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Status Replies posted by Rosewin

  1. I am getting back into my world build. Anyone has a request for houses or lot sizes to be placed, please let me know in sims 3 discusion.

  2. Where is the stop button on this crazy roller coaster that is my life lately? I want off!!! :(

  3. Sits at the bar

  4. Somebody is hacking me :-(

  5. Shake is home!!! * dances off to the bedroom* talk to you all layers!

  6. Had anther wonderful but busy week at work! I'm exhausted, but it feels so wonderful!

  7. Fortune goddess smiled at me. My son bought Toshiba i5 laptop with great GPU and 6 GB DDR3. I asked him if he'll let me play the Sims from time to time and he agreed. So, guys and girls, beware, crazy Mich is coming back to best game ever. :)

  8. Interesting glitch in my game. Steve just called to ask himself out on a date.

  9. House hunting is the pits. I wish I was a sim so that I could just "motherlode" and then build the exact house I want, on the exact lot I want.

  10. Bummer. UC is borked and now I have to redownload it for three days. I think I give up on it.

  11. Had a wonderful first week at work- love the people I work with, our clients, and my job! Unfortunately ended with me having to go to hospital to be diagnosed with kidney stones. Totally NOT how I imagined this weekend would go!

  12. I just had long father-son conversation. We both treasure those hours. It strenghten our relationship even more. Can't tell how much happy I am.

  13. Today is my first official day at my new job! Uber excited!

  14. Computer is dead and a nice burning smell is emitting from it. Old Guy stated that if it is Sims related he will not fix it.

  15. what was that? stay another day with all this wonderful Indian foods and family? sure, I guess we can do that.if we must xD

  16. Just returned from my brother's wedding by the sea. All their friends put in so much effort to make this a great celebration and it was. It is my brother's first marriage, he is 62.

  17. Was smacking a bug on the screen, turned out to be a dog walking by buried in the snow. Oops.

  18. Rosewin is just the best! Tess and TFM Rule!

  19. I just checked my e-mail. You all won't believe this but I got a THIRD invitation to get The Sims 4 Demo. Why don't they just give me the whole game?!

  20. Ack! dumped a plate of pizza in my lap and forgot to pause TS2. Come back and my active is almost starved and boinking Tiffany Zarubin (the gardening woman) >.<

  21. I love my Winnie! My teapot is now a computer again. And a kiss on the cheek to Trif, for putting up with my whining self.

  22. TS2 is working! and my DL folder is flipping Tessa the bird. So many pretties!!

  23. I am thinking about getting Sims 3, yeah I know, but if I do it will be next month and I will need a ton of help.

  24. Seeking inspiration I turned to my favorite random name generator. Not sure if it's that funny or if it's the wine.

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