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Status Replies posted by nixicole

  1. That was one long week of debauchery. Home now!!

  2. Teaching myself to sew.

  3. Nothing like losing power for 9hrs due to severe storms

  4. gotta be a hermit for a while. Darnit real life why do you have to be so full of important stuff?

  5. I ordered parts to upgrade my computer and they're supposed to be here tomorrow. Can it hurry up already!

  6. I ordered parts to upgrade my computer and they're supposed to be here tomorrow. Can it hurry up already!

  7. apparently although my prof is an idiot he keeps giving me perfects. Now, what does that say about my work?

  8. apparently although my prof is an idiot he keeps giving me perfects. Now, what does that say about my work?

  9. All the good lucks paid off! I got the promotion to Shift Lead! Yay!!

  10. Everybody have a marvelous Monday!

  11. I think I might get some sim time tonight, yay!

  12. My sims now disappear when they go down the stairs in the house I just built. WTF?

  13. I think I might get some sim time tonight, yay!

  14. so tired of people stealing other people's cc to make money from our hard work.

  15. Have an interview for shift lead at my job tomorrow! Ahh! I'm so nervous!

  16. My game crashed while saving. Hopefully the save actually saved. :P *crosses fingers and dives back in*

  17. Loving the warmer weather!

  18. I am so bored.

  19. I am so bored.

  20. I am so bored.

  21. A creative adult is a child who survived.

  22. Winnie is home! No more peace and quiet for me. >.<

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