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About SatansSprite

  • Birthday 03/21/1986

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    Donated To Sims Asylum

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Absent-Minded (3/9)

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  1. Desktop decided to stupid on me. Having to rely on the significantly less capable laptop for internet access. I really hope to have my main PC back soon, and with a hopefully cheap repair pricetag

    1. Eliza


      I feel your pain! I'm hoping *fingers crossed* to be able to have the money to fix my desktop after the 1st, 'here's hoping' for both of us!!

    2. RedMallie


      I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of your computers!! Good luck!!! :D

    3. SatansSprite


      Well, it turned out my motherboard was toast. Thankfully they had another system available there for a half decent price, and we had/have family that is willing to help us out. So, hopefully within a few days I should have another system back up and running. I don't think I've ever wanted to play with my simmies more than now, when I can't, haha.

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