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Status Replies posted by doren

  1. My copy of ITF came today, yay! Plesantly surprised to see tat it was the LE version with the Quantum Power Pack; also got the Origin exclusive stuff. So happy right now!

  2. Let the party begin! It's about 8:50 here and I will probably go read a book and crash. :P Happy new year from down under.

  3. White fudge Oreo's are so good that it should be an international crime to sell them only at Christmas time.

  4. Two Christmases done, one more Christmas to go.

  5. My 9 year old son says to me "what are sims doing when then jump under the blankets?" I said "they are sleeping" he replies, "no, I mean what are they doing when they are moving around under the blankets?" I said "trust me, they're just sleeping" 0_o

  6. So my SIL just found out that I write m/m stories. XD

  7. It's too hot to wear pants!

    1. doren


      I'll take a few degrees from you. Just send whatever you can spare.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. I both hate and admire the writers of Once Upon a Time right now. XD

  9. Week 1 of a new sim in the new store world and my sim has been randomly kissed by 3 women. I am confused why this happens to every sim I have made lately whether they have flirty traits or not. My sim is chatting and then they get kissed. Weird.

  10. Back home inofficially and just for a few hours, have to go back to the hospital soon. They really know how to ruin my birthday!

    1. doren


      I hope you get well soon. I was wondering just this morning how much longer you would be in hospital.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. Today is my 28th anniversary since I was witched and spelled by my beloved witch wife. Still love her a lot. :)

  12. OK! Where did my favorite pen disappear to? I just had it a few minutes ago. :(

    1. doren


      I am usually guilty myself. I am a master at putting things out of my hand in an absent-minded moment and then search hours for it afterwards.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. Roaring Heights is out tomorrow! Can't today hurry up already >.<

  14. Roaring Heights is out tomorrow! Can't today hurry up already >.<

  15. Trying to fax anything at my house takes twice as long because I always have to move a cat off the papers, or move a cat off the fax/printer. Cats sure do know how to get in the way.

  16. I wish I had some cholla cacti nearby. None to be found in Michigan though, lol.

  17. One of my sims decided to have a discreet rendezvous. When the list came up of available male sims it included the Grimm Reaper? LOL!

  18. You fought hard to bring peace and freedom to the world, and you have truly earned your peace and freedom. May you rest in peace Mr. Mandela.

  19. crawls out and croaks, "I'm alive."

  20. On Thanksgiving my 2 year old accidentally scratched my face. Today I went to get my name changed on my driver's license and they couldn't use my old picture, had to be a new one. Of course.

  21. Trying to repair my laser printer. The instructions are good but it did not look like you need so much strength to even remove cable plugs. Half way through the disassembly and I already need a break.

  22. *crawls out from under her rock*

  23. My dear friends, tere is a lot od catch ups I have to make but I'm afraid that I can't do it because of my illness. So, please, forgive me if I do no post my comment on someboie's thread. I wish I can visit all you posts and put my comment but unable to do it. As you can see, I''m very shortly on the forum. Hope that my recovery will come soon and then I will continue with my Simtopians and post more. Hugs to you all.

  24. What is the hardest lifetime wish you have had to achieve with your sim? I'm currently working on the martial arts master with frustration!

  25. My kids are debating if gummy bears have butt cracks.

    1. doren


      I have two different types at home and they don't have butts, therefore no butt cracks.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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