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About Misty

  • Birthday 05/30/1978

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    Nashville, TN
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    Donated To Sims Asylum

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  1. Did you ever re-release the mods that altered dragons & dragon buffs in Sims 3?

    1. Twoftmama


      @ZeraniLoki Questions about mods are not allowed in status updates or on people's profiles. If you have a question then you need to ask in that mod's thread. If that mod doesn't have a thread (isn't posted) then you need to PM the creator. Please read the forum rules. Thanks!



      * Do not randomly PM people asking for help, post game play related questions in Status Updates, or ask game play related questions on someone's profile. That is what the Help and Support forums are for.

          *Do not request mods, or ask questions about mods in status updates. Ask in the mods thread.



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