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Posts posted by coolspear

  1. Minor personal update May 9th 2020

    A small amendment to include a missing text sting for non-English languages. If playing game in a non-English language and placing mouse cursor over showers, baths and toilets while controlling a Robot or Hologram sim, you may have seen a small, blank Tooltip info box pop up. That little box should have a message to say "Not for Robots or Holograms." They are not supposed to use these items, so I banned them and added the message. I forgot to make the message appear in all languages. That is now fixed. (Though it will be in English for all languages.)

    Also, due to recently adding several object XMLs for showers, toilets and baths to this mod to stop Robots and Holograms outright using these objects, this mod may now conflict with other mods that edit showers, baths or toilet XMLs where it did not conflict before. A tuning mod such as "Pee in Shower" will probably now conflict.

    Also this mod is only guaranteed up to 1.61, so if you are on a higher patch you might run into issues with showers, baths and/or toilets that I cannot currently do anything about.   

  2. I have not come across such an issue in my game. The various command options for normal shower or mood showers are always present. I'll pay more attention to it according to your description regarding hygiene levels, to fully confirm. But with recent play sessions, - and these hologram mods forever in my game - I'm always able to command sims to shower as and when the need arises.

    Though there is one small matter that may have a bearing. That I recently did add shower, bathing and toilet XMLs to this mod to prevent holograms using these objects. (Also beds in another mod relating to sleeping/napping.) And after your report I have just noticed a mild discrepancy in the string tables for all other languages except English. That a Maxis Tooltip line, if hovering mouse curser over shower while controlling a robot, that says "Not for Robots" now reads. "Not for Robots or Holograms" if also controlling a hologram. But if you play in English that would not be an issue for you, only foreign languages, and it would just be a blank Tooltip info box for foreign languages. Given that most folks who use this mod don't even play with "controlled holograms," as part of the family - I certainly never do, the whole point of them was to avoid having many family members - I don't know why I even made that text change. Not needed really. As such I'll be resetting the text back to original Maxis for all language translations - "Not for Robots" - and will reupload the mod. (Though I doubt this alone could be the cause of what you've reported. But you never know...)

    Edit - I'll be keeping that text string. Turns out it was not a Maxis original thing I'd edited, but a ban and new text string I made myself from scratch to stop robots and holograms using objects they should not. Maxis may think it funny in their Nelson Muntz way if a servo autonomously gets into shower and frazzles itself to death. I do not. My sims make their robots a little smarter than that, methinks. I was going to ban holograms anyway, so included robots in the ban while I was about it.

    Another thing to consider is if Maxis changed those shower XMLs in 1.62, and you are also on 1.62, then that may be the cause of it. They did break shower/bath combo units with missing options at start of year and the fix was typically not a good fix, with reports on MTS of normal showers missing options after fix. (Sounds familiar?) So if they have had another stab at a fix in 1.62 then there's nothing I can do about it as I will not be patching beyond 1.61 for some time. Knitting and heavily recycled coding of careers, objects and interactions for a lacklustre, upcoming Eco EP, no thanks. Not interested. Could be I'm never patching again. Not if TS4 is going to whimper out its final, flaccid days with this uninspired re-re-rehashing of stuff, that should have rightly been included in older packs and not held back so as to be nickled-and-dimed into standalone new EPs while dragging out TS4 long beyond it shelf life for this singularly greedy purpose. Apt that knitting is next as they try to pull the wool over our eyes with this lazy-ass, shameless Eco EP stunt.

    Look for the re-upload later today or tomorrow, hopefully. I'm currently busy testing/tweaking a new Teen Hangout Venue mod. Fed up of my teens having bugger all to do and have given up on trusting Maxis to do anything about it. If they did it would probably be to rehash new Mood Swings for them.

    Edit - Now uploaded.

  3. For the Jungle region, I do have a separate mod that removes all street walkbys. The mod found in the same World Sim Control thread where the Jungle Bar is. (For the Forest region I think walkbys are blocked in the main WSC Empty Streets mod.)

    So if not using those other mods while using this mod, the walkbys should still occur in both Jungle and Forest regions.

    Though I cannot say for sure which sim types will be chosen by default filter mechanism to spawn walkby sims on streets. I think it more likely it will not be residential neighbours seen as walkbys but sims roped in from the four corners of the accessible regions, even newly generated sims created just for the walkby scenario. More likely to see Bella Goth from the other side of the globe than anyone from the house next door. Hence one of the reasons I ban walkbys and have no intention of ever working on walkby filter XMLs to secure only true neighbours are on streets. (As I did for the one and only time for Vampire region.)

