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About RedMallie

  • Birthday 10/26/1970

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    TS3 and TS4 building and playing.
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    Donated To Sims Asylum
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    Unofficial reader of old news

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  1. Absurd statistics, but true. I've played TS4 for 1610 hours in 6 years. While I've played TS3 for 4921 hours since 2013 when I got it. That is about 3 times more hours in TS3 than TS4. I'ma TS3 fan true and true.

    1. Kimi


      Wow! I don't have enough time in the day to rack up hours like that, especially since there are so many other games that I play. You are impressive.

    2. Loralie0512


      my stats are pretty sad for sims 4.

    3. nixicole
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