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Everything posted by Nellas

  1. Bah!!! Now our Internet is gone *sob*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nellas


      me too! I have updates, a story and a world that need to be shared today!

    3. Trif


      Important stuff indeed. Nudges connection and asks it to be nice today.

    4. tessalion13


      Oh nos! Bad internet!

  2. Was ambushed by another book today, silly thing lept into my cart and would not leave, so I brought it home.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nellas


      Omg and I am loving it too!!

    3. Trif


      So happy to hear that. Considering it for the Nook.

    4. Cloudwalker


      going to tell us what it is?

  3. Oh I was not prepared for a morning of old Hindi music. @.@

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trif


      Heh, old screechy stuff makes me think of some of Yoko's tunes. Not the same I am sure.


    3. Nellas


      No, Hindi is much better.

    4. Trif


      I am certainly glad to know that.

  4. Pizza and Beer!

    1. Trif


      Oh Yum. I will tap a keg!

      T<---sneaks a slice---<<<

    2. tessalion13


      Sounds delightfully relaxing!

    3. Firestaar1


      Yum on the pizza!

  5. Woo, 2:30 and I have finally stopped puking @.@

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Firestaar1


      Not good, fell better soon. *hug*

    3. Jenn


      Hope you're feeling better today.

    4. Wolfenblu


      Feel better Nellas. Been there done that not fun.

  6. :( Forum said no more PMs till I cleaned out my inbox. Sad times.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nellas


      I know! You would think that I 'talk' enough on the boards V.V

    3. Rosewin


      Chatter box.

    4. WolfMoon


      You are just so popular!

  7. grumbles about her messed up formatting! Grr!

    1. Trif


      I hate when that happens.

  8. My mind saw what a beautiful landscaped yard I could have and sent me outside. My body is now flipping my brain the bird.

    1. Trif


      Heh, I so get that. I did a bit of yard work yesterday with the daughter and am paying for it today. I am certain that your yard will be lovely though, as everything comes together.

    2. WolfMoon


      I takes time we moved here in 2008 and I am hoping this summer I have it finished.

    3. Cloudwalker


      moved in 1999, I guess we should start

  9. Think RL is doing everything it can to keep me off the computer tonight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nellas


      oh it was not the storm, more like the husband.

    3. Trif


      Ah, ok, I understand. In that case you may need two drinks.


    4. IrishDuchess


      *snort* What kind of drinks are you serving Trif?

  10. Ugh, shopping all day. *sigh*

    1. Trif


      Makes for a long day, but I do hope you find everything you need, and on sale! Will set up a fresh drink at the bar for you when you return.


  11. Why sure Stephen (active sim) I don't mind rewriting your entire story just because you are being a twit, I have nothing else to spend my time on. >.<

    1. Trif


      Oh man, stop being a twit Stephen, I want to read this story. Don't think it will help but you never know. That said if he doesn't listen to you, not much chance he gives a hoot what I say.


    2. Rosewin


      Evil I tell you! Those little pixels are evil.

  12. Only two more days!

    1. Trif



      Congratulations on making it this far.

  13. Is it really only Tuesday?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nellas


      That someone should be shot!

    3. tessalion13


      I was just thinking the exact same thing myself.

    4. Nellas


      D: I guess it is time for me to get out of your head now hmm Tessa?

  14. Book Fair, Day 1 - Complete.

    1. Trif


      Congratulations! Happy to see the kids all let you survive the day.

    2. michalien



  15. Where the hell did my weekend go? Who ever took it better give it back!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      Me too, this weekend went too fast.

    3. Cloudwalker


      eventful, but excruciatingly slow Friday night to Sunday morning here. Adult children. sheesh.

    4. Rosewin


      Mine went fast too. I was actually social and everything.

  16. Soil in the backyard is sooo dark! I love it except for the fact that I seem to only be able to find the ant hills by stepping in them. :/

    1. Trif


      I see an amazing garden in your future then! Boo on the ants though, pesky critters they are.

    2. jenniferw23


      Our black clay soil expands and contracts in direct correlation to the cracks in our ceiling. Hope your dark soil doesn't have similar characteristics.

    3. Nellas


      Nah, I just meant it was a rich, good for planting soil. The house it build on another type but it is something I will watch out for!

  17. Soil in the backyard is sooo dark! I love it except for the fact that I seem to only be able to find the ant hills by stepping in them. :/

  18. So done with this week! Next week will be more hectic but at least I have the weekend now!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rosewin


      Yay for the weekend, Nell! Hope it's a good one for you.

    3. jenniferw23


      Another 3-4 weeks and I'm taking off until the kids go back to school in the fall. Gosh I'm going to miss weekends but I'm resilient; I'll get by somehow.

    4. nixicole


      The hectic weeks are also the ones that fly by. Next week, the weekend will come sooner!

  19. Flash Flooding, still nice to see that the water does route around the house.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nixicole


      That is definitely a good thing. I live in Illinois, so we're having a lot of problems around here. Glad I live on a hill.

    3. MadameButterfly


      I've been trying to tell you congrats on the congrats thread, Nellas! But it's not letting me, so I am going to say it here: CONGRATS!!!

    4. Nellas


      *hugs* MB Thank you! I am sure it is just the updates causing you trouble!

  20. Squirrel!

    1. Trif


      Oh squirrel, where? Looks around and chases.

  21. I will learn to blog or else!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jenn


      If I can do it, anyone can. I do use Windows Live Writer to write and put up pics, then upload it to the blog and press post. I can't do it right in WP though, too difficult.

    3. michalien


      You are smart and you will have it no time.

    4. Nirar22


      You'll be a pro in no time at all! =)

  22. 6th grade girls.all afternoon, I think I need a drink. Oh wait, I volunteer to run a kids group and then karate today. This squirrel is worn out!

    1. Trif


      Makes for a very long day! I will mix up a pitcher of drinks from the bar for later and put it on ice for you.

    2. IrishDuchess


      *shudders* I'm exhausted just thinking about how your afternoon went! A nice pitcher of margaritas definitely seems in order!

    3. Rosewin


      You are a very brave girl Nell.

  23. Dear man that keeps walking through the back yard to look in the windows.that is a great way to end up with a shotgun pointed at you. >.<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trif


      No, he does need to learn that it is not. Would surprise me to see someone wander through my backyard, just not expected.

    3. Wolfenblu


      My dogs wouldn't allow that. I know you don't have a dog but if you could get a recording of one growling and barking might scare him! I had a friend that did that worked like a charm. she also borrowed a big chain and put a bone outside, for set dressing.

    4. Nellas


      That is a very good idea Wolfie!

  24. I will take a little coke in my Jameson this fine evening. Party was so fun and even my father was impressed by the house.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jenniferw23


      Bet that's a load off your mind. Glad it went well for you. Wish I had a glass of what you're drinking.

    3. michalien


      I'm glad that all went well. Now you can relax and enjoy. You deserve it.

    4. Firestaar1


      So glad all went well!

  25. Just occured to me that my father is going to see the new house for the first time since blueprints tomorrow.Everything. must. be. perfect! aaahhhhh!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. michalien


      Lol. I have the same feeling when my mother in law is comint to visit.

    3. Cloudwalker


      OH how exciting!!!! Have a great day !

    4. Firestaar1


      I know you'll have it looking perfect! Just don't forget to enjoy your time together.

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