    There is the unique Jungle Native trait which you can give all those sims who you place in Jungle homes and it may go some way to help push them as street walkbys. Though I'm only guessing as I don't now if the walkby filters take this unique trait into account when choosing random sims. I use that trait to ensure only locals attend my Jungle Bar venue, but I don't know if Maxis went to same effort for street walkbys for Jungle. Maybe. (No such trait for Forest region so it will be the random Bella Goths of the world as walkbys rather than local neighbours.)

  4. @AmberLokisdotter - The karaoke might be one of the ones not possible I mentioned, given it already has the generic On/Off switches like all electronics, for karaoke regarding the duration sims sing songs to switch on/off music tracks and singing animations. I will take a look, but if it has the same switches used then it won't be possible. The Podium is already one you can download here. (5th mod down the list.)

    The massage chair and table mods can be found in my WSC Spa Venue mods, though there are more files I need to add to it as some massage types are missing from On/Off feature.

    @pylon - The kitchen stuff is something I'll do. I already have traditional no auto mods for small kitchen appliances, but I do plan to give them On/Off Auto functionality if permissible.

    Don't know about the toddler slide. Pretty sure that involves two sims, grownup playing with toddler? Haven't used it much but it's usually a grownup helping toddler to slide. As such, autonomous two-sim object activities are very rare to see, almost never, probably because they can be very annoying if too many of them were autonomous. Sims always dragging other sims away from what they are doing, nothing ever getting done, Maxis tend not to push that type of scenario too often, because the few times they do allow it (toddlers often asking adult to watch TV with them) someone quickly makes a no auto mod to stop it. What I'm getting at is they are usually no auto most of the time anyway, for good reason, so I won't be upsetting the apple cart. I've never seen a toddler slide being used autonomously either, due to the two-sim scenario.

    Rockets are non autonomous as default, specifically for residential game play. They can be made autonomous for community lots, as seen at city festivals and I've used this feature to have Astronaut NPCs at the Science Labs for the Active Scientist Career. But as a feature that could be randomly autonomous at home with played sims I would not recommend it. Given sims will fly away often, sometimes for ages, sometimes they will keep wearing astronaut outfit after they come home which can be annoying, and worst thing, you would be besieged with multipart chance card scenarios regarding their space missions, often breaking your concentration and your patience. (From my knowing descriptions you might be able to guess that I have once already made rockets autonomous at home for played sims, to know of these highly annoying results.) Would not recommend it to be anything other than permanently, old school non autonomous - as it currently is.

    Unless you actually want rockets switched off for City Festivals? Given Festival Rockets use debug rocket objects and debug rocket xml files - not same as buyable rockets - and that I have banned all City Festivals from my own game, then I probably will not be tampering with that element of (debug) rockets.

    Again, anything regarding photography is another of those two-sim interaction scenarios I will probably not be editing. Because sims just may never use them autonomously even if I make them autonomous and give it high attractions factors, they may still just ignore it. Especially if there is no "auto simpicker" files attached. Very important files for auto two-sim activities. And if non are present for the two-sim activity, (which is often the case, hence what I said above) they'll never do it autonomously ever.  Though I could make new auto simpicker xmls for it, depends if interaction will be an over-abused, royal pain it the butt, once made dual autonomous. Sims randomly dragging other sims away from stuff usually is. You command a sim to do one thing, then another sim uses their ESP Telepathy from the other side of the lot to say no, stop doing that, come over here and do this with me now. You'll end up hating that very much. Very, very much. So goes Auto Simpickers, best used sparingly if not at all.

    Firepits, bonfires and  campfires I'm currently testing with this feature, as well as others features. Tents, yep, I can look into it.

  5. Just thought I'd drop a helpful line in here. This mod set is still perfectly good as of 1.61. Maxis very, very rarely touch the XML files this mod edits. Almost a wonder why they made and put this in the game to begin with, considering they ignore it's maintenance so much. Especially given the awful default autonomy time they originally gave to sims - Which is broken and officially recognised as such by EA Help. (Hence modders like me fucking with it at all, and why I mention this at all. They've officially fucking recognised the issue, so what the fuck?!!!)

