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Status Replies posted by Kimi

  1. I have to clean the bathrooms. Who's with me? Come on, let's go. :) HA!

  2. I have to clean the bathrooms. Who's with me? Come on, let's go. :) HA!

  3. I have to clean the bathrooms. Who's with me? Come on, let's go. :) HA!

  4. Hello, lovelies! Sorry I haven't been on in a while; "real" life has suddenly become more demanding, so I haven't been able to lurk and comment on the forums per usual. I hope all of you are having a good week! :)

  5. If you'll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal

  6. I'm a little sad.Just a little. And perplexed. I love that word.

  7. I see that I have been missed. Thank you all who thought about me and waited for my return. You warm words touched my heart. I missed you too. You are awesome. Numerous hugs to you.

  8. My goodness, where is Michalien? Yoo Hoo!?

  9. My goodness, where is Michalien? Yoo Hoo!?

  10. I'm a little sad.Just a little. And perplexed. I love that word.

  11. I'm a little sad.Just a little. And perplexed. I love that word.

  12. I'm a little sad.Just a little. And perplexed. I love that word.

  13. I'm a little sad.Just a little. And perplexed. I love that word.

  14. My goodness, where is Michalien? Yoo Hoo!?

  15. My goodness, where is Michalien? Yoo Hoo!?

  16. My goodness, where is Michalien? Yoo Hoo!?

  17. Skin cancer deep but they got it all. Dr. fussed at me today as he removed stitches, saying “You CAN cover skin spots on your face with makeup, Jennifer, but DON’T!†:(

  18. I miss Mich and his zany Sims. :(

  19. Both eyes black, nose peeking out from bandages swollen & discolored from skin cancer surgery yesterday. If I dared go out, I can hear me saying: "I'm sure he's often tempted, but really officer, my husband does NOT beat me!"

  20. Project no3 is done. YAY. The most dificoult project so far. Now I have two days off. Guess what will I do?

  21. Sat outside today, soaking up the last of the winter sun, with the cat and a new book.

  22. Just spent hour and 15 minutes to find proper Croatian scientific term that only exist in English. No wonder why my work on this projects goes very slow. :(

  23. Shimrod's Camera Mod! It's like a new game. WhooHoo!

  24. Two projects done, three to go. YAY! Chance for playing Sims = 0

  25. One hour ago I received 5 new projects. I have opposite feelings about it. I'm happy because it will bring more money in thehousehold but I'm sad too, because I wil have less time for Sims.

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