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Status Replies posted by Nyxie

  1. Why do I keep drinkin, wasting my time on you? If I didn't know better, but damn it, I do

  2. Why do I keep drinkin, wasting my time on you? If I didn't know better, but damn it, I do

  3. No mandolin wind, couldn't change a thing

  4. No mandolin wind, couldn't change a thing

  5. Rejection letter :( but they did tell me what about the story they did not like, so that helps me a lot.

  6. What is the point of having a cell phone when you don't answer it? Especially when you are 4 hours late getting home!

  7. Nothing like a 7 year old puking on you at 4am to insure that your day starts off on the right foot >.>

  8. Pizza or spaghetti, pizza or spaghetti.

  9. Pizza or spaghetti, pizza or spaghetti.

  10. Pizza or spaghetti, pizza or spaghetti.


  12. Insurance companies can all go straight to hell.

  13. Insurance companies can all go straight to hell.

  14. Insurance companies can all go straight to hell.

  15. Insurance companies can all go straight to hell.

  16. Finally got to talk to my doctor. They found NO MORE CANCER!

  17. Baby had 2 week check up today, weight is up to 6 pounds 14 ounces - 10 ounces over birth weight

  18. well today just went to hell, turned down for an interview with a dream job I thought I would get. Curling up in a ball with a bottle of wine now.

  19. Oh how I'm not liking these new recommendations to not use powder formula until 2-3 months old - It would be so easy to just have the water in the bottles ahead of time with some pre-measured formula to dump in for a fresh feed every time. Figuring out how to make all the needed bottles with the liquid stuff is annoying.

  20. Rest in Peace mom. You're in a better place now.

  21. Contact paper is the devil!

  22. My baby boy was born 08/09/12 at 8:16pm! My sims will have to be patient for a little while :P

  23. I just got news I didn't want to get. I may be a little out of it for awhile because I was just told that my mom is probably going into hospice soon.

  24. someone stole a pepper from my garden again!! And this time the jalepeno I was going to use for homemade salsa at the party this weekend :(

  25. My SIFF poster won contest! will be used on EA's stuff and SIFF stuff. wooohooo

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