    I'm always stoked that about two-and-half, three years ago, they (Maxis) officially recognised the simulation lag in the game was a "thing," finally acknowledged it, that they too have experienced it, and will work on finding a solution. Good luck with that - three years later and no solution. At least you recognised and admitted it exists - mighty big of you, because three years later you can be held to account - which is why most game devs originally shirk from admitting such things. So love Maxis for "Officially" recognising it. Sure. But be very baffled with them why patch after patch they do fuck all about fixing it. Admitting to a crime is one thing. Redemption to cleanse the crime, that's a whole other field, and would be nice to (finally) see Maxis do some Redemtion here.

    Until then, these mods are still good for 1.61. Because Maxis ain't fucking touched them. HA! Hallelujah when they fucking do!!!! Come the day... Until then, these mods will still do the best they can for you and me. I've still got them in my game!

  6. As stated, it covers most things. The six speed commodities used in mod are related to almost all crafting things. When Searching the XML number of each commodity in the mod, the list of relevant craft-able stuff is vastly extensive. I'm not going to list the crating interactions/objects they influence one by one, per speed commodity file. Too much to list. Just know that all six commodities have all been equally set to complete work at same higher speed, and they cover ALMOST EVERYTHING that is craft-able from Base Game Books to Uni Servos. They are the go-to Maxis crafting speed regulators. They cover a heck of a lot. 

  7. Yes, keep all the StrangerVille stuff if your sim moves home. Especially the security door entry card. You can - and may need to - use that again and again. I completed that Mother Plant quest when my main sim lived in Windenburg. Then Island living was released, so I built a beach paradise home for him and moved him there. Then Realm of Magic, so I made him the best Spellcaster as well as being the best Scientist. (Best of both worlds. Science and magic usually in opposition, though he is the one that melds them both.) I also heavily reworked the StrangerVille Secret Labs in between all that. All the while keeping his original StrangerVille stuff in his personal storage boxes.

    In my game, to date he is still the only one I bothered doing the StrangerVille story with - much as I love the mother plant and use her in many things, such as FutureSim Labs for Scientist career. So he is still the only one that can go straight to visit her in Secret Labs with his security door card. So yep, hold onto it.

    I've made mods where you can dress your sims in the Hazmat Suit anytime you want. But that security door card you have to work for, so keep it safe once you get it for future visits to see the Mother Plant at Secret Labs.  (Even for my reworked Alien Party at Secret Labs mod & build, you're still going to need that security key card to get to see Mama personally.)

    I love StrangerVille town. Especially when it is racked with the red storms. In my game I've taken to that point, riddled with red storms and plagued with infected sims. That's where I'm keeping it. Don't want to fix it or cure the town. Then it'll be just like everywhere else. Where's the fun in that???? :slapnut:I love going there when it's so edgy and moody and full of jerky-walking zombies. Brilliant!

    Just remember the laws of ownership. It's best to think of it that it's the lot that owns the storage boxes, not the sims. As long as the sim lives on that lot, they have unrestricted access to a storage box's contents. If the sim moves home, and the storage box remains at the old address, they no longer have access to its contents. If they take box with them to new lot in their personal inventory, then yeah, the box now belongs to the new lot they live on, so they continue to have access. Though I'd still strongly recommend emptying all storage boxes and keep stuff loose in personal inventory till you get to new address, then put it back in a storage box when on the other side of that moving event. The ownership system is quite good, but not always perfect. Sometimes sims still lose ownership, even if the stuff is in their inventory all the while as they move address. You'll know when they've lost ownership because if you Live Drag it and the sell box in personal inventory does not highlight, then the game has decreed the stuff no longer belongs to that sim/lot/household - even though they still carry it and use it in their inventory. Can and does happen. Not a perfect system. Though still pretty good in the most part, for a Maxis system. Just count yourself lucky you can still Live Drag the stuff, (Out of sim inventory.) even though it's no longer officially the sim's (Lot's) property.

  8. Sounds like it was due to pre-uni bed assigning hangover from the new coding change. I'm still getting one or two minor hiccups if I go to a sim house I haven't played in a long while and have to re-assign beds again. It can happen that when newer coding is introduced to change an object's behaviour, it's just simply better to place a new version of the object to prevent hangover glitches. Seen more so when mods are edited than when Maxis changes code on their XMLs, but still a possibility either way, as you've seen.

    Glad you got it sorted. 

