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Status Replies posted by michalien

  1. I see that I have been missed. Thank you all who thought about me and waited for my return. You warm words touched my heart. I missed you too. You are awesome. Numerous hugs to you.

  2. Hello, lovelies! Sorry I haven't been on in a while; "real" life has suddenly become more demanding, so I haven't been able to lurk and comment on the forums per usual. I hope all of you are having a good week! :)

  3. script submitted (bites nails. learns how to bite nails first)

  4. I'm a little sad.Just a little. And perplexed. I love that word.

  5. I see that I have been missed. Thank you all who thought about me and waited for my return. You warm words touched my heart. I missed you too. You are awesome. Numerous hugs to you.

  6. I see that I have been missed. Thank you all who thought about me and waited for my return. You warm words touched my heart. I missed you too. You are awesome. Numerous hugs to you.

  7. I see that I have been missed. Thank you all who thought about me and waited for my return. You warm words touched my heart. I missed you too. You are awesome. Numerous hugs to you.

  8. My goodness, where is Michalien? Yoo Hoo!?

  9. I'm a little sad.Just a little. And perplexed. I love that word.

  10. not thrilled my sister is going to Kenya in two weeks. :(

  11. Hope everyone enjoyed/is enjoying their weekend.

  12. Project no3 is done. YAY. The most dificoult project so far. Now I have two days off. Guess what will I do?

  13. I just wanted to say hello and wish all of you a happy Saturday :)

  14. Hope that everyone is enjoying their labor day weekend!

  15. Shimrod's Camera Mod! It's like a new game. WhooHoo!

  16. Sat outside today, soaking up the last of the winter sun, with the cat and a new book.

  17. Two projects done, three to go. YAY! Chance for playing Sims = 0

  18. there are a lot of wonderful people in the world (there has to be to make up for all the mean ones ;)

  19. there are a lot of wonderful people in the world (there has to be to make up for all the mean ones ;)

  20. Made a chocolate run, so all is well. Come find me if you want some of it!

  21. I have a dream. Still gets me every single time.

  22. New sims then finish packaging of the Heller children. finally downloaded my missing cc clothes

  23. Got to talking to a couple from Chicago over lunch today. The wife finally admitted that she first spoke to us cause she liked the way I talked. Southern Accent FTW

  24. I am much better now! Kivak is going to be my best man, and my girl and I are going on a long ride today.

  25. First day of high school for my oldest today. I put a pix of us on Tumblr. I'm trying to smile and hold back my tears and he's like "Oh mom!"

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