. NOTE! Everyone needs to read the rules. The creators on this forum will update soon. They will have posts for the updates. Refrain from asking. Thanks.

  14. If you have a minute, please read the "Forum Stuff!" post. Thanks. :)

  15. Two days ago it was 80+ today, snowing. Welcome to Saint Louis.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedMallie
    3. aparkison


      We've had similar crazy weather patterns where I'm at in Indiana.

    4. Chaavik


      Kansas City is like that too. It would be warm one day and freezeing the next day. My poor dog couldn't decide to wear a sweater outside or not.

  16. Happy New Year! Have a fantastic weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kimi


      Booze for sure! Heading to the neighbors/friends house tonight so it will be a walking event. :)

      Happy New Year, Rose!

    3. Shonie


      Working all weekend. Happy Happy everyone. :loveshower:

    4. Kimi


      Well boo! But have a great New Year! :smilebambol:  << I just like that little guy.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving! 

  18. As a reminder to everyone, please read the rules. All of our modders are working their hardest to get their mods updated. Please do not ask them in their posts if a mod will be updated. They WILL let you know. Thanks!!

  19. Remember that the status updates are just that, a quick update on you. It's not for questions or requests.

  20. I'm having issues seeing the site. I know that there was an update so I'll be patient. I've cleared my browsing history and cache and still I get the same result.

    1. arathea


      If you see some glibberish, just scroll down a bit.

    2. Kimi


      Thank you :)

  21. Where's that hug button when you need it? TFM, this one's for you. *hug*

    1. Twoftmama


      Awwww! Thank you! *hug*

    2. Kimi


      You're welcome. You made me happy yesterday with an action and this is the only way that I knew to let you know. :)

    3. Twoftmama


      I have no idea what I did but I'm glad I made you happy!

  22. I'm downloading Fallout 4! I keep chanting, go go go! It's not helping. :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Klinn


      Don't worry, it will become second nature soon enough!

    3. Kimi
    4. Kimi


      I switched things up a bit and got an XBox One controller for Windows. I hope it makes it easier.

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