  9. Update April 2020 - A few months back, (10 months ago now actually) after nearly five years of playing the game at slower global speed via MC, I tried switching back to default global time speed. Just to see. It lasted about a day and a half before I could stand it no longer and needed to return to slower speed. Though during that time, I was - luckily you might say - taking my sim to Jungle to some archaeology stuff. And that's when I was being constantly hit with the same glitch folks have been reporting here pretty much since this mod was released. Sim getting stuck. The mod is set too fast for default global time speed to cope. I'll wager all those getting the stuck sim are playing at default time speed or close to it? Yes? Well when I breifly did, my sim got stuck almost every time too. After I went back to my prefered slower global time, my sims have not got stuck once. It seems the issue has been identified, and when I get the time I will make a second version of the mod, slowing it down a bit to match the quicker time flow of default global time speed.

    We'll get there in the end, eh?

  10. Here's another little mod I've had for a while and keep missing the opportunity to upload. Today that ends and here it is for ya'll to enjoy.

    Six commodity files in the mod that cover a smaugusboard of crafting interactions, or more precisly, crafting speeds. To my knowlege almost every craftable item in game is attached to at least one of these speed guiding commodities - if not given a direct, specific completion timelength on its XML. So then whack up the speed of the craft time commodity, ergo whack up the speed of crafting for most things. I've been happily using this baby for a long time, now you can too.

    Speaking of time, I do slow down global time in my game by nearly three times normal speed, so that's why I can enjoy the benefits of all the "do-it-quicker" mods I make alongside this mod. If you play on the default global time speed, this may make some things go too fast for comfort, especially if using individual do-it-quicker mods alongside this mod, or even glitch things such as my quicker Archaeology Table interactions getting stuck due to mod being better suited to slower global time, where it's currently too fast for default time and gets itself into a muddle in a default global time enviornment.


    cool1_crafting_ManyThingsQuickerCrafting.rar  -  New for April 2020


    Thanks and Credit: Simsasylum, Sims4Studio, our sims community, EA Maxis

  11. This mod reworks the crafting elements regarding the Robotics Table from Discover University EP

    Crafting is now five times faster! Due to the fact I use slow time in my world via MC, I found crafting stuff on the Robotics Table to be mind-bogglingly slow. And seeing I've altered the speeds of most others, such as crafting and upgrading items on the Robot Constructor from Get To Work EP, then this stuff needed speeding up too. Geez, two sims in their home labs, one making AND upgrading a SimRay with all seven upgrades, the other sim making a Quad Copter toy - needing no extra upgrades, and the race was unmatched, David vs Goliath, could have done three or four SimRays by the time the Quad Copter was finished. No more of that! Fives times faster treatment for all Robotics Table craftables, - even a Servo - does the job.

    All the craftable items hidden behind careers or uni club memberships are now unlocked. You want to make a pair of swanky Computer Glasses as a unique Christmas present for all your kids? Then go ahead and make them, the kids'll love 'em, no bans or barring because you're not in a certain Engineering career or in a Uni Robotics Club. None of that silliness. My game, my way, my sim kids get the goodies come Christmas morn. My sim is chief Scientist at FutureSim Labs and founding member of Storage Galorage Ltd for crying out loud. If he can't make this shit because he's not an Engineer, then no-one can! Well, now everyone can.

    No ingredients required to make anything. Yep, I know, I too appreciate the fact that ingredients are a matter of fact in the real world, and I also do like the idea of ingredients being needed in game. But as sure as eggs are eggs, it doesn't take long before I find the whole ingredient element behind crafting a blooming hindrance to gameplay and so I edit it all out. Forever dwelling on the notion that ingredients are a good thing, Maxis was right to include them, but all the while so much happier that I'm not being blooming-well hindered by their necessity after they are modded out from play. Does that make any sense to anyone? It does to me. Ingredients - lovely though you are - be gone!

    (Maybe, just maybe, one day I'll take a deeper look into it, and try to wrangle the same deal that occurs with fridges, ovens and cooking. That if "suggested" ingredients are not available, then price of cooking meal goes up, but you can still actually cook the meal sans ingredients. Best of both worlds. One day, maybe... Begs the question why the heck didn't Maxis do this across the board for all crafting interactions anyway??? It's their blooming idea! Where's the consistency? Or do they just like giving modders something to do?) 

