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About Twoftmama

  • Birthday 04/25/1975

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Officially Crazy

Officially Crazy (9/9)

  1. social group influence decay in sims 3 University Life where i can find it?

    1. Kimi


      It would be better to ask in the forum itself, especially since the rules state that you should ask questions in the appropriate areas and not ask questions in the status updates.

  2. I just had to say thank you because your intro made me laugh! I always say my mind's been in the gutter so long it left butt marks. I loved what you said! I laughed for an hour on and off.homeless!! LOL! Great stuff! Have a great day!!

  3. Does the Better Night's Sleep mod work for tents?

    1. Kimi


      Hi MineWars! Please ask the question on the mod post itself. This might be buried before TFM is able to answer. Status updates are for, well. updates on statuses. :P

  4. How do I send a donation? 


    1. The ISZ

      The ISZ

      Hi Juno!  Here is the thread that explains donating and contains the link to donate.  Thanks so much! :))) http://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/topic/2-tfms-sims-asylum-donations/


  6. My new computer shipped! I am so excited! Now to do the time consuming task of backing up and getting everything ready to move.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Twoftmama
    3. Katelinjens


      I am sure that you will enjoy the new computer! :hug3:

    4. Kimi


      So? Did you get the new monitor and is it everything that you hoped for?

  7. A very big THANK YOU to everyone for their patience! Be sure to let us know if something is not working!

  8. If you have a problem with registering or logging in, please email me at kimikayv@hotmail.com . BUT: We no longer take mod requests here. Do not email me with mod requests. Your email will be ignored and deleted. If you have a question about the forum rules/guideline/policies, please PM a moderator or email me. If you have a modding question, post it in my Modding Discussion and Help area. Modding questions received via email will be ignored. We also have a discord that you can ask for help. https://discord.gg/QmtCkG8EHC Do NOT PM me at Mod The Sims or the official site. I never check PMs there. Hell I don't even go to those places regularly. Thanks!
  9. So I ran across a folder that contained several brand new, unposted mods. Some of them need testing and Some of them are unfinished. I decided to test the ones that needed testing and post them. :D

  10. Day 8 of the stomach flu and I am beginning to feel human. I think it's almost over!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RedMallie


      Sorry I missed this. Hope you are feeling better soon!! Big hug!!!

    3. Katelinjens


      I sure hope that you are feeling much better and stay healthy now! *Hugs*

    4. magdakat


      Hope you feel better!

  11. Thank you so much for your mods. You do great work. I was losing my mind the past few days when my celebrity sim kept getting interrupted at university for an autograph or photograph. Thank you for helping to restore some of my sanity.

  12. Sneaky surprise stuff is all done! Check the contest section folks!!!!!!

  13. 21 hours without internet blows!

    1. RedMallie


      Ughhh!Sorry to hear that!

    2. Katelinjens


      Darn internet. I hope it stays working for you now!

    3. Zaleth


      I know all too well, in the last month Huges went down twice for more than 2 days.

  14. If you have a Verizon.net, Att.com, Hotmail, Live, MSN, or Outlook.com email account you will be unable to receive emails from the Asylum. Those companies have the IP address of our host's email server blocked, so emails from that IP are never delivered. This includes your validation email. If you use an email address from one of these companies to register here, please email me at jovalis@web.de within 36 hours so I can validate your account for you. Unvalidated accounts are automatically deleted by the system after 48 hours, so if you do not email me your info within 36 hours, your account may not be validated before it's deleted and you will have to re-register. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but it's beyond my control. Thanks for your understanding.
  15. Talking smack about the LGBT community on my forum is a very bad idea. Just don't.

    1. Wolfenblu


      Really! you go TFM

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