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Status Updates posted by nixicole

  1. I had the awesomest dream last night! There was a female Sidhe and everything! Too bad I don't remember most of it now. :(

  2. I hate how I've been feeling lately. Sadly, the fact that my boss is on vacation this week makes me feel better. Hope everyone else's week is getting better - even if it was already good!

    1. RedMallie


      Big hug, girl!!! Enjoy the week!!! :D

  3. I hate snow. (Apologies to all who don't feel the same for any offense.)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Signy


      If I'm driving, I hate it. Otherwise it's beautiful.

    3. Cloudwalker
    4. Kivak


      This is Canada we eat snow for breakfast with a little maple syrup. Sorry you are having trouble with it.

  4. I hate trying to schedule appointments. Computer doctor and eye doctor pencilled in, though.

  5. I hate working the late shift. All. The. Time. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jenniferw23


      I worked it years ago my first semester in college. I hated it too. Hope you get a shift change soon -- or at least some kind of shift rotation.

    3. Kivak


      always work the night shift, love it. Especially when Cubbie tells his class all I do is sleep all day lol.

    4. nixicole


      Lol! That's what my dad thinks, too! I can't make him understand that I can't go to sleep as soon as I get home.

  6. I have a 3 day weekend coming up!!! But it's only Wednesday. :(

    1. TwistedSister


      Same! But don't worry, the rest of the week will go fast enough. =)

  7. I have actually simmed far LESS since discovering this forum.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. tessalion13


      What Nellas said is me too. :)

    3. MadameButterfly


      I think this place should give an addiction warning like a pack of cigarettes.

    4. nixicole


      I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this insanity. ;)

  8. I have officially cleared 200 posts. Dare I aim for.250 this month?

  9. I have terrible aim with the eyedrop bottle. :(

  10. I have the nasty cough that's going around. :( Why, hello, Delsym.

    1. Katelinjens


      I hope that you will feel better very soon.

  11. I have the weekend off, so TGIF!!! Of course, the chiropractor appt AFTER the busiest work day of the week helps immensely.

  12. I have to load up 3 tonight. 2 is just going to take more patience to re-learn than I have today, and I wanna get Naya aged up (stupid ltw).

  13. I have waaay too many sims in my cas bin. I spent hours last night just picking each one, tweaking them for missing hair/clothes, and saving household to library! Skipped some, still didn't get more than halfway through!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Signy


      I kinda hope there is no such thing. *scared to look at actual number*

    3. nixicole


      This was my inaugural run to bloat my library for SP. Didn't know before.

    4. Senkime


      I have 690 saved sims on the sims laptop, cant be too careful.

  14. I hope everyone enjoys the Easter weekend that blindsided me!

  15. I hope everyone has a fantabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend.

    1. Eliza


      and the same to you dear nixi, "Sim like it's 1999" LOL

  16. I hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend!

  17. I hope everyone has a wonderful [holiday (for some of us)] weekend!

  18. I hope everyone has an awesome day/weekend/rest of the year.

    1. Katelinjens


      Thanks. The same to you!

  19. I hope everyone is doing well!

    1. Eliza


      Meh, I'd be doing better if I could find a way to 'murder' the dandilions! Urgh Allergy season!

    2. nixicole


      I feel like a zombie when it's warm enough to have the windows open. :(

  20. I hope everyone is having a good week.

    1. Sleepycat


      I hope you are too!

  21. I hope everyone's June is off to a magnificent start! And that the pollen counts drop and stay that way - asap, please, Mother Nature. *hugs* to all!

  22. I hope everyone's week gets off to a great start!

  23. I just got diagnosed with ADD. I'm 27. This is weird.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nellas


      I was not diagnosed with it until I was 25. Would have made a bit of a difference in school.

    3. nixicole


      See, I did well in school, and I was NEVER hyperactive. I figured the forgetfulness thing was just me. Apparently not.

    4. Nellas


      I did well but had a hard time not squirreling on things like homework. I would do 3 math, a few english paragraphs, hop to science. Drove my father nuts because in his opinion, that was just not how people learned.

  24. I just had a good day. Pleasant surprise, since my allergies/sinuses are horrific right now, and when I looked in the mirror this morning, my hair was a frizz afro! Going simming to keep it good, and my fairy ages up. College time!

    1. Katelinjens


      I hope you feel better soon and that you had fun playing the sims! *hug*

  25. I just love how coming home ruined the day. Family is best at a distance. (Unless your's doesn't ruin your day. Then I envy you.)

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