    Also a little bonus, the Computer Chip and Mechanism crafting parts have now been given a monetary value. 10 shiny simoleons a piece. Such that, if using my mod to allow Live Drag on these very items, you can now quickly sell off any of these things that accumulate in your sim's inventory and get a little cash bunce for the effort. Better than a kick in the butt, any day of the week. (Any pre-existing crafting parts will not pick up the change. Only newly generated ones.)


    cool1_crafting_RoboticsQuickerCrafting_CareerStuffUnlocked_NoIngredients.rar  -  New for April 2020


    Thanks and Credit: Simsasylum, Sims4Studio, our sims community, EA Maxis

  12. I don't know how many times I've mentioned that half those Motive Auto Solve interactions are cockamamie, and if I could just find the frikken file that governs them I would tidy it up, as Maxis have been lacking on that for years.

    Half of them do not work correctly, or push your sim to do totally unrelated interactions to solve low motives. It has got nothing to do with any mod out there that has motive adjusting properties or features. Unless that creator has actually found the mystery Auto Solve xml and is using it in their mod. I can assure you I have not - yet.

    Sure, if you have Island Living, and you tell your normal human sim to go find a method to clean up their low hygiene, don't they go take a frikken drink of water like a mermaid would. Hygiene and hydrate still have their wires crossed and Maxis in no rush to fix.  Tell your sim to find a method to sleep, and half the time they'll immediately get a push to go pick up a toddler instead. Need I say more how broke that system is and needs fixing.

    In your case, is there anything blocking access to the bed? Large footprint of nearby object touching the entry part of the bed? An innocent-looking wall-hanging, wall-sculpture, wall- cupboard with a large footprint blocking entry part of bed? Bed has been assigned to another sim? Locked bedroom door? Has sim ever used that bed before? Is it shared with another sim whom they do not know very well, or is still a stranger? The bed claiming system was changed with Uni and if using outdated bed mods this bed ignoring you are seeing could be the result. There is also a "familiarity system" within the game regarding the frequency at which sims use or totally ignore many objects, and sims are less likely to use something they have never used before. More often than not you have to be the one to push them to first use something, then they will do it autonomously thereafter.

    "Stand and waves around" sounds very much like a Route Fail animation to me. (Route Fail is a thing in this game, and when sims do it they are trying to tell you about a blockage.)  Bed is blocked, has to be. Check their thought bubble or speech bubble, they are trying to tell you something about the blocked bed. Have you tried clicking on bed directly to command to sleep, only to see same arm waving animation?

    I regularly use that Energy Auto Solve at bedtime, (I did when playing the family yesterday.) and unless the game has got a random bee up its butt about picking up toddlers first, then it always sends each sim of 8 to their correct beds. Much helped by this mod to stop unwanted napping. 

  13. As you may have noticed, I have recently been adding an On/Off Autonomy switch to objects. It's a new-ish way to handle autonomy allowance per object, as the ye olde format of global no autonomy is not very helpful in many situations. The old global way could certainly help keep your sanity by stopping sims over-doing things while at home, but also kills the autonomy during other important scenarios for NPC workers while at community venues or on Active Career lots. Not good.

    The On/Off feature gives a player and their sims much more freedom to turn off autonomy per object, so you can control many scenarios much better. Such as stop your sims playing the keyboard in the kitchen/dining room for a while, because AKKK!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! But leave the keyboard in the child's bedroom On as they can still practice and you don't hear that one as often to annoy you as much, so just let them get on with it. Your game, your way.

    Plus it's just a simple On/Off switch right there on the object, no more need for rigmaroles and shenanigans adding and/or removing autonomy settings or putting in/taking out No Auto mods the ye olde way.

    In this thread I will be adding the majority of objects, as it would be too much to make individual threads for each one, especially if my only reason to mod the object is to give it an On/Off switch. Though there are a few other mods in different threads that add an On/Off Autonomy switch to objects as well as other features. Such as the Musical Instruments mods, Dance Floors found in Fame mods, No wash dishes in bathroom sinks, and one or two others here and there.

    Also some objects here have also been given a higher autonomy push when they are On, as sims tend to ignore them otherwise.

    This list will grow over time, but please make a suggestion for any objects you would like to see this On/Off feature added to. Just take note that I will not be changing the generic wording of "On" and "Off" to anything more specific. With many objects to cover, it won't be getting more fancy than what is already available by default in the game. Plus Maxis have already done the necessary language translations. "On" and "Off" will do just fine for the majority of objects they are added to, as I can't see how that could ever become confusing on objects where there was no such switches beforehand. "Why is there an On/Off switch on this Massage Table again? I forgot. I'm confused." Really?

