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Status Updates posted by StarryEyedSimmer

  1. Feels good to be back. Re-installed Sims 3 on my new PC to finally experience the game with everything max'd, and to make up for what TS4 is lacking at the moment.


    I hope everyone has been well. :)

  2. *yawns* today is one of those chilly days where I just want to curl up and take a cat nap.

  3. A hot cup of tea, a good book, and my furry companions is the best way to combat sickness. :)

  4. Any time I'm having a rough day and looking to lift my spirits, or just looking to laugh and have fun with friends, I always know I can come on the forums. Thank you all so much, truly. You've really helped me even on the "darkest" of days. (ã£â—•â€¿â—•)ã£â™¥

    1. jenniferw23


      Whatever, you loser! Just kidding you. I echo your sentiments. You and all the people here are wonderful and often help make my day.

  5. Assuming the adoption application goes without a hitch, we're getting the kitty! I'm so excited :D

    1. Katelinjens


      I hope all goes well for you. :)

  6. Awe, my boyfriend just texted me to say he's buying me the game today. Unfortunately, that also means I won't play for a few days since he works late. What a sweet man :)

    1. michalien


      That is very nice of him. Glad for you.

  7. Baking gingerbread men and women for the first time with my grandpa. So far so good! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jenniferw23


      My husband did that with our son when he was little. Cookies turned out great. Guess who got to clean up the kitchen.

    3. Wolfenblu


      That is so cool. My grampa would so do that if Grandma would let him lol.

    4. ranabluu


      How awesome is that? Enjoy the time, don't forget the milk.

  8. Baking my first cake today--lemon with vanilla frosting! Yummm.

  9. Cooking cheese ravioli with homemade pesto and garlic bread--yum!

  10. Excited for The Vampire Diaries tonight, even though it's your typical teenage drama with some supernatural sprinkled on top! :P

  11. For those of you who use consoles.PS3, XBox 360, or Wii?

  12. For those of you who use consoles.PS3, XBox 360, or Wii?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cloudwalker
    3. MadameButterfly


      Been playing Harvest Moon on the Wii, but I would love to try a few other games on other consoles. (The non-gamers in my house don't see the importance of exploring other options.)

    4. Loralie0512


      I really enjoy my xbox360 and I agree the Wii is good for the kids. I'm thinking of buying a ps3 soon though.

  13. For whatever reason, I never added Errortrap to my list of mods, but I have Overwatch and Traffic. After hearing much raving about it, I'm hoping it will help the game :)

  14. Getting my new 32 inch TV hooked up today, so I can finally play my PS3 again! Yay :)

  15. Going to make the best out of this frigid, dreary day! Tomorrow I will make gingerbread cookies in time for family and Santa. ;) Then, Christmas!

  16. Going to Quaker Steak and Lube for the first time tonight. Mmm, wings! And I just remembered that Pretty Little Liars is on at 8PM. Today is a good day so far ;)

  17. Good morning, fellow simmers! :) Can't complain about today--the sun is shining, a nice breeze is flowing, everything is still working power-wise, I woke up to two kitties snuggling with me, and I'm generally happy. I hope your day started well, too! Have a big hug and fuzzy feelings from me to you <3

    1. WolfMoon


      aww I woke up with two dogs four kids and my husband in my bed can't complain either.

    2. Firestaar1


      Hope you're still having lovely days SES

  18. Goodness me, trying to figure out how to get the most of my simpoints with store stuff is harder than I thought! >.<

  19. Goodness, the snow is wrecking havoc on our roads and internet connection. So sorry I've been a stranger! I hope all is well for you :)

    1. Wolfenblu


      Same thing here, I commented to chicken and then boom down went the internet!

    2. StarryEyedSimmer


      Awe, that really sucks! Hope it goes better for you! :)

  20. Great news for those of you who like Nectary de Angelique! I plan to update/edit the lot to include the PC items that came with the greenhouse, as well as the cow corral and chicken coop! :D

  21. Happy Easter, all! Long time, no talk. I've been having some medical issues, but I'm (hopefully) on the mend. I hope everyone has a good day! :)

    1. bluegenjutsu


      I'm glad you are feeling better and welcome back!

  22. Happy Fourth of July! May your day be filled with happiness, food, and fireworks :)

  23. Happy Turkey Day, everyone! :)

  24. Haven't been feeling very into the Sims 3 the past few weeks. I think I'm in a creative rut.

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