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About Cabelle

  • Birthday 08/06/1968

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  1. Of course, now my Sims 3 launcher has decided it no longer wants to work. EA help was a waste of time.

  2. Very late to the party, but I found out about earning simpoints for watching commercials. Been going on a crazy buying spree at the Sims 3 store, wheee!

  3. 95% of everything is now in the new house. Now all I have to do is the final clean on the rental, and hopefully find the various things darling husband & kids packed in random boxes while I was working.

    1. Nellas
    2. RedMallie


      Good luck and many congratulations on the new house!!! Send them off in search of the items you need! Make it a type of "Where in the world is" family game, hehehee

  4. I miss you all. Dumb job, sucking up all my hours. :P ((hugs))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cabelle


      It's better now, I'm not as stressed because I've learned how to do most of it. I'm just still having a hard time getting used to the work/home pace. Hopefully when I do, I'll have some energy to play again instead of coming home & going to bed early. ;-P

    3. Loralie0512
    4. RedMallie


      Big hug, Cabelle! I miss you, too! Hope you get to enjoy the job once you get your own rhythm for handling home and work. :)

  5. I'm so tired, even my hair is tired. Hopefully I will get into a good working groove soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      Hope it gets easier as the days go Cabelle.

    3. WolfMoon


      me too Cabelle when I haven't worked at the vets office in a week it takes such a toll on me going back.

    4. RedMallie


      Hang in there, girl!!! :)

  6. I have a phone interview today. Fingers crossed!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sleepycat
    3. Katelinjens


      That is wonderful news and the best of luck with the next interview!

    4. RedMallie


      Great news! Congrats!!!

  7. My copy of Sims 4 showed up two days early! A nice surprise after a stressful morning.

    1. michalien
    2. RedMallie


      Congratulaitons, Cabelle!!! :)

  8. After a few days of sewing it's clear I need new glasses. *rubs eyes*

  9. Gah! I need to get motivated and get the sewing done.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cabelle


      Brainworm! Lol :D

    3. Jenn


      God, where is the like button. I started singing that song too. The cat ran away and hid, Eliza.

    4. Eliza


      hee hee hee ooops! *giggles*

  10. Bleh. I want to sim the day away but I need to continue working on my WA Pharmacy Law class. *props eyes open with toothpicks*

  11. So I have to go visit my state's dept of licensing again because the vehicle title never arrived. I have to get the current one cancelled and request a new one to be mailed. And then wait & hope the 10 week duration that it will actually show up in my mailbox this time. Supremely annoyed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TwistedSister


      Oh, the joys of red tape. xD Hope you can get that sorted out soon!

    3. Wolfenblu


      I hope you get it soon, you don't need the aggravation!

    4. RedMallie


      Bureaucracy. Such a pain in the you know where.

  12. House hunting is the pits. I wish I was a sim so that I could just "motherlode" and then build the exact house I want, on the exact lot I want.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cabelle


      I agree, Rose. I repainted multiple rooms 7 all the doors & trim in the old house before we sold it. Not fun at all.

    3. Wolfenblu


      I hate house hunting, that's why I will never move. Well unless the government builds a highway through my house or something.

    4. keyqueen


      I been there too. Of course mostly I was in a hurry to move away from my disgusting uncle.

  13. Moral of the story- when your game is acting stuffed up, try deleting the cache files first! I feel like such a noob.

    1. Katelinjens


      We just get so attached to playing and want to figure out how to fix the problem without having to quit to do it. It took me a while to just clean the caches when I quit. I always do the script cache but I do the others about every third time I quit.

  14. Dealing with minor damage (window) likely due to poor choices from the neighbor behind us. Wishing I could use the batman box to "smite" them.

    1. WolfMoon


      LOL so glad my neighbours are family. I agree the bat box would be great!

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