    If you are okay with using apps such as Sims 4 Studio to change text strings, it is not advisable to alter the On/Off text of these mods. To alter it to read something like "On Piano," "Off Piano," because you want that extra bit of finessing per object, will only be shooting yourself in the foot, as all other objects of these mods - and many Maxis default objects that also have it - will pick up that same change. I'm sure you'll like that even less than the default, boring On/Off text that both Maxis and myself think is good enough for the purposes they were designed for - that are easily incorporated into these mods as is.

    Speaking of "picking up the change," it may be that for some objects you will have to replace them to see the new On/Off Autonomy switches. I've not come across any myself yet, so far they all correctly display the new change, but it can happen sometimes.


    Major Update - December 2022 - Mod totally reworked! I decided to make my own XMLs for the switching on and off process, so it no longer relies on the default Maxis "Turn Off" "Turn On" interaction XMLs. They were very limiting, and also could not be used on many electrical items, such as TVs, Stereos, Karaoke Machines, as Maxis is already using those interactions on them. Making my own switches frees me up to change a lot more objects, and also allows me to be a little more descriptive in the interaction text, saying more than Turn On, Turn Off.

    There is the new Alpha Mod, which holds the template coding for the switches. Always keep that mod installed. Then there are all the individual object mods I'll keep adding to the growing list. You can remove any of them you don't fancy. Though many, such as Painting Easels, have other elements added as well you might like, not just on/off switches. All are now found in the one folder below.









    Most of the things in the pics above have been turned off for that particular sim household. The thumbs up, thumbs down icon also a helpful indicator of what is off and what is on.

    The washing of dishes in sinks has its own unique switching and text. Though it is still connected to the Alpha mod.


    There are still one or two older mods with the older format of Turn Off, Turn On. Musical Instruments and Bubble Blowers if I recall. I will get round to updating everything with the new switching options. And there will be plenty more new ones added to this set. Things like TVs, Stereos, Karaoke Machines, now that I know my switches will not conflict with Maxis switches.

    A few objects in this set will be in a state of Turned Off as default. Things that can get annoying if they start as default as Turned On. Skating Rinks, The Snowy Escape Ski Slopes and Rock Climbing start as Off. So that not every sim in the area gets free skiis and climbing gear in inventory just because they are there. Or sims aren't trying to leave the vacation rental home to going miles away skiing every bloody five minutes. Just "Turn On Interactions" if you want sims to use them. Next time you load up the area they will be turned off.

    Update June 2023 - Nothing patch related needed. Just more objects given the annoyance-avoiding, sanity-saving On/Off treatment. The list ever grows. Yay! Also as a heads up, there are a few older mods in the General Mods section that were designed to make some objects more autonomous. Seeing as the same things are in here, but also with an On/Off switch when you're tired of sims overusing them, I will be removing those older mods today. They're probably outdated or broken anyway, so I'll just get rid of them as they're all here with better features.


    Interactions OnOff.rar  -  Update June 2023



    Thanks and Credit: Simsasylum, Sims4Studio, our sims community, EA Maxis

  14. Whoops, I forgot to also mention the new On/Off Autonomy switch added to all dance floors. If you updated this mod the other day, and have seen a mysterious On/Off switch on all the dance floors, don't panic. I put it there intentionally. I'll be adding that On/Off Autonomy switch to a great many things. 

  15. If you place a room from your Library, to replace an existing room of the same size, you always, always have to check all doors and windows as they will have likely doubled-up. Removal always necessary. Doors, because - as you now know -  lock one but the other is still freely accessible to all. Windows, because the Dynamic Lighting system Maxis introduced several years ago for sunlight streaming through windows, is per window. (It even works in a basement, pitch black beyond, but light streaming through windows placed on outer basement walls.) And the more windows on a lot, the bigger the drain on CPU resources this Dynamic Lighting effect will cause. Low to mid-range Laptop users take heed.

    I've often pondered the notion can windows of a room be given the same options we have when clicking on electric lights. Turn off for the room, No Dynamic Lighting here. Because on larger houses with many windows, it will make a hell of a difference on CPU performance. And I do mean a hell of a difference.

  16. You're right!!!!

    Though I was one step ahead of it all with the Empty Streets WSC mod!!!

    I was actually reworking the Doc Career mods this week with many new features for NPC co-workers, and due to real world current events I could not resist slipping in a single "Contagious Virologist Doctor" NPC co-worker. A little pressurised, air-tight lab for them at the Hospital where they work with their viruses, and the poor bastard is as sick as hell, riddled with disease, spewing up everywhere while trapped in a Hazmat Suit. (The last thing you'd want to be wearing while constantly chucking up your guts and peeing yourself.) I'll be releasing all this very soon after a few more tests and checks.

  17. I have no idea. That's the abbreviation Maxis slapped on the relevant XMLs, and I've yet to come across it mentioned in full anywhere. "Full Time User Employment" Wild Guess. It covers four self employed jobs, Athlete, Style Influencer, Culinary and Painter (Well it did originally because isn't there a Writer one too? A Political one too? Also an Island Living Conservationist???? And more recently a Photographer? You can tell I haven't played a single one of these, nor am I likely to.) But anyway, even any order of the original four's abbreviated initials, it still does not come close to whatever the frick mystery Maxis have abbreviated here. So guess away as I do.

  18. Had the toddler bed used a unique form of sitting affordance (interaction) specific to toddler beds, then it would've been easy enough to adjust it. But I've just taken a look at the bed object XMLs and they incorporate several forms of generic sitting interactions - because one wasn't enough Maxis?! - that effects most forms of seating in the game. To make it non-autonomous would be to make the vast majority of seating interactions across the game non functional. Standing room only for everyone, everywhere.

    Though I do recommend you pop over to Sims 4 Studios and grab the app. Learn a few basic modding tricks from the tutorials there, and extracting the three toddler bed objects XMLs and removing each of those generic sitting affordances from them, would be the best way to go about it. Given the specific nature of such a mod, and that I've never experienced overzealous toddler bed sitting (I didn't even know grownups could sit on those tiny things!) it would not be something I'd be interested in making.

    If I were looking for an alternative route other than mods, and the issue annoyed me to the depths it does you, there is that cute toddler fence that came with the toddler pack ages back - if you have it. You could surround the bed with that low, colourful fence, slap a gate on it and lock it for toddler only. I can't see that taking up too much space or spoiling the vibe of the room... too much. Or even that invisible fencing from Get Famouss, or Strangerville. Surround bed with that, put a gate up agaist the wall, and hide the visible floor markings with a nice rug. Same lock out, keep out effect. Needs must as the sitting devils drive.

    Hope you get the annoyance sorted. 

  19. If you are as annoyed as I am over the silly way Maxis gave our sims free reign to ride their bikes roughshod over damn-well everything, every chance they get, then you'll probably be happy with any amount of mods that try to bring some sanity to the careless, thoughtless silliness of Maxis and their brain farts about bike riding. As long as they're not the ones playing the game, eh?

    I'm currently working on other mods to try and bring more tolerable sanity levels to sims and general autonomous bike riding. (Not proving easy BTW.) But there are also some special scenarios Maxis threw in on top that push sims to ride bikes beyond the general usage. The majority of which I have no qualms with. Mostly because they are Street Walkbys (Ridebys) scenarios which I've banned from almost all regions in my game via the "WSC Empty Streets" mod - so I won't see them anyway. And I'm quite happy to leave the bike riding in place for campus areas and the Uni World Region, as I imagine Maxis purpose built it all together for that sort of thing, so it probably all works well in that specific region. (Haven't actually played it yet to see if there is any truth to that - as far as my tolerance of it will hold, that is.)

    But I have to draw the line at club gatherings, and all invited club members (Except the club leader, your sim.) being forced, FORCED, to turn up on a free bike and making a total balls of the event. Trying to ride the bike even if only two or three feet to the building's entrance. Trying to keep riding bikes while indoors. Abandoning bikes here, there and everywhere and getting yet another free one to do same. A total and utter fucking shambles and a wreckage of a club gathering unfolds. And, Maxis, right back at you, FUCK YOU, TOO! Stay the fuck out of my game, you're killing it.

    This mod removes them getting any free bikes and they'll turn up as they should, on foot and ready to make the gathering fun, not bike-hell-fubar.


    cool1_sim_ClubGatheringNoArriveOnFreeBike.rar -  New for April 2020


    For patch version compatibility status, please see most recent Patch News thread for the TS4 General Mods section.


    XML Resources Used:


    Any other mods using these files will conflict.


    Thanks and Credit: Simsasylum, Sims4Studio, our sims community, EA Maxis

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