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Status Replies posted by nixicole

  1. Urrgh, wants to die!! Ok, not really, but til my allergy meds kick in I's gonna feel miseradble1!

  2. Hopefully being a "strong candidate" for a job translates into getting the job.

  3. I haz an uber happy going on! I won tickets to go see New Kids on the Block- a group right out of my childhood, and a total dream come true for me!! <3

  4. Homemade chili and cornbread for supper tonight! Perfect for barely 50 degrees, overcast, and 30 mph winds.

  5. Where is the Ultra Speed button for ME? Liquid diet today and Day Surgery tomorrow. I want Thursday here now!

  6. Soo tired, but can't get my body to stop hurting long enough to get some sleep. :(

  7. Ok so this is awesome. My SSN was compromised. Yay me! Now I get to paper file my taxes and file police reports. Life is good! /sarcasm :)

  8. Tonight everything gets moved over into the new PC case and install the new monster cpu fan. It's muge! XD Cooler temps here we come. :D

  9. Today will be my first day back at work :( I'm not ready for all the stress again!

  10. Damn. My first Error 12. Ever. And I'm not even to generation 2. :-(

  11. Nothing heals a broken heart like time, Sims, and support from awesome friends. :) *grouphug*

  12. WTF? She ate 3 watermelons! How'd was it still a boy? They BOTH want a girl, so let's try this again.

  13. I'm having a rough night ;_: I managed to hurt my foot on top of the existing Injury on It, It's pretty unbearable, I hope things get better for me soon :(

  14. Not sure if many here know him but one of my favourite authors, Sir Terry Prachett passed away. His humour helped get me though some of the darkest times and he will be sorely missed. :(

  15. That feeling when you realize your Prince Charming was just another toad after all._.

  16. Yay another adventure with EA customer Support. We have just completed the first hour and I have been on hold with a live chat window and my phone at the same time for 30 minutes

  17. I just deleted my downloads instead of my installed content. Complete and utter fail.

  18. Mr. Winter is not yet done. Our main road through town is now closed. "roads are impassable and treacherous. Numerous vehicles are stranded." LOL Awesome. XD

  19. Just came back home from a five day stay at the hospital. Hit a little bit of a snag in my recovery, now to catch up on here :)

  20. On a happy note, the Comcast rep Mom talked to today was able to offer her a much better price on our cable/internet plan, so yay! I will have internet for the foreseeable future.

  21. Mr. Winter is not yet done. Our main road through town is now closed. "roads are impassable and treacherous. Numerous vehicles are stranded." LOL Awesome. XD

  22. I'm about to not have internet for the next few months. I'm going to try to get my laptop fixed, so that I can at least put pix on it to post (and download cc!), but I will be more absent than I have been even lately. Hopefully, my mom finds a happy compromise, and we get internet again later this year. In the meantime, I'll miss you guys, and probably try to remember my password to sign in on my phone. Desperate times and all. ;-)

  23. Back from hospital after another treatment. Happy to see my cats and glad that everything was exactly in the same place as before. My brother looked after the cats for me.

  24. Two cats, one lap = Catstack! Now having difficulty reaching the keyboard. Guess that's my productivity over for